A cure? Please read!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 18, 2008
Hello everyone

I'd like to just share something with all the readers of this forum. As a sufferer of Crohn's disease I know how hard it can be and how difficult it makes life. I'm 19 years old, and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease last June/July time.

Anyway, I believe I have found THE ULTIMATE way to ease your pain and suffering. I know I'm beginning to sound like one of those pages trying to sell something; I'm not!

I received Infliximab treatment for my disease which within 2 days had sent the Crohn's into remission. That's not what I want to talk about here, though.

Indeed my condition was in remission, but it was not cured nor COMPLETELY healed. I still had inflammation and there were foods I couldn't eat. I've been able to reverse the inflammation since then, and have absolutely no problem with any food anymore, either!

Doctors will tell you there is no cure and that the disease will be with you for life. This is simply not true! I don't know how many people here have heard of Dr. Robert O. Young? I pioneer in the alkaline diet & lifestyle.

With that said I'd like to get to the point. I believe the cause of the inflammation is easy to find: Acid wastes and toxins being eliminated from the body through the digestive tract. Before you can cure the disease you must know what causes it, just look at the treatment you're taking now, I don't remember the names but you've got anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, immune surpressors, and so on. These drugs treat the SYMPTOMS and not the CAUSE.

The real treatment is all about DIET & LIFESTYLE CHANGES and that's IT. Now, I'm a nobody on the Internet, so why should you believe me when you've got a doctor telling you the cause is unknown and there is no cure?

That is a tough one, but you'll just have to trust me. All you need to do is have a change of heart where your diet is concerned. Foods like meat, dairy, eggs, soft drinks, and acid-forming foods should be eliminated, and ALKALINE PRODUCING foods should be eaten regularly, along with pleanty of PURE WATER, and that's it!

You're probably laughing right now thinking "Heh, this fool has lost the plot!". Believe me I know, I used to think this way too, hanging on the doctors every word. It wasn't long before I took my health into my own hands, and now I am free of Crohn's disease.

This is no "miracle" cure, it's just a fact of nature. The human body, in its natural state, is alkaline. It's function is acidic, and alkaline minerals are required to neutralise excess acidity created by the body. Most modern-westernised diets are HIGHLY acid forming! The result--poor health, and a poor quality of life.

The foods that one needs to consume consists of fresh, alkaline vegetables. Virtually all vegetables are alkaline, but the darker ones especially. Things like spinach, kale, brocolli, and so forth.

You also need to be drinking PLEANTY of pure water, with a pH of 7 AT LEAST. With a pH of 7, the water is neutral, and anything over 7 is alkaline, which is much better for the body.

This is all that's required for a healthy, disease free body. Please don't disregard this as nonsense, at least try it yourself.

And YES, I fully understand that you may have been told to stay away from skinned vegetables, as they're harder to digest and will cause problems.

Please research Dr. Robert O. Young, the alkaline diet & lifestyle and TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN BODY & HEALTH, PLEASE!

Your health is well within your grasp, without the need for ANY drugs, medicines or otherwise modern treatment. I'm not trying to sell anything here, but look at the book "The pH Miracle" by the above named doctor for an indepth read on what disease is, what causes it, and how to reverse it.

Be healthy, and thanks for reading. I hope your suffering ends soon!
Well, "George", if you're suggesting I drink a few Energizer's and I'll be hunky dory I'm going to have to call you on that. You, whoever you are, should introduce yourself more than your "cure", and you'll not have such a suspect aura around your posts. Coming into a forum where people are suffering with real agony and launching an infomercial is highly suspect, as is your logic...I fully apologize if you're a genuine Crohns patient sharing, but from your tone, I doubt it. I hope you return to prove otherwise, I truly do, as I am offended if you are simply Googling a disease and running cyber errands to market a product on forums. I'd rather meet another Crohnie near my age to learn from and help support, but sadly it isn't appearing that way.

Why even check out any book you recommend if all I have to do is stop eating animal products and eat your suggested veggies and battery water and I'm "cured"? You just took care of my research of the book.

