17 month old, what is this??

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 21, 2013
Hi everyone!!

First I want to say we are in the preliminary stages of discovery.

Background: severe acid reflux, belly pain, constipation.
Started prevacid and zantac at 4 weeks and then on Neocate for suspected MSPI.
Allergy testing at 7 months negative.
Belly pain persisted.

Loose stools, mucous etc started around 12 months. Intense belly pain again.
He was having 6-8 loose stools a day. Tested for celiacs (negative) more allergy testing (negative).

He has been dairy and soy free his whole life.

Finally this week I demanded blood work and stool tests. He started getting fatigued. Sleeping 17 hours in one day. Not like him at all!!

He had a few out of range results.

Neut, Abs 1.5-8.5 1.2
Albumin 3.1-3.9 4.4

I got the call today that he had WBCs in his stool. No blood, and awaiting one more culture??

Dr. Recommends we meet with a GI for a possible scope.

Any insights, advice??
Tests I should request??

Thank you everyone!!
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Just wanted to welcome you to the forum and I'm so sorry for all your little one is having to endure. I don't have any experience with one so young but Im sure others will be along shortly with more experience. We have several parents with little ones here. Good luck, sending support your way!
I think seeing the pediatric GI is a great plan. The GI will know what tests to do and will give you a thorough look-over at all his previous tests and results. Our referral to GI was a Godsend and we had a diagnosis within 6 weeks of our visit. Our GI did an upper and lower endoscopy, an MRE and since those weren't enough info she also had a video endoscopy, which your little one would probably be too young for. Has your little one had any inflammatory markers? WBCs in the stool may be a marker for inflammation in the bowel.
Sending my support. I have a 5 year old diagnosed at 3 with UC. All I know is WBC in the stool "usually" equals infection. You said he was constipated previously and has diarrhea now. Acute diarrhea can cause WBC in the stools also. Those cultures might be the answer. At least I hope so. Praying it is something easily treatable and not IBD. Glad you found us here. This forum has been my only sanity since diagnosis 2 years ago. Everyone here is so helpful and supportive, I wouldn't have made it without the forum. Please keep us posted as to the results of the cultures. I would defiantly make an appointment with a pediatric GI, it can take months to get in without going through the ER so I would do that ASAP.
Sorry to hear about your little one. I would say scopes are probably the best way to discover what is happening. That way they can see anything inside the intestines and also do the biopsies to check for underlying issues. Hope they schedule it soon so you get some answers.
My son's only abnormal blood test about 6 months before diagnosis was low Albumin. For him it was because there was inflammation present and so his body was not absorbing all the protein and some was "leaking" out. They found protein in his stool as well. Finding the protein in the stool was the GI's biggest concern and it was why we ended up getting the colonoscopy. Can your Dr. order a stool study? Or have they done one?

Our GI said there are basically 3 reasons the protein would not be absorbed. Celiac disease, IBD, or a rare heart issue that cuts off blood supply to the digestive system.

A GI will be able to pinpoint what you have tested for and what still needs to be tested for in a way your regular Dr. just can't. I would definitely keep that appointment!!

Thanks everyone!

The stool sample was negative for bacteria.

We have an appointment April 4th at our Children's Hospital.

When I called to make the appointment and told the person he had WBC's present in his stools she said "oh he has Crohns?".

I am not trying to jump to conclusions, and hopefully the GI Doc has some answers for us.

Thanks for the support!!

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