1st post -Having a lot of pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 27, 2013
This is my first post, Im 38 (female) and was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2008, after a visit to ER in excruciating pain. Had a CT with showed inflammation and a partial small bowel blockage. (crohns is in terminal ileum)Thankfully it resolved and after a round of steroids and flagyl I felt fairly good. I've taken asacol as well. I was ok for couple years and in 2011 had a mini flare. It wasn't long after that a doctor friend of mine I work in healthcare) said a gluten free diet might be worth a try. So I gave up gluten, after about a month no pain, no questionable amounts of diarrhea. Im my brain I believed I was cured. Then after Christmas 2012 I got the flu, nearly passed out at work and found myself in ER dehydrated and in pain (my pain is usually upper right abdomen). Had a CT that showed chronic inflammatory changes from crohn's and new wall thickening in the cecum not show before. My GP recommended a different GI guy. i still having lots of pain about an hour after I eat and lots of nausea. I saw new Dr and really liked him sounds like he wants to be aggressive with treatment. I have a c-scope scheduled for this friday. not looking forward to prep or results. I have a couple questions for you guys:
1. Does anyone else have Upper right quadrant pain with their crohn's that sometimes radiates to back?
2. Are loud bowel sounds after eating normal with crohn's?
3. Am I loony for believing I can "feel" my food traveling trough my colon?

Thanks for any input.
Current meds:
Zofran, bentyl until results of labs and colonoscopy are in.
Hi SRTCrohny!
I too have upper right quadrant pain, that is where my disease is located. Another possibility is pancreaitis. Crohn's patients are at higher risk for getting it. As for the other things, I don't know the answers too, other than you aren't loony :p But soemone else will be a long eventually to help ya out.
Thank you for your reply, My GI was telling me about humira, did you experience any side effects? Sounds scary to me.
Humira (and prednisone) honestly saved my life. I got very sick in 2009 and was hospitalized for 5 weeks, I started Humira and went into remission shortly after and have not looked back since. I did not have any side effects from it, but we all react differetnly. TO me it was definitely worth the risk
My back hurts a lot when my stomach does. When it's real bad I can't even tell which part of my stomach the pains radiating from. It's everywhere!!
My bowels make loud gurgling noises a lot too. They feel like they're vibrating.

I hope your scope goes well and you're pain subsides.
good luck!!
Update: C-scope showed lesions and inflammation, not sure where.. as I was still pretty sedated when Dr. talked to me. He sent me home on imuran and he said Ill start Humira after next office visit. Not happy about results but I am glad there is a treatment plan.
Hi and welcome to the forum! I am glad that you had your scope...Now you can begin to get some rleief. I have not been onthe medications that you are on, but when I was first diagnosed the medication worked very well and I was symptom free for a long time. I hope you ace similar relief.

My abdominal pain is always felt in the center of my abdomen, high us just under my sternum...But my Crohns is at the Terminal Ileum. My doctor explained that abdominal pain can radiate to many parts of the body.

I hope you are feeling better soon. Keep us posted.

I too have very loud bowel sounds...my kids laugh at me.. you can hear it from across the room. I have grown used to it and it no longer bothers me. I am not shy about my diagnosis of Crohns so i just tell people and then it is a non-issue.