19 Year old!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Jun 21, 2010
Hi there,

I’m not sure if I’ve introduced my self already or not?

But hey!

I won’t go through the boring stuff about my medication, how many different medications I’ve took, what time of the day I eat – cos I’m sure you’ve heard it alllll before. Brief summary, okay?:)

I was diagnosed at 12, I tried the liquid diet for 6 weeks. TWICE! First time it was ok while I was on it, the second time I was on steroids, this increases your appetite so much which was a nightmare with my liquid diet. Both didn’t work, went through different medication, aziophioprine (sp?) was a nightmare, It gave me a huge side effect of pancreatitis, but soon as I stopped the medication the pancreatitis disappeared!

I had my operation at 14, I had about 2/3’s removed. Luckily I didn’t need a bag. Ever since then I’ve been symptom free, I’m now 19 years old.

Crohn’s opened my eyes up, I moved to Bournemouth when I was just 18 by myself, I managed to get myself a job as a designer/trainee project manager at a sign makers! I’ve managed to add 3 stones on since September, I’m now a healthy 12 stones. This weight came with my growing interest with fitness!

Right here’s a tip for people having problems with diet for their Crohn’s. Try this!
With weight lifting and adding weight I had to eat about 6 – 7 times a day, every 2 – 3 hours. Medium sized meals, with lots of protein, good fats, complex carbs and ever since my Crohn’s has been non-existent! I did some research and it seems other people are experiencing the same thing from this kind of diet!

I now train in Mixed martial arts, which is very tough on the body, if anybody is aware of it? May know the term ‘cage fighter’ this is the catchy name for mixed martial arts!

I’m sorry if I haven’t typed this out, and it doesn’t make sense! Haha.

Anyone who wants to chat or what ever I’m on facebook, search [email protected]!

your story sounds really familiar to mine, lots of meds, operation, although I haven't tried the liquid diet, absolutely no motivation for it so I naively chose steroids.... my bad lol I'm hoping like you that after my op the symptoms hold off for a good few years, was your op open surgery or keyhole? Are you on any meds atm??

Welcome and hope your symptoms stay away for a while to come!
Hellooo Claire,

Yeah I was young so I stuck anything in my mouth. The steroids were good but I didn't like the side effects, they made me really chubby...lol.:(
It was open surgery, scar isn't too bad though! No medication since my operation!:)

How are your symptoms?
Hi Bobby,

Nice introduction, seems like you are doing really well now - that's amazing! :) I guess going through what you did only made you stronger, right? What kind of designer did you say you were? Sounds cool!

What would your diet typically consist of? I just started a diet a few weeks ago, and it seems to have had a great effect on me so far. I am just so scared that I will get worse again... (feeling a bit sick today...so I guess that just made me paranoid)

Lots of love,
Haha yeah I didn't take the docs seriously when they said you might get a 'moonface', adolescence is not a good time to go on pred lol Yeah I dont have any symptoms either atm I had surgery about 4 months ago just on pentasa now, so just hoping things stay as they are!
Hi Sophia,

I guess it made me stronger, I'm the biggest complainer ever but when it comes to Crohn's I'm like meh, it's there, it's not going away - live with it!

I work at a sign makers, do lots of big projects!

What's your diet? I really urge people to try my diet, not only is it good for Crohn's but it puts you in the best shape EVER! the medium sized meals help maintain your metabolism and burnt fat! I'll post a body transformation up when I get home, without trying to seem vain just to show you how much good/lean weight I've put on!
Haha yeah I didn't take the docs seriously when they said you might get a 'moonface', adolescence is not a good time to go on pred lol Yeah I dont have any symptoms either atm I had surgery about 4 months ago just on pentasa now, so just hoping things stay as they are!

Hah, yeah because obviously I was so skinny I was like, alright...fat sure!

Well 2 weeks later my gran didn't recognise me...Saying that she did get diagnosed with alzheimers a few months after...

The thing is, I reallllllllllly don't want any more surgery as I don't want the bag...who does? but I wont be able to compete in MMA, I'll be relunctant to go to the gym.

If I was any good at science I'd cure this my self! :(
Argh, yeah I know - Prednisone is CRAP! :S

Sign making sounds pretty cool! You should post some so we can have a look! :D

My diet is vegetables (not potatoes), fish, chicken, seeds (I make a crispbread out of it), cheese, berries. I think that is about it. :) So basically no sugar, grains, wheat or anything else with gluten, and no gluten free bread products either (yay, lucky me! :)), maximum one fruit a day, no milk or cream, no alcohol... I also, like you, try to eat often - so probably 5-6 meals a day. Don't know if I can fit in 7! :D

And what is yours, specifically? What are complex carbs? :p
Oh you're from Norway, why is your English so good!?!

That diet sounds good!!

Complex carbs = wholemeal bread/pasta/oats etc.

I usually have

Whey protein shake when I wake up
Chicken sandwich for breakfast
Chicken sandwich mid morning
Chicken pasta lunch
Protein shake afternoon
What ever is for dinner
Protein shake after gym
wholemeal bread and casein protein for bed!

Alot of chicken!:)
Chicken is yum! :D Okay, so I guess I could have your diet minus the bread. :)

Thanks! I went to an international school for three years (from 16-19), so I guess that helped!

Feeling hungry now, so I'm going to go get my 6th meal of the day. ;)
6th meal, what time is it there? It's only 6pm here so I expect a lot more meals ;)

We have lots of international schools here in Bournemouth!
It's seven! :) I'm going to bed in three hours, so I might just make it to seven meals today. ;)
Hi Bobby
and welcome

I lurve Bournemouth! lots of happy hols there, and went there last year for the Unison Conference.
So you're beginning to look like Alex Reid hey? ha ha do you cross dress too, lol
glad you found us, lots of support, laughs and friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Haha, Alex Reid - worse example of MMA ever!