According to the scientific line of thinking suggested, there is no such "disease" as Crohn's the way the scientific world sees it, simply people who have excess acid to dispose of and there are others who dispose of it better than the rest of us, apparently. Those who can't tolerate the acids develop Crohns?

This doesn't explain the fact that they found a gene with Crohns linked to it. This doesn't explain the decades of research showing the correlation to the effects Crohns patients see on their other organs/biology, such as arthritis, kidney stones, gall bladder issues, dermatological issues, etc... And this doesn't explain why suppressing the immune system with immuno-suppressors, suppressing the inflammatory response with steroids, or treating the bacteria with antibiotics all can have a positive result. Yes, these are "treating the symptoms", but this theory suggests excess acid in SOME of us gave us a disease, when all current evidence points to other findings.

I shall not seek out any answers from a single doc or a book until it's feasibly logical. If things were that obvious and simple, he wouldn't be the only dr. and there wouldn't be mice DNA used to manufacture my Remicade that's sold for thousands of dollars.

By the way, have you met "Cheryl"?
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BWS1982 said:
Well, "George", if you're suggesting I drink a few Energizer's and I'll be hunky dory I'm going to have to call you on that. You, whoever you are, should introduce yourself more than your "cure", and you'll not have such a suspect aura around your posts. Coming into a forum where people are suffering with real agony and launching an infomercial is highly suspect, as is your logic...I fully apologize if you're a genuine Crohns patient sharing, but from your tone, I doubt it. I hope you return to prove otherwise, I truly do, as I am offended if you are simply Googling a disease and running cyber errands to market a product on forums.

Why even check out any book you recommend if all I have to do is stop eating animal products and eat your suggested veggies and battery water and I'm "cured"? You just took care of my research of the book.

According to the scientific line of thinking suggested, there is no such "disease" as Crohn's, simply people who have excess acid to dispose of and there are others who dispose of it better than the rest of us, apparently. This doesn't explain the fact that they found a gene with Crohns linked to it. This doesn't explain the decades of research showing the correlation to the effects Crohns patients see on their other organs/biology, such as arthritis, kidney stones, gall bladder issues, dermatological issues, etc... And this doesn't explain why suppressing the immune system with immuno-suppressors, suppressing the inflammatory response with steroids, or treating the bacteria with antibiotics all can have a positive result.

I shall not seek out any answers from a single doc or a book until it's feasibly logical. If things were that obvious and simple, he wouldn't be the only dr. and there wouldn't be mice DNA used to manufacture my Remicade that's sold for thousands of dollars.

AMEN. I wont follow that up with the same exact response...Thanks BWS1982
Well the two errors I'm seeing that make me wonder are:

George said:
I don't know how many people here have heard of Dr. Robert O. Young? I pioneer in the alkaline diet & lifestyle.

You pioneer it? I thought the doctor did. Who is it?

George said:
I've been able to reverse the inflammation since then, and have absolutely no problem with any food anymore, either!

I thought you said that acids will give me Crohns, how is it you're able to ingest anything once again, isn't this contrary to the concepts you purport? Do I restrict my diet to your foods and water or not?

I really hope I'm wrong and again apologize if I'm wrong, but it's not looking that way....please return to clarify George.
BWS1982 said:
Well the two errors I'm seeing that make me wonder are:
You pioneer it? I thought the doctor did. Who is it?

A simple enough mistake! Of course I do not pioneer in it. Anyway thanks for replying. I can assure you that I am telling you the truth. I suffered for about 8 months with Crohn's disease before I found out about this way of living.

I didn't believe it either, and even after living it for a few months I still didn't believe it either, but it's worked, and it will work for you too.

BWS1982 said:
I thought you said that acids will give me Crohns, how is it you're able to ingest anything once again, isn't this contrary to the concepts you purport? Do I restrict my diet to your foods and water or not?

This is a fair comment.

