6MP & getting pregnant

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 17, 2011
I am a new user to this website, so this question might have been answered already. November will make one year that Ive been taking 6MP for Crohn's Disease and was told that because Ive been doing so well on it (with the hope of making it to November flare-up free) I could discontinue using it. Ive been told not to conceive while using this medication & have not but am curious how long to wait after getting off of 6MP before I can start trying? My doctor has been giving me vague answers to this question and I just want a straight answer or @ least an idea of what I'm up against & what side effects could happen to me or the fetus during preganancy or after the birth.
Hi jelicier and welcome! Boy, I am pretty surprised your doctor has told you that you can discontinue your treatment. Research shows the mother should remain on her current treatment through pregnancy, as active disease causes much greater risk than the medication: "Active IBD, especially Crohn's, almost always threatens a pregnancy more than the medications used to control the disease. Therefore, medication schedules are usually maintained during pregnancy" (http://www.ccfa.org/about/news/pregnancy).

I know the thought of taking medication while being pregnant can be concerning, but your health greatly impacts the baby. Therefore, if your meds are keeping you well, stick with them.

Of course, this is your decision. However, I think you should speak to another doctor to get all the facts and to be sure you are making the right choice.
Greetings and my most sincere of welcomes! :)

Some tough questions there that I'm afraid I don't know the answers to. In addition to what Jill said above, you may want to head over to our Pregnancy and Crohn's Disease forum and ask in there. You may be able to get some additional insight from the folks that frequent that forum.

All my best to you :)
Thank U guys for your answers. Right now I am taking Asacol, 6MP & Remicade treatments, my doctor did warn that I might need to get back on Predisone and would only get 3 remicade treatments throughout the 9mons, if I do become pregnant after Ive been taken off 6MP (something I am really trying to avoid). But thank u again & thxz for the heads up of the other forum.

Jessica, Diagnosed: Feb 2002, taking all of the above meds minus predisone

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