A Couple of Questions

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Nov 27, 2011
Hi, I'm new around here and I'm just wondering if there is anyone can help me with a couple of questions I have. To give a bit of background, I am currently undiagnosed and am awaiting an appointment with a specialist.

I'm 24 years of age, and about 8 weeks ago I began to notice some bright red blood in my stool. About a week later I started to experience some mild discomfort and pain in the lower left area of my stomach. I saw a couple of GP's and they checked for the usual cuts or Hemorrhoids and found nothing so referred me to a GI specialist. In the meantime, the pain in my stomach became slightly worse, and I began feeling light-headed, nauseated, fatigued and generally just unwell. I also began to experience some glandular issues, with the glands in my neck swelling and becoming tender and also experiencing some pain under my arms. My bowel movements were loose with occasional diarrhoea, but generally were limited to one or two per day and nothing too out of the ordinary. I continued to see blood with virtually every bowel movement.

Eventually I saw the specialist, and as I was actually away from home at the time, he informed me that I would need a colonoscopy, and advised me to return home to investigate further. He also assured me that this was most likely mild colitis, and there was almost no chance of someone of my age with no family history having colon cancer so he wouldn't even entertain it as a possibility.

So at the moment I am at home waiting for a new specialist appointment in order to get a scope or whatever is needed to have a look. However I have a couple of questions that hopefully someone may be able to answer.

Along the way I have gotten blood work and stool samples done. My CRP and ESR are completely normal, and also the stool samples showed absolutely no white blood cells. This would appear to indicate that it is not IBD that is the issue. Is it possible to be having a very mild flare up with normal blood work and no white blood cells in the stool? Also, having read many stories here and elsewhere, I haven't really come across many cases of colitis where the sufferers are not experiencing a lot of bowel movements daily. Also I am continuing to experience some glandular activity, particularly pain under my arms. All of the doctors including the GI and my own GP have seemed unconcerned by this, but has anyone experienced anything similar with IBD?

All of the above seems to indicate that it is not actually IBD related, which is a bit worrying to be honest. Any help with any of these questions would be greatly appreciated, and apologies for the long winded spiel!
ESR is not a terribly accurate measure from my understanding. I have been flaring and the ESR is normal or only slightly elevated. The colonoscopy is the best test to determine IBD.
:welcome: James! I am sorry you are going through this but some people take a long time for a diagnosis. People dont bleed out of the anus for nothing. Has your bowel movements ever been black? That means the blood is internally. The light blood is in the anal area, and I know it sound gross but take a picture of it. That will get the doctors moving thier butts. I never had the typical readings ever! But my pain is lower right quad and finally after a year diagnosed with Crohns.

YOU need to get a Gi and get a colonscopy done, at the very least a sigmoid scope. It is the less invasive and shows more. Everyone is different, so test are not "typical" for everyone!!!! As for your pain under the arms, I have no idea on that one. Maybe someone else has experienced this.

Get some answers and dont let them push you off. The young people here never get taken seriously because some docs think they just want pain meds or over analysing. Keep us posted ok!

:hang: help is coming from others..welcome aboard.
My CRP and Esr are completely normal and my colonoscopy shows me as mod to severe Crohn's. I suffer more from constipation than diarhhea.

You'll definately need a colonoscopy as well perhaps a barium follow through, CT scan, MRI, pill cam depending on where your GI thinks the Crohn's may be hiding(if not found on the colonoscopy)

Good Luck
Bloodwork is a guide, shouldn't be used to rule anything out, as said you need a scope and for biopsies to be taken. Then you'll get some answers, cheers
I'm so sorry you're going through this. This "not knowing" is the worst part. Once you have a diagnosis and a treatment plan you'll feel so much better. Try and keep a positive attitude. Stress only worsens things.

Definitely need to get a colonscopy. Make sure the doctor knows to get a biopsy. A biopsy is the only way to diagnose Crohn's for sure. When I had my first colonoscopy at 23 years old the doctor "forgot" to take a biopsy so I had to go in for another one the next month. Not pleasant. And also make sure the doctor knows to give you the right colonoscopy "prep" -- the stuff you drink the day before that makes you poop everything out. With my first colonoscopy the dr. gave me prep medication that is known to irritate the intestines and cause areas of irritation that upon scoping the doctor doesn't know if it was caused by Crohn's or the prep. I'm sorry I don't remember what that bad prep was called.

Sorry I went off on a bit of a tangent. Sending you positive thoughts and hoping you feel better.
I also have normal blood work and moderate to severe Crohn's. They would look at my sed rate and tell me I was fine and then I would end up with a blockage from inflammation and in the hospital. After 5 years and 3 surgeries, my GI has stopped looking at my blood work and we work from my symptoms only. My disease is higher, too, so the only way to take a look is for me to swallow a pill camera, which I've done quite a bit. I would suggest that if your colonoscopy comes out clean.
Ah noooo! Im so sorry you're going through this!! You are so not alone! Ture you may not have IBD but as someone pointed out, its not normal!
My CRP is never raised, neither is the ESP, my scopes look fairly normal but the biopsies shout 'holy crap'... So yeah, we're all different... Ive never had the dreaded diarrhoea but do pass blood a zillion times a day...
You just need to get someone to listen to you, take you seriously and do the tests right, first time! Tell us where you are, someone might have a recommendation of a good GI in your area or check the doc lists on here!
Dont panic, dont stress it too much, keep a food and poo diary, take images (preferably without water) do all you can!
Pop back for advice, we're here for you!!

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