Hello everyone, i'm new to this forum, crohns & UC. Thanks so much for allowing me to join. I'm a mother to twins boys 4.5 years old. One of them more so than the other has had problems from about 14mths old with weight loss and what i was told was repeated viral infections with high temps.At 2.5 years he was diagnosed with GERD as a result of an ENT scope and prescribed omperazole. Its worked for about 6 months. He gained weight and was happier in himself. Within an hour of the first dose his pot belly disappeared and his reluctance to eat disappeared. To make a long story short about a year ago I noticed he was passing sediment in his urine Up to a quarter of the urine sample would be sediment. The urine went to the lab many times but always clear. He regularly had scrotal and or abdo pain. He was admitted to hospital for tests - initally a barium swallow. No reflux detected. Since just before his 2nd birthday he was drooling profusely. I mean profusely. A speech and language therapist examined him to check his swallow. She found it to be A1 but noted that after eating his behaviour was suggestive of pain so an ODG was ordered - nothing was found. After the ODG I spoke to the Gastro. I gave him every obscure symptom my child had and he suggested a calprotectin test. The results came back 'slightly above normal' I was told that that could indicate infalmmation anywhere in the body. It was not pursued. That was Oct 2015. By Dec 2015 both boys were passing large amounts of sediment in their urine. In Dec 2015 both were diagnosed with Hypercalciuria(passing large amounts of calcium in the urine). I was told that was it; that there was nothing more wrong and more or less told to put up and shut up. My family doctor started sending their urine to the lab everytime I brought either of the boys to him. Abdo pain was the predominant reason for those visits. As a result of those visits we now have several urinalysis with microalbuminuria. We also have a record of weight loss in both boys. I recently read an article where it described a link between IBD and hypercalciuria, so a calprotectin test was ordered for the boy who didnt have it done before. The result was 196. Its just in recent days that I made the link between microalbuminuria and crohns - I believe the albumin appears in the urine during a flare up? has anyone come across this? My boys also crave salt. I had assumed this was a kidney issue but I have also read recently its a crohns issue too? The stool sample is now at the lab for the boy who had the slight positive test last year. I read that crohns can in rare cases cause the drool i see in both my boys - one way worse than the other as the disease can affect anywhere from mouth to rectum - can anyone confirm? I was reading an article before I wrote this and saw mention of ketones. They have been seen occassionally in their urine along with bilirubin, but have been ignored. My boys have no energy and I have regularly noticed increased respiratory rate in one of them especially after eating. One of the boys recently had blood tests for suspected purpura (red bruising) which I have read links to crohns Sorry to be so long winded but it’s a story that has taken 3 years to get to here and here is still nowhere unless their paed accepts everything so can anyone help me piece together IBD, hypercalciuria, microalbuminuria, ketonuria, bilirubinuria and increased respiratory rate sometimes with low blood oxygen and finally, purpura. Thank you in advance.