I don't crossdress, I just wear womans clothes - no mens clothes involved ;-)

I'll try stay active, and see whats going on!

Bournemouth is beautiful, so is Poole which is around the corner!
Hey Bobby, welcome!! Sounds like you have quite a bit of experience to offer. Hope you stick around.
I hope so! I get bored with my food now, any tasty Norway dishes? :)

I've been giving this some thought, but I haven't come up with anything really tasty, yet! Hehe. I just eat fish a lot. Salmon and vegetables and some low fat creme fraiche, that is tasty. And boiled white fish is good too, but I really miss mashed potatoes on the side, which is what I'm used to. I just gotta go with the veggies now... :) And last night I had filled zucchini - with beans, tomatoes, onion and a little bit of minced meat. That wasn't too Norwegian though, was it? :p
Hahah, mashed potato. Wow! I love it, luckily I seem to be OK with all foods. Sorry to rub that in!

I hate onions though, and tomatoes. So I guess it's just beans and minced meat for me?:(
God Sophia!!!

If I ate any of that I'd be in A&E! onions, beans, tomatoes AND beef!!!

Hi Dallies,

Really sorry I must of missed your earlier post didn't mean to ignore you!

The liquid diet is to give your body a rest really so it can maybe heal? You have liquid meals in the form of milkshakes, and it's totally no food or drink apart from water. And of course the meal replacements.

If she wants to chat about it, I'm a very laid back guy! Through here or on MSN, Facebook what ever.

It was the small bowl, I think the one with the apendix attached too it as that came off with my intestines!

Oh, I technically live in Poole, I live opposite the Uni!
Oh, it's pretty much similar. I remember I was allowed to drink sprite and 7-up while on it, I used to drink cans of the stuff. Now I haven't touched the stuff since! With mine it came in pre-made cartons, one of the brands I remember were called 'ensures'.

I have a diet which I'm on at the moment, I used it primarily to keep my self lean, and to build muscle but it seems to of settled my crohn's aswell. Two birds with one stone I guess.

Oh the beach, and everywhere is incredible. I've lived in Leeds all my life, I moved here in September. Wow, I don't miss my surroundings in Leeds though, as in the city life.
Completely agree with not missing city life- I don't like driving near city centres! Bournemouth Beach is fab! Meg is thinking of Leeds, Sheffield and Nottingham for Universities so she isn't two far from home. Two years studying A levels will go by so quickly. Many thanks Bobby will remember the name "Ensures" as an alternative to Alicalm.
Ensures is just a name of one of the many meal replacments, quite a few and probably even more tastier ones now!!

Oh, if you're not brought up in Leeds you'll love it - lots of shopping, great night life too!
God Sophia!!!

If I ate any of that I'd be in A&E! onions, beans, tomatoes AND beef!!!


I know!!! It's so crazy! I was on this really strict diet for a few weeks, and then my doctor decided to slowly introduce other foods, so I got this list of what I could eat on which day, and yesterday was all that scary stuff...

It was okay though, and I made sure I didn't eat too much meat (first time I've had red meat in months!). Beans is so British! I never have beans, but it went well though. I liked it and I didn't get sick! :D
Baked beans? Baked beans go with EVERYTHING...
Yum, beans...beans on toast...beans with chicken, beans with waffles, beans with sasuage.

Beans are good!

Right, Ok...

Astra, tell your daughter she'll love Leeds! If she wants to know good places to live, nice restaraunts, where the good clubs are to let me know! :)
Hello! I've started eating healthy and working out at the gym after my surgery and I feel absolutely great. Wish I did it before I got sick :(
Hello! I've started eating healthy and working out at the gym after my surgery and I feel absolutely great. Wish I did it before I got sick :(

Woo! Another one, I know it's great I've read up on it and other people are having success from a healthy 5 - 6 meals a day diet and going to the gym regular, lifting weights!
Hey Bobby
Just came across your post. I am only down the road from you in Berkshire, my Dad has a place in highcliff. Sounds like you are doing great, and I am so with you on the exercise and food front. I go to the gym every day and train hard which makes me eat well, I feel so good from it. How is the MMA going? Where do you train for that? My boyfriend trains and fights in Muay Thai.
Jo x
Oh, Muay Thai – I love it! Currently out of action for a while with the thai cos of a stupid broken toe! But may try the BJJ/Grappling this week although my doc said I should wait 6 – 8 weeks before, and it has only been 4 days since I broke it... Berkshire, not too far, that’s near reading right?
Highcliffe, that’s in Christchurch, which is about 20 mins from where I work! I train at a place called house of pain for the striking/wrestling and no GI-Bjj, and train with a guy called Alex De Souza in GI BJJ!:)
Sorry to hear about your toe, bet your finding that frustrating not being able to train. My boyfriend tried grappling but didn't enjoy it as much as Muay Thai. Sounds like your doing well at it and if you feel great even better. Keep it up.
Yep I am 10 mins from Reading so not far at all. Often go down to Christchurch, espec when it is sunny !!!
I moved here from Leeds by my self in September, I was only 18! Was a bit of an adventure but the summer is great down here!

Yeah the grappling is completely different, and frustrating. Takes a good 6 months for it to click!

You ever given the muay thai a go? or does your boyfriend prefer a girl who can't kick his ass? :)