In a perfectly healthy, fit body, your intestines are able to handle the acids because they are neutralised using the body's alkaline minerals. One who is defficient in such minerals has a poorer ability to handle acids and thus is effected more. Everybody is different, we all have different genes. Acids will build up in the body's "weak" spots. No, this I don't mean you have low-grade intestines!

I developed Crohn's because I took some antibiotics, which destroyed the "good" bacteria in my small intestine, and as a result my intestines were vulnerable.

I know it seems like quackery, but just do some research yourself. Watch Dr. Young's videos on YouTube, if you have some spare time.

Like I said, I'm not here to sell you anything, I'm just here to help! and unfortunately there is no way for me to prove I had Crohn's, you'll just have to believe me on that one.

If you have some spare time, I suggest watching the following video on YouTube (7 parts).

Hi George. Where do you have your Crohn's? I have it in my terminal ileum and I have problems with raw vegetables and vegetables with skins; but I tolerate lean meats, eggs and starches better. So how were you able to eat lots of veggies with no problems? Did you cook them a lot? Also didn't gassy vegies like Brocolli, cauliflower etc... cause you painful gas???
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Hi Mazen,

My Crohn's was in my ileum too. I don't experience much gas at all. The main reason for the gas is because the vegetables get mixed with other foods on the acidic end of the scale and reacts causing gas. I eat them all raw, too.

To start off with, it is best to liquidise all vegetables in a juicer/blender for a couple of weeks. This way you can eliminate the fiber and have the concentrated juice still rich in nutrients. This way you don't experience any pain in the digestive process as the liquid is easily and quickly absorbed into the body. The key is to intake as much as possible, while drinking pleantly of good, pure water at the same time.

I fully realise that going on a liquid diet for weeks on end sounds unhealthy, but remember that you are quite literally "feasting" on nutrients. You can add the solid foods back in once you start to feel better. The one thing to remember is that you MUST NOT CHEAT!
hi george :) i'm really interested in your statement that your crohns developed because you took antibiotics. i had quite a few antibiotics courses when i was a child and developed severe allergic reactions to some as well - i have always wondered if this was a factor in my crohns. can i ask, how are you so certain that the antibiotics caused your crohns? did a physician tell you this? thanks.
dingbat said:
hi george :) i'm really interested in your statement that your crohns developed because you took antibiotics. i had quite a few antibiotics courses when i was a child and developed severe allergic reactions to some as well - i have always wondered if this was a factor in my crohns. can i ask, how are you so certain that the antibiotics caused your crohns? did a physician tell you this? thanks.

Hi dingbat,

I don't believe the antibiotics were the actual cause of the disease, rather, that it was an adverse affect. I did lots and lots of searching to find "the" cause of Crohn's but was never successful. I then read somewhere else that antibiotics are sometimes referred to as a "bowel sweep", in that they destroy bacteria. The bacteria that lines the intestinal walls is not immune to the antibiotics.

I just can't accept the doctor's statement that it was coincidence that I just happened to start having digestive issues at the exact same time I took the antibiotics. There was nothing wrong with me before.

Basically I took the antibiotics for something not even related to Crohn's in any way, shape or form, they did "something", and from that point on it was diarrohea everyday for 8 or 9 months. Not to mention all the problems that came with it i.e. mineral/vitamin deficiences.

It is just my own opinion, after examining the whole process, and being aware of the things happening to my body, that the antibiotics destroyed the healthy bacteria lining my intestines, leaving them vulnerable, and as a result, left me with a problem that developed into Crohn's disease.
thanks for explaining, george :)

i'm going to watch those videos later. the alkaline/acidity theory is a new concept to me, i'm interested to learn more about this. certainly, very acidic foods are completely off my diet because they cause & set up so much soreness, right from my esophagus downwards, so i'm quite open to believing in the alkaline benefits. thanks for all your info.
Hi George

Thanks for the tip. I still have some questions:

- Without meat and eggs and dairy, how do you get proteins and calcium?
- Also were do you get your fats? Omega 3's are important for inflammatory conditions and the best are in fish?
- Do you have any recipes for some good tasting vegetable juices?
- What about fruits?
Mazen said:
Hi George

Thanks for the tip. I still have some questions:

- Without meat and eggs and dairy, how do you get proteins and calcium?
- Also were do you get your fats? Omega 3's are important for inflammatory conditions and the best are in fish?
- Do you have any recipes for some good tasting vegetable juices?
- What about fruits?


