5ASA after surgery

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Hi! My doctor just prescribed a new 5 ASA for me after my surgery (I've been on Pentesa since 2006). I have to wait for it to be delivered by the prescription company, but I can certainly follow up in a few months and let you know how I'm doing. I'm sure there are others though that had surgery a while ago that are taking a 5 ASA that could provide more feedback.
I am being put on Apriso, 4 pills 1x per day. The surgery was fairly aggressive. I had a stricture and 2 fistulas. I had my ileum, cecum, appendix, part of my small instestine, upper colon, and the top portion of my rectum since I had a fistula from my ileum to my rectum. The plan is to have a colonoscopy about a year from now to see if there is any early signs of inflammation. If there is, I will probably be put on a 6MP; otherwise I will just stay on the Apriso until there are any signs of active CD.
I had a lot of those parts removed too but thought GI's are reluctant to use 5ASA after major crohns surgery.

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I'm not sure. I have had Crohn's in my colon in the past, so my GI wants to put me back on a 5 ASA to hopefully prevent inflammation from coming back.
My crohns is mainly in the ileum but I don't want to be on an immunosuppresor.

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I don't blame you...I really don't want to be either; especially since my husband and I want kids. I know there are plenty of women on them while pregnant, but I would really like to be able stay in remission at least until after we have kids; although I'm hoping I'm one of the lucky ones that stays in remission for a while.
It's such an unpredictable disease but I hope you stay in remission. If you begin to flare be careful and try to be on a liquid only diet until it subsides.

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Thank you...yes, I know the liquid diet all too well. I was basically on a liquid diet for months before I was able to get an appointment for the surgery. Eating put me in agonizing pain. Liquids at least allowed me to work and function, although not completely pain free, better than when I was eating more 'solid' foods.