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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    What have doctors said to you??

    When I was first diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, my G.I. doctor sent me a nice letter setting out his "findings". He ended the letter by saying "This is to confirm that you have terminal ilieitis and the prognosis is not encouraging." When my parents read the doc's letter they began telling...
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    Petrified of having Colonoscopy on monday!

    RE: Petrified I feel for you with the upcoming colonoscopy. I have a few suggestions. First, ask the doctor to use a pediatric-sized scope. It's designed for children and the smaller size makes it more comfortable for you. Second, confirm with the doctor that they will be giving you pain...
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    Anyone find that MM reduces frequency/urgency?

    anyone find that MM reduces frequency/urgency? In a last ditch effort to get better control over the frequency and urgency of bathroom trips, I have been using MM. Within days I noticed that I was no longer going to the bathroom 2-3 times a night, and the nuber of "day trips" was significantly...
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    Another scope and it hurt!

    Lari: Sorry to hear about the painful colonoscopy. In addition to requesting a heavy dose of anesthesia, I always ask the doctor to use the pediatric-sized scope. Its smaller design for young kids makes the scope process easier and less uncomfortable.
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    Crohn's started in grade school

    Thanks for all of the replies. I just had my iron and B12 levels checked, and both were way below normal. The anemia is coming from the bowel re-sections as the removal of small intestine at the terminal ilieum has reduced the area of absorption for these vitamins. Funny how the symptoms of...
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    Crohn's started in grade school

    My Crohn's story starts in 1970, when I was 10 years old. I had all of the classic symptoms (urgent BMs, pain, low-grade fever) but unfortunately I was misdiagnosed with an "ulcer". My official diagnosis came during my 2nd year in law school. Since then, I've had 4 resections (terminal ilieum)...