Proteins and calcium are easy to come by. A lot of people make the mistake in thinking that without animal products, these nutrients aren't available. I can assure you, they are!

Dark leafy green vegetables are a good source of calcium, so are nuts & seeds. Proteins are easy to get aswell. Beans in particular have a high amount of proteins.

For your fat intake, you have a few choices. Nuts and seeds, especially flax seeds, are high in omega 3 and 9 and are in the correct ratio that the body needs. Since eating nuts and seeds may be off the menu for you, flaxseed oil is available, too. Or you can choose a blend of oils.

Fruits should be avoided really, as they are relatively high in sugar in comparison to vegetables. Fruits such as tomatoes, avocados, grapefruit, lemons/limes and melons are good to eat, though.

Lemons and limes are citrus fruits, however when they are digested they leave an ash residue which is alkaline. There should be no confusion, they have an alkaline affect on the body, not acidic.

Just remember that sugar will ferment into alcohol (acid), and your body does not require sugar for energy! Burning fat releases 3 times as much energy as burning sugar. Fat should be your main source of energy (this means regular exercise).

As for your comment about vegetable juice, I'll have to get back to you on that one. For someone first trying it, chances are you aren't going to enjoy it!
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Actually... almost ALL of those foods listed are on the "Crohn's No-NO List"

-- soo maybe I'm feeling facetious today :)
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George said:
As I said, mixing your vegetables with foods that are acidic will cause the gas.

If this is so, why didn't my diet than nearly mirrors the one you have described work?

I eliminated all meats, dairy and the like for a year. Made me sickly in other ways, and the diet made (what I didn't know was Crohn's at the time) worse.

No very effective for many, I'd assume.
Methofelis said:
If this is so, why didn't my diet than nearly mirrors the one you have described work?

I eliminated all meats, dairy and the like for a year. Made me sickly in other ways, and the diet made (what I didn't know was Crohn's at the time) worse.

No very effective for many, I'd assume.

I have not described any diet here. I merely outlined the reasoning behind it and gave vague terms of which foods to eat. Seeing as how you said it made your condition worse, I assume you already had Crohn's when you started your new diet. As I said in a previous post, I am well aware that vegetables, especially skinned, may aggravate the condition and make it worse.

Let me rewrite what I've said.

In order to begin the process of healing you need to start by cleansing the intestinal tract by going on a liquid diet for a week, two, maybe three (depending on how severe your condition it).

You must only consume alkaline vegetables, in juiced or soup form, so they can be easily absorbed into the blood. Along with it the alkaline water is the most important thing you can give your body, second only to oxygen. Increasing the alkalinity of water is easy, you can add half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to each litre of water you drink to increase its alkaline potential. Remember also that ideally, 1 litre of water should be consumed for every 18 kilograms of body mass--even more so if you're experiencing diarrohea. But you shouldn't just begin drinking this much if you don't already, work up to it week by week.

The body needs to be given all the nutrients it requires so it can heal itself. Without proper nourishment, healing cannot take place.
I have to agree with BWS, I am a skeptic through and through.

Mainly I don't like that you're 19 and think you have all the answers. You use the past tense "had" crohn's. If you really think you're cured of crohn's then I suggest you alert the media because you have just found the cure for Crohn's!!!

Antibiotics does not cause Crohn's disease. It may have contributed to your first flare but that is still up for debate too.

You say that this diet cures crohn's. So, if you get off the diet and run another course of antibiotics will you somehow contract crohn's again? What you're suggesting is that this diet cures the disease and therefore you should be able to go back to whatever diet you had prior to getting crohn's.

There is a DNA link to Crohn's. How do you explain that?

