2nd dose did not go well

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May 1, 2011
Well Tues afternoon I went into my dr's office to get my 2nd dose of Humira and learn to inject myself. I brought my BFF with me for support. I had picked up my meds at the pharmacy on my way to the Dr office. Got into the room with the nurse and when she opened the box containing the Humira we discovered that they had not given me the pens, they were the syringes. I freaked. I knew there was NO WAY I would be able to inject myself with those. I was already iffy on if I could handle doing the pens. I started crying and told the nurse she was gonna have to do it cuz I couldn't. She didn't believe that I was serious and just started getting ready to teach me how. So I repeated again, NOPE I CANNOT give myself a shot with those syringes. She kind of looked at me like "well what am I supposed to do now?"

And then my wonderful, amazing, awesome BFF spoke up and said "I'll do it. Just show me what to do and I will give her the shots." And then she did and she did an awesome job. I love her SO MUCH.

The one in my stomach HURT!! The thigh hurt but not as bad and not for as long as my stomach did. I am not looking forward to this every other week.

I also talked to my pharmacy and they started the paperwork to get me switched to the pens instead of the syringes and it should be taken care of by the time I need my next one. So hopefully I will be able to do it myself eventually. If not, my BFF has already said she will just give me my shot every other week.
I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough time but your right, you have an amazing friend! I've never given myself a Humira shot but I've given myself others and it's not so bad. After you do the first one the rest are a piece of cake. Hopefully they'll get you squared away soon.
Good Luck
Hi Mandy - glad to hear you had your friend for support - I just wanted to say, you really don't have to be afraid of the syringes. I actually prefer them. They are thinner than the needles in the pens. And, this coming from me - someone who would pass out at the sight of blood or needles. You can do it! I hope you get the pens sorted out if that's what you really want, but if you get the syringes by accident again (like I did, and decided to make the switch), you can use them.
MissMandy.... you said 2nd dose did not go well. give yourself credit..it went very well. You got both shots...and will get another shot in 2 weeks. remain positive.

Ive been on Hunira for a lil over 3 months now, so shots hurt more than others, I don't know why? But spme I barely feel, some I get a sting. Stick with it, keep positive too.
I think you did well considering the circumstances. But the injections are not too bad, in Greece we dont have Humira pens at all. The only available form is injection, I am poking my belly since October and its not that bad. For me they sting less that getting a vaccine. Either way next time you will have your pen and feel more comfident.
You did great, and it will get easier :)
I use the syringes over the pens, personally I like having a little more control over the injection. Plus the clicking noise of the pens freaks me out a little...
Also, I found that shots in my stomach hurt a whole lot more than my thighs(took a few tries to figure it out) but I have heard from people that it's the other way around for them. Everyone's different.
Also, let it warm up a little bit before you inject, it will sting less.
I do not like needles.

But whenever I get cold feet about my Humira injection, I think about the time I nearly died in the ICU...with blood gushing out of my ass. It reminds me of how grateful I am to be alive and able to administer my own Humira injection.

I use the pen in my thighs. The thought of the pen accidentally puncturing my colon scares the **** outta me.
Thanks everyone! I guess I did do pretty well, I think I am just embarrassed about freaking out and crying in the Dr's office.

I was able to get my prescription switched to the pens though! I already picked up my next 2 doses and they are the pens. Now I am worried if I will be able to do the pen myself. I am trying to remember the instructions the nurse gave me. You push the button and then wait 10 seconds, but do you keep the button pressed down for the whole 10 seconds?
Now I am worried if I will be able to do the pen myself. I am trying to remember the instructions the nurse gave me. You push the button and then wait 10 seconds, but do you keep the button pressed down for the whole 10 seconds?

You hold it down for the whole time. There is a video on www.myhumira.com that shows you exactly what to do. I never did my own shots, my husband always did, and though it hurt like hell - I would do those shots twice a day if I had to now that I am in remission.
Maybe your awesome bff would like to make a trip to your house once every 2 weeks to do them for you? Honestly, if I HAD to have done them, I am sure I could have. I just never had to. You can do it! When you start feeling better it is soooo worth it!
It's totally ok to cry about it!

I started on the pens and they were horrible for me. So painful. I ended up crying hysterically the first three times I got injections because I got so anxious about it.

The pens may be easier for you but you also may find out (like I did) that having a slower injection with the syringe makes the pain more bearable. The important thing is finding what works for you so you won't be stressed out when it comes to injection day! :D
Even tho I'm pretty relaxed about doing the injections I always have a treat afterwards, biscuit or cake, just something as a reward. Gives me just that little bit more to look forward to.
You hold it down for the whole time. There is a video on www.myhumira.com that shows you exactly what to do. I never did my own shots, my husband always did, and though it hurt like hell - I would do those shots twice a day if I had to now that I am in remission.
Maybe your awesome bff would like to make a trip to your house once every 2 weeks to do them for you? Honestly, if I HAD to have done them, I am sure I could have. I just never had to. You can do it! When you start feeling better it is soooo worth it!

Fist, I must say I *LOVE* your screen name!! I literally LOL'd so thank you for the chuckle!

2nd, thank you for the tips! And, actually I go to my BFF's house every week while my daughter is at her dad's house, and she has already said she will do the shots for me if I can't do it. Tomorrow is shot day, I'm a little nervous, but I am going to try and do it myself. At her house just in case I chicken out again :ylol: