2 Nurse Dietician's telling me that I can have alcohol & coffee in moderation

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Nov 21, 2021
Hello everyone, I’m new with my Diagnosis to Chron’s. This is my 3rd post. I’ve had two registered nurses tell me that I can have wine & caffeine in moderation.

My original dietician told me to avoid alcohol & caffeine post hospital(recently). I’m on Mesalamine currently so I have my inflammation under control. Who’s right? Can I have Red Wine? Or no? Can I have coffee? Or no ?
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@Pinecone7288 Hi Pinecone. I don't have a good response for you. My instinct is that others will say in general alcohol & caffeine are on the naughty list. But, I suspect the more experienced members will say to experiment with yourself and see if you can determine whether moderation is okay for you.

For myself, I occasionally can have a couple beers and be okay but 3/4 times it screws me. Coffee, I drink more than I should (2-3 black cups a day), but I can't determine if it's fueling my situation. I suspect it's not good, but I'm addicted.

Pax Christ - James
We all have our weaknesses, and its okay from time to time to have something comforting. You will have to experiment to find out what works. I can have wine and even a scotch in moderation with no issues. Other things like popcorn are truly on the forbidden list.
@Pinecone7288 Hi Pinecone. I don't have a good response for you. My instinct is that others will say in general alcohol & caffeine are on the naughty list. But, I suspect the more experienced members will say to experiment with yourself and see if you can determine whether moderation is okay for you.

For myself, I occasionally can have a couple beers and be okay but 3/4 times it screws me. Coffee, I drink more than I should (2-3 black cups a day), but I can't determine if it's fueling my situation. I suspect it's not good, but I'm addicted.

Pax Christ - James
I appreciate the reply James, I have experimented with different types of coffee by now, & had some Red Wines. I’m surprised you have had beer?! I though beer was even worse for Chron’s than wine or liquor? (I’m aware liquor is the strongest ABV).
how long have you had Chron’s?
We all have our weaknesses, and its okay from time to time to have something comforting. You will have to experiment to find out what works. I can have wine and even a scotch in moderation with no issues. Other things like popcorn are truly on the forbidden list.
What does Popcorn do to your GI tract? I’m curious. & I hear you; I experimented with some Red wines: no issues so far.
I’ve had a few types of coffee with different results:
1.) Peet’s coffee from the store itself (not brewed in home) gave me jitters & accelerated heart beat.
2.) Home Brew coffee (no jitters, no accelerated heart beat).
3.) Half Caff peet’s, no effect.

I’m glad you can have scotch & wine safely in moderation, I might follow suit with that as well.
What does Popcorn do to your GI tract? I’m curious. & I hear you
The hard jagged part of the popcorn wreaks havoc on an inflammed GI track with the sharp edges scratching and tearing at the walls of the tender intestinal tract. Pieces can get caught up in strictures and in scar tissue causing extreme pain, and in a worst case a blockage. The same can be said for heavy fiber such as corn, seeds, orange sections and eating unpeeled fruit. These can overload the system and cause blockages. I prefer to limit fiber intack, cook foods such as vegetables until they are soft and eat smaller portions to avoid overloading one's system.