Hey guys. I don't mean for this to scare off the people who are thinking about taking 6mp for the first time. I've taken it before but never really had any issues. I stopped taking it for a couple of years cause my insurance stopped covering it but for some magical reason a couple months ago, they decided to go ahead and pay again. I also didn't get a flu shot this year so keep that in mind. My Crohn's is also better after starting back up on 6MP.
Now I'm sick. I've been getting sick a lot and I know that that's normal when you first start taking it but I got a pneumonia from the bronchitis that was/is still going around. I took xithromax (an antibiotic) 2 weeks ago and it seems like I started getting better but today that wheezing sound in my chest has returned (well it never really left I can just hear it now again instead of just feeling it) and the couching has lessoned but has yet to stop along with coughing up stuff (green or yellow boogie stuff). I'll be seeing my doctor again on the 27th to see how I'm doing concerning the pneumonia.
I guess my question is, when will it stop? Do I need to stop taking the 6MP for a little while until it goes away assuming that's whats keeping it around or do pneumonias just take a thousand years to get over? I've had it for three weeks now (officially 2 weeks since that's when they took the chest x-ray cause I finally decided to go in after coughing up a little blood for a couple of days). Also, am I still contagious?
Also wish me luck on my ultrasound of my heart today. Checking for heart disease. Wooo!
Now I'm sick. I've been getting sick a lot and I know that that's normal when you first start taking it but I got a pneumonia from the bronchitis that was/is still going around. I took xithromax (an antibiotic) 2 weeks ago and it seems like I started getting better but today that wheezing sound in my chest has returned (well it never really left I can just hear it now again instead of just feeling it) and the couching has lessoned but has yet to stop along with coughing up stuff (green or yellow boogie stuff). I'll be seeing my doctor again on the 27th to see how I'm doing concerning the pneumonia.
I guess my question is, when will it stop? Do I need to stop taking the 6MP for a little while until it goes away assuming that's whats keeping it around or do pneumonias just take a thousand years to get over? I've had it for three weeks now (officially 2 weeks since that's when they took the chest x-ray cause I finally decided to go in after coughing up a little blood for a couple of days). Also, am I still contagious?
Also wish me luck on my ultrasound of my heart today. Checking for heart disease. Wooo!