Not sure if this is the right place for this. I'm new . My name is Kandys, and my son with the problems is Xavier. He just turned 8 in Dec. It all started when he was a toddler going back and forth from constipation to d. Potty training was awful because he had accidents everyday. He has had all kinds of tests done including a rectal biopsy with no answers. It's gotten better though because it doesn't happen all the time now. He's 4'6 and 90lbs so he's big for his age(not fat just big), and his only other symptom really is stomach pain and nausea. It comes and goes for a few months at a time. Like it flared up from Sept to mid-Dec, was fine from then until a week ago. He's had 3 accidents at school since then. I got a call though on Fri morning from CPS that his school nurse turned me in because she doesn't think I've done enough so I took him to the children's hospital er just to appease them. Even the doctor in the er was at a loss for what to do since we've done everything that I know of. They did an xray, and he was constipated. The doctor said that he probably doesn't get the sensation that he needs to go so that explains the accidents. They put him on Miralax and probiotics AGAIN, and he has a checkup on the 30th with a new ped. I'm just at a loss at what I should do next. Do I ask for another GI since the last one didn't help much? Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!