Always peeing

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Dec 26, 2010
always peeing

This might be a question towards the males but if anyone has any input please post.

well I'm in hospital again and had a ct scan today will be seeing docs and surgeon tommorow to discuss results the nurse said that my colon is severly inflamed but the intestines are ok

what I'd like to know is could my colon be pushing on my prostate for me to constantly need to urinate and also sometimes i go to urinate and its hard and liitle bits of pee come out other times its alot of pee but i constantly feel the need to go urinate and when I move around like getting up from lying down or sitting I can feel bits of urine leaking

They gave me a bag of hydrocortizone today but it feels like i need to urinate more
the iv bag can do that alone, youre getting more fluids into your body, youre going to have to pee more.

not sure about pushing onto the bladder. someone else can probably clear that up, my guess would be no
Hey Boza. Yes, inflammation can cause bladder problems cos of pressure :-( When I was having them, my GP said that it could be that or that my bowel might even be fused to my bladder with inflammation. Turned out to be a fistula in the end, but that's another story and I'm sincerely hoping you don't have one of those.
Sometimes the issues seem neverending :-( I hope they get you sorted soon, one way or another.