6MP week 1 bloodwork

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May 7, 2014
I know I probably shouldn't panic yet, but I can't help but be concerned. I just printed DD's week 1 bloodwork, and:

Alt: from 10 to 39
Bun/Creatinine ratio: 20 to 22
Creatinine: .30 to .37
Glucose: 86 to 167
Hemoglobin: 11.4 to 11.6
Platelets: 660 to 618

Her original tpmt was 15.6

GI wants to wait and compare the next set of labs (to be taken tomorrow), which I know is wise.

What is your take on these numbers? Any others that I need to really watch? :confused2:

Sorry! You guys are so full of knowledge, I assume you have all of this stuff in your head!:ybatty:

Alt: from 10 to 39 (range: 0-40 or 0-28, I have 2 references)
Bun/Creatinine ratio: 20 to 22 (range: 9-25)
Creatinine: .30 to .37 (range: .39 - .70)
Glucose: 86 to 167 (range: 65-99 or 60-200) I'm going by the 200
Hemoglobin: 11.4 to 11.6 (range: 11.7-15.7)
Platelets: 660 to 618 (range: 176-407)

This is also after 5 weeks of Prednisone.
I heard different about the pred.
I was told that her numbers would go back to normal after coming off pred.
Grace's WBC bottomed out and still are low.
I would really talk to your Gi about your concerns .
In general glucose can go up or down depending when you are last time of day etc...
Cr/bun is kidney related .
DS had numbers high for ast/alt is wasn't until they were really high did the GI get concerned for DS.
Again your GI can explain why the numbers are worth looking at for your kid.

Remember crohn's didn't appear or do damage over night .
6-mp takes 3-6 months ( not weeks to be therapeutic ).

It took DS a long time ( over a year) to get back to baseline - even now he is not normal but does function well.
ALT is still normal. Our GI was not concerned until it was more than 3x the normal limits. B/C ratio is headed in the right direction. Glucose may be high if she didn't fast. Also remember that 5 weeks on Prednisone really isn't that long. My daughter did almost 6 months and we saw drastic improvements at about the 6-8 week mark. Definitely consult with the GI, but in my Mommy opinion things are trending in the right direction.
Our GI was mostly concerned with ALT. They were okay with it until it got to over 90 - then my son had to stop. After a couple weeks it went back to normal. Hope the nxt set of bloods aren't any higher.
I'm a week ahead of you. I've poured over the labs so much I don't need a ref. range :). And by no means an expert.

My .02 is that the glucose isn't a fair reading because your child wasn't fasting. The ALT is the most surprising change. My child's ALT was 10, 14, 17. And it makes sense that the doctor is interested in the trend.

My kid's platelets are really high too, wonder when that starts to go down?
Our GI did say that ALT/AST often goes up and then comes right back down. So when A's numbers were a little more than double the norm we gave it 10 more days in hopes that they would go back down. They didn't, and she started showing symptoms that they were continuing to rise (headaches, rash, etc.). When she started mtx her numbers went up a tad and then back to upper limits of normal.
Same as dancemom
DS went up slight above normal then a little but later in the 90s.

You need reference ranges because these can vary by lab even for the same test.
They also change by country /units etc...
Sorry I am late replying to this SCAR2003. :ghug:

Ditto to what has been said about the results. Normal reference ranges are needed but based on ours the numbers don’t look too bad at all and certainly headed in the right direction.
The platelets: They are often elevated whilst inflammation is present so perhaps the fact that they are now reducing is evidence that things are starting to settle.

Do you have the results from the latest bloods?

My son has also been on Flagyl, 3 times a day for 6 months. He also had no issue with it but did find the brand, Flagyl, far more palatable than the generic, Metronidazole.

Good luck mum, I hope things continue to improve for your lass. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx

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