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  1. B

    Scar tissue

    I saw your photots. Wow, I wonder if my gut looks anything like that inside. Can you not form stool with those connections in the way? I dont see why they couldn't just cut them for you. Don't take away too much, just cut them in half or something
  2. B

    Always peeing

    the iv bag can do that alone, youre getting more fluids into your body, youre going to have to pee more. not sure about pushing onto the bladder. someone else can probably clear that up, my guess would be no
  3. B

    Scar tissue

    i have been in remission for a couple months now, im not coming right out of the hospital. i havent had any mri or colonoscopy work to tell if it is scar tissue, but even my gi doc said when i was laying getting a remicade infusion and she listened with the she said "hyperactive bowel" probably...
  4. B

    Scar tissue

    Wait, I thought that colitis caused deep ulcerations and crohns involved only the top layers? Am I mistaken? There is nothing that can be done about the scar tissues inside my large intestine at all? The noises at night prevent me from sleeping sometimes, any relief would be welcomed. There is...
  5. B

    Scar tissue

    Yes maam, Crohns Colitis is what I was diagnosed with. Scar tissue won't even dissapate over long periods of time, like years? The inside of our gut if working properly is passing stool and getting slooshed off and reparing much like our skin right? Now that I think about it our skin scars...
  6. B

    Flare up while on business

    Thats a shame. Blood is not a good sign. I hope things get better for you :frown:
  7. B

    Flare up while on business

    dont stress about it yet. ive had days where my stool starting to look fuzzy and float and i was worried i was falling into a flare, but a couple more days and it resovled itself. it was just the body going through its normal motions. when we are exposed to new foods, new enviornments, a minor...
  8. B

    Day 2 Pred... symptoms worse.

    2 days is nothing. you need to give your body time to absorb the synthetic cortisol youre putting into it. your symptoms arent getting worse from the prednisone. make sure youre taking enough of the predisone though to put you into remission. i would even take more if you want to be sure of...
  9. B

    Scar tissue

    yeah i hear that. ontop of that whey is present in many food items, and i never had a problem with that. ive also had to drink ensure and whatever that other expensive drink is for crohnnies. its all whey or soy based, but its all approved. i heard jarrows is "clean", or so the man claims...
  10. B

    Scar tissue

    inflmation of the gums cause by herpes "Gingivostomatitis (also known as primary herpetic gingivostomatitis) is a combination of gingivitis and stomatitis, or an inflammation of the oral mucosa and gingiva.[1] Herpetic gingivostomatitis is often the initial presentation during the first...
  11. B

    Scar tissue

    also about the sore i understand, all i have is cold sores, but theyre in my nose and who knows how far back that travel. thats part of my digestive track. have you seen how many inflammatory diseases dreaded herpes has caused? just go on wikipedia and look its a sore/ulcer. it gets infected...
  12. B

    Scar tissue

    it has been months since the scar tissue has developed. you guys dont think the scar tissue will go away over time? that is a huge bummer. also youre right, i do take fish oil, which is a supplement. difference between the the fish oil and the whey is im taking a much smaller amount vs 20 plus...
  13. B

    Still feeling poorly

    im sorry to hear about your pain :( have you ever been tested for any infection? does your stool smell rancid? if so maybe an antibiotic that works locally in the gut would help more than you think, in addition to an anti inflmmatory like predisone it is worth a shot. i understand antibiotics...
  14. B

    Scar tissue

    i also have a question. is there anyone here with crohns/colitis that DOES NOT have herpes simplex? herpes is known to cause numerous diseases, from bell's pausy to cold sores ALL which involve inflmmation, and i wouldnt be suprised if it was the cause of something like crohns colitis.
  15. B

    Scar tissue

    in the past i had my first bad flare. i tested positive for c.diff, went in the hospital for a week, took prednisone and c.diff medication, and was in remission for awhile. i stopped my asacol which was my only medication i was on, and i was still in remission and doing well. then i started to...
  16. B

    Scar tissue

    scar tissue hi everyone. after many years of bbattling a crohns/colitis flare, i have finally achieved remission with the help of remicade. i am now off my remicade, off my asacol, off my prednisone, off my c.diff medication (flagyl, vancomycin) beat my hospital acquired mrsa that was in my...