Petrified of having Colonoscopy on monday!

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Jun 16, 2010
petrified of having Colonoscopy on monday!

I am so scared of having this procedure done the last time I had one was when I was diagnosed at 13 ( i'm now 45) it was awful and I can remember it like it was yesterday. please tell me its better than back then. Also I'm due to start the prep tomorrow evening how long does it take to get through your system any advise and reassurance would be gratefully recieved thanks so much Bevx
RE: Petrified

I feel for you with the upcoming colonoscopy. I have a few suggestions. First, ask the doctor to use a pediatric-sized scope. It's designed for children and the smaller size makes it more comfortable for you. Second, confirm with the doctor that they will be giving you pain medication and Versaid. Versaid (spelling may be incorrect) is a drug that blocks your memory temporarily. You won't be able to remember a thing during the procedure, especially if it is painful. :)
In the UK you have the drug which was said above. I found the worst part was when the doc shoved hs finger up there to lube the passage way.

Its a bit uncomfortable and makes you bloated, but you can tell them if it hurts too much and the will slow down.

I found the prep beforehand to be the hardest part. It wrecks your butt. Make sure you have some soothing cream to use EVERY time you go to the toilet. It may be worth washing your bum rather than wiping as it can get very sore. Be prepared with magazines/books etc as you will be on the toilet for hours lol.

All in all I didnt find the colonoscopy to be bad at all. Even with the normal sized camera it didnt hurt
I had a colonoscopy recently and i asked to be sedated. The Doc agreed nd said that he prefered it this way also as it gives him more time and that it is better as i will not be uncomfortable. This was definetly fine and did not feel too bad after wards . I have had several done while i was semi consious and they weren't to bad either, I think you have to tell yourself its goin to help and try to stay calm.
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The prep is definitely the hardest bit. they did ask me if i wanted sedation... and i said no. so i just had gas and air. i was fine and just found it slightly uncomfortable. And just felt like i had trapped wind afterwards. but that soon passed. good luck! :heart:
Oh.. and just to put the discomfort in perspective when it comes to my pain threshold..
... im such a wimp, i cried just having the pre-assessment with the nurse just talking about it. and then found i had nothing to worry about! And i didnt think it was that bad
I had my colonoscopy last March along with an endoscopy. Thankfully I was sedated. I remember the mouth guard being placed in my mouth. The next thing I looked up and saw what appeared to be a small tv screen showing my bowels - nice! It took a couple of seconds to realise that they were doing the colonoscopy but I felt fine, really relaxed. A couple of biopsies were taken and I won't lie to you, I felt it but it really was ok.
I think it is the fear of the unknown that really gets to us. I may have to have another colonoscopy later this year and whilst I may not be keen about it, I know what to expect. Keep your chin up and make sure you rest up and get waited on hand and foot when you get home :)

I had my first colonoscopy in November 2011. The worst part was the kleen-prep, which made me feel like I had a huge hangover. I was desperate to get the scope done so I could eat and drink again!

The nurse specialist who did mine was wonderful and we discussed sedation thoroughly before I went into the room. We kept my options open as I didn't really want sedation. I started out on gas and air, which I didn't expect to help as it hadn't helped when I was in labour, but it was actually fab, and I laughed my way through most of it, with a couple of uncomfortable but manageable parts. Unfortunately, when trying to negotiate the bend between transverse and ascending colon, there were too many tight turns and I couldn't manage the pain at that point - no problem - at that point, at my request, they just popped in a cannula and some sedation (?midazolam). Next thing I know is hubby looking down at me as I wake up and it's all over.

My main message is, try to keep your options open and make sure you express your worries clearly to the staff involved. They should have your comfort as a priority.

There are pros and cons either way:
--a conscious patient is able to follow instructions as there is quite a lot of turning and shuffling about to aid passage of the scope, therefore the lighter the sedation, the better
--but there is no point in having an un-sedated patient if they cannot tolerate the procedure and it has to be abandoned.

Don't worry, just choose the option that is right for you, there is no right or wrong way, and there is no point to prove to anyone else.

Concentrate on whatever yummy snack you plan to treat yourself to afterwards - I was in a recovery room full of people dreaming of bacon butties and curry!:ybiggrin:
Thanks so much for your replies It sounds so much better than it was when i was younger they never gave me any sedation back then and it was so painful. I just want to get it over with now both the prep & procedure thanks again Bev x
Hi barmybev!

Was thinking about you yesterday, and was wondering how you got on. Hope you're feeling a lot better now it's over:thumleft: