3 days after 1st infusion and cold with low temp?

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May 27, 2012
has anyone had a liw grade ever after infusion. Today i woke up FREEZING . i have house temp at 74. asked husband if its cold in here and he said no a lil warm. i went and took my temo and by both mouth and forhead read 96.8. i run a normal temp of 98.9.

Should i be worried?
I actually looked up 96.8 a few days ago because I was concerned.

I found many variations of this answer online:

"98.6 is "normal" or average everybody fluctuates a degree or more every day
you're 2 degrees "off" - probably 10% of the population is farther off.

Watch your temp on a daily basis for a week or a month ... then you'll know what "normal" is for you." http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_96.8_a_normal_body_temperature