Ok, I just wanted to be sure... PEN is what Stephen has done for maintenance since his diagnosis in May 2011. He did six weeks of EEN and has done only PEN since then (his only medication, until the recent remicade, has been Nexium on the days he did PEN).
I'm not recommending one method or the other... just sharing Stephen's experience with PEN:
- May 2011. diagnosed with patchy inflammation in his stomach, duodenum, colon and TI. Oct. 2011 MRE showed inflammation only in his jejenum (small patch) and TI (20-30 cm). May 2012 and Oct. 2012 MREs showed continued inflammation in his TI (same 20-30 cm). All MREs showed some thickening but not sure if caused by inflammation or scarring (although Oct. 2012 mentioned 'fixed bowel loops' - possible scarring??).
- EEN immediately took Stephen into clinical remission (literally 2-3 weeks and he was back to school, hockey, etc.) and EEN/PEN eliminated all inflammation except in his TI. He has had no consistent symptoms since, only random days where he has had diarrhea or constipation or feels 'off' or pain with running, etc. (but all shortlived with no med intervention).
- I am convinced the PEN kept a lid on the progression of his crohns. HOWEVER, it did not eliminate all the inflammation. While he has not had a flare, the continued inflammation may be silently laying the groundwork for future problems even without a flare.
- While on PEN Stephen has gained 40 lbs (including regaining what he'd lost before diagnosis) and, aside from crohns, is probably the healthiest (nutrition-wise) he's ever been (picky eater :yrolleyes

I wouldn't change what we did by utilizing PEN and delaying meds. However, knowing NOW that PEN was able to control progression of the disease, I will always regret not having pushed more to try 5-ASAs or LDN... while neither has well established success rates (for different reasons), both are relatively safe and could have been tried with PEN. Who knows if the course of treatment today would be different??? Perhaps we wouldn't have needed remicade... it certainly wouldn't be worse given that we NOW know things didn't worsen on PEN alone. But, hindsight is 20/20!!
Moving to remicade was difficult because NOTHING had changed (except a new GI's opinion) - Stephen feels good, looks good, labs are the best ever! :yfaint: But, there is no doubt the inflammation that is there will one day cause more problems... in 6 months or 6 years???
I've read enough stories here to know that looking good, feeling good and having great labs today doesn't mean all won't change next week or next year! :ack:
I wholeheartedly recommend continuing with PEN! Even on remi, Stephen may continue (some days he wants to, others not??? but still is for now). I believe taking in all the vitamins/minerals your body needs can only help when your body needs to control or prevent a flare (certainly won't hurt).
To do PEN without meds??? IDK, I don't believe it's hurt Stephen to wait the year and a half to start meds but he also responded very well to EEN immediately - I'm not sure that Jae has responded as well or as quickly as Stephen did. Perhaps that is an indication of the strength/severity of her crohns activity compared to Stephen's (but, I don't really know!!)????
Not sure if I've helped at all but maybe just given a bit more food for thought... :ghug: