Another scope and it hurt!

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Nov 7, 2011
another scope and it hurt!

I still have my rectum after my colostomy 8 years ago. I have been having pain and bleeding again down there so my G.I. doctor wanted to take a look with the scope. It was agreed when I set this up weeks ago that I would get sone kind of sedation like I usually do. I have had many colonoscopies in and out of the hospital over the years and I know the routine. Afyer waiting for three hours til it was my turn.... they wheeled me in there and told me I wasn't being sedated cause they didn't have the orders. Someone in there office screwed up. So now I was screwed. No anesthesiologist available so I could go home and come back or do it without being kbocked out. I couldn't face goibg thru another day like this so I trusted the doc when he told me he could do it with "minimal pain".
It felt like a plumbers clean-out drill. He did biopsies too. The pressure alone had me seeing stars. It took forever.... much longer than he said it would.
I will NEVER have any scope procedure done again without sedation. My doctor may not be talking to me anymore after the few choice names I called him. But shame on him for pushing me into doing this by telling me I was just being a baby about it... to get me to do it and keep him on schedule for the day.
I just had to vent!
Ouch, I have always had something but one only gave demoral and I felt everything and he was an ass!

Now I have a great Gi and never feel pain, he gives ya 3 shots..demoral, the forget drug and a sedative. Not afraid of the scopes, it is the preping and no eating :(. I would never have a scope again wit out drugs, no drugs... no can do!
OUCH! I'd NEVER have a scope done without some sort of sedation.

You'd already agreed that you'd be sedated so someone needs their butt kickin for screwing that order up!
Look into it and create hell.
As for your doc saying you were being a baby - I'd have kicked him in the nuts and asked how he felt!!!
Oh my goodness! What a horses butt! "Minimal pain"? What the hell does that mean? Obviously it means seeing stars! I agree with Hexie...if it were me, I'd have someone's head on a platter!

I hope you are feeling better. I truly hope you are up to kicking some serious behind!
The more I think about yesterdays fiasco the madder I get. I shouldn't have let him bully me into doing the procedure with no sedative. He found a fissure and that causes pain for sure.
Anyway, I am glad it is over with. I am glad also that you all agree with me that the doctor was being a %&#& !!
I still think you should investigate and find out why the original agreement wasn't adhered to're braver than I would have been. I'd have walked out of there and made a new appointment - making a big stink the entire time. No sedative??? Really?? Unacceptable! Glad you made it through, but sorry you had to go through it...
I agree with Cindy, you are braver than us! Especially when you are having trouble down there, and possibly inflamed, which will make it even MORE painfull!

I'm not so sure that Dr would've still been standing had he done the same to me. When I'm in pain, I get angry, and I probably would've hit him in his happy parts! I mean, it's right THERE isnt it when you're on the table??!!

Sorry to hear about the painful colonoscopy. In addition to requesting a heavy dose of anesthesia, I always ask the doctor to use the pediatric-sized scope. Its smaller design for young kids makes the scope process easier and less uncomfortable.
Ouch! So sorry you had to go thru that!!! I can understand your frustration with being faced with that decision after you've been waiting for the procedure and are all psyched up for it. I am sure most doctors have no idea how painful it is to have something like that done when you have active disease making everything even more sensitive and painful.

Hope you are feeling better now and that the test results can get you on a track to fixing the problem.

- Amy
Oh my word!! I can't imagine having a scope done without sedation! My Drs know I will walk if they don't make and keep me comfy. I am in enough pain without them making it worse. When you aren't sedated it takes much longer to do a scope because your don't relax and let the scope pass easily. My first procedure was a sigmoid and no sedation. They couldn't see anything because when ever they touched the wall it bled, but they kept trying until the nurse saw my face and stopped them. I won't let them near me without plenty of lala juice now. You poor thing! I am so angry for you.
Cali, I had a similar experience with a sigmoidoscopy quite a few years ago. Lari, I cannot imagine a colonoscopy with out anesthesia/sedation and cannot understand why the Dr even suggested it. Just like Cali mentioned it helps your muscles to relax, I was told this today when I had the scope. I sure hope you are feeling better now!
i didnt have anything that bad, but for my colonoscopy and endoscopy, i was awake the whole time and could feel them take the was terrible because i had just been admitted and after that told i had crohns. not a fun experience
I had a similar experience.... so painful but to be honest it wasn't much better with sedation either (I have the lowest pain tolerance imaginable:( ).
Apparently I kicked up a fuss and they had to stop before they could do what they needed to do, not that I remember doing it of course, ooops!
Having a colonoscopy in theatre under General anesthesia next week. Quite glad I'll be totally knocked out this time!
:hug:I am so angry reading this, @#$%* doctor! So sorry you went through that, that is completely cruel to keep pushing you to go through with it! I have painful scopes before without sedation and it was traumatizing. I'm sure almost everyone here has had a bad scope experience, but to ignore you and push you, sooo wrong!

After my horrible experience I was so scared to have another one that I was shaking before it-and I was going to be sedated. My new doctor is very gentle about the whole thing, both in how it's done and being considerate of my fears. I found out later my old doctor's nickname was "Roto-Rooter" because of how rough she was on her patients.

Time to upgrade your doctor. You don't need a dr. that ignores your suffering and continues-it's a violation of trust between doctor and patient and dehumanizing!!!:ymad:
Its very hard to find a new doctor who will take Medicaid. But I think I will do it. If a doctor cares more about his schedules then his patients comfort then he isn't a very good doctor. I just started seeing him last summer when I started with this crohns flare-up. He is in a group of ten other G.I. doctors. Its like a zoo in there. Always crowded. Always long waiting time. I am too scared now that he wouldnt put my needs first...yes I need to change.

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