A crack!...grrrrrr.....

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
Not sure if it is due to the psoriasis, the Crohns' or a combination of both...had my wonderful hubby look for me tonight and he said def. there is a 'cut' or crack right in some scar tissue...right at the top of my 'crack'......UGH!.....:thumbdown:

Any suggestions for a good product to put on it to help protect it?...Right now I have some Desitin on it as it was handy.......
Does this spot always itch when you sweat a lot Paso? I use hydrocortisone 1% on the same spot all summer because it'll drive me nuts w/o it!!
Ohhh, sorry to hear about this, Pasobuff. No experience so I can't suggest anything (except maybe zinc oxide, i.e. diaper barrier?), but I hope that it heals up for you soon.
I've had some recent severe sensitivity in that spot, probably not as bad as yours, and I suffer from psoriasis on the feet. I've been using Aveeno baby lotion on the "crack" issue and it really seems to calm things down. I even did a Sitz bath with Aveeno baby soap and that was relief beyond anything I could have done. For psoriasis, I use Avon foot lotion products, rotated with other lotions, like the aveeno baby lotion. I always keep a mild, soap cloth handy just incase I apply something that has a reverse effect I can remove it quickly. Good luck and I hope you find something that works.
I don't know if this would help, but a lanolin based product like Lasinoh, might be worth a try. Lasinoh is what nursing mothers use when they have cracked nipples. It's really safe and doesn't burn or sting or anything.

Good luck. That cannot be comfortable! - Amy
Hi Lisa

I've had them many times, and I don't put anything on it, best to let it dry out, putting anything on it just prolongs the 'wetness'
hope you feel better soon
thanks all.....it is more annoying that anything else.....and of course the dry spot from the danged psoriasis/eczema is ITCHY........I have a tube of generic Lasinoh (sp) - will give that a shot later today....supposed to go horseback riding today and want to be comfy!!!
Hi Passo- just wanted to add that CETAPHIL is an excellent soap that does not make you scream when trying to wash up.

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