I would be willing to agree that a strict diet can help reduce and/or eliminate a flare but each crohn's sufferer responds differently to each food and diet.

I'm not trying to personally attack you but I dislike when anyone suggests that there is a simple cause and fix to crohn's. Most of us have created polls and posted questions trying to find a common link between us. Thus far there hasn't even remotely been a link.

I suggest you post a poll about your theory. Idea: How many people took antibiotics within 1 month of their first flare?
butt-eze said:
Antibiotics does not cause Crohn's disease. It may have contributed to your first flare but that is still up for debate too.

No, I never said antibiotics caused Crohn's, I said that it could have been an adverse affect. I am in tune with my body, and I'm quite possitive they had something to do with it. Of course that isn't good enough for a scientist, and would never hold up in a scientific study. To simply say "I know they did it" would be very naive and I too am willing to debate about this. I am not closed minded when it comes to accepting the raw facts.

butt-eze said:
You say that this diet cures crohn's. So, if you get off the diet and run another course of antibiotics will you somehow contract crohn's again? What you're suggesting is that this diet cures the disease and therefore you should be able to go back to whatever diet you had prior to getting crohn's.

This really does depend on what kind of state your body is in. If you were to stop the diet after healing the disease, and go back to what you ate before, you may contract the disease again, you may not. It depends on how healthy your digestive tract is, and depends on the types of foods you eat.

As for the antibiotics, I can't answer that. They destroy bacteria, so if your intestinal bacteria was destroyed by antibiotics, and your body was in an acidic enough state, you MAY contract the disease again. If your body was in an alkaline state at the time of taking the antibiotics, then chances are you WON'T contract the disease. It varies greatly depending on your current state of health.

butt-eze said:
There is a DNA link to Crohn's. How do you explain that?

There most probably is! but that does not change anything. Perhaps this link has something to do with the body's pre-programmed methods of waste elimination? In other words, in people with Crohn's, the intestines may be the main method of acid elimination. This means the body will direct the acids to the intestines. Everybody has a "weakest" part of the body. (not weak physically or inferior in anyway)

I really can't give you any scientific information about DNA links, as I am not a scientist.
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i think the fact that most of us become our own doctors when we have an ongoing condition like crohns, makes us skeptical naturally. particularly as we see hospital consultants, gps etc - and no-one seems to know of any magical cure.

the foods george has recommended - i agree, most would certainly make me ill and/or in pain. i cant see me ever getting onto a diet like that and surviving for long lol. but the alkaline theory i do find interesting.

george, just a question on that - how do we find out if our water is ph 7+ alkaline? and if it turns out to be lower, what do we do? oh, and sorry for firing more questions lol, how was your crohns diagnosed? and have you have repeated tests since to confirm it has gone?

Yeah I have to say that I'm really skeptical as well. Crohn's Disease is a genetic disease and that has been proven by scientists. The only way to cure Crohn's is to alter the genes in the body. Diet can keep Crohn's under control but again that is only a way to help the symptoms.

I do agree that diet can help keep symptoms down. But get back to us in a few years after you have gone through this diet. Also I want to see how you do when you stop this diet. If your cured then you should be able to stop the diet and now your fine. I wouldn't recommend this because I wouldn't want anyone to get sick if they don't have to. Good luck, I have just seen over the few years on this website a number of folks who say they have the "cure" for Crohn's. Normally they don't ever come back to the site or argue their point so I am happy you are still with us. Also I have a few questions for you. Have you done any of your own studies of this matter? I don't trust doctors when they are on youtube. I have a hard time trusting my own doctor at times. Just remember to question and check. If something works then that's great but it doesn't always mean it's a cure.

Best of luck
dingbat said:
i think the fact that most of us become our own doctors when we have an ongoing condition like crohns, makes us skeptical naturally. particularly as we see hospital consultants, gps etc - and no-one seems to know of any magical cure.

the foods george has recommended - i agree, most would certainly make me ill and/or in pain. i cant see me ever getting onto a diet like that and surviving for long lol. but the alkaline theory i do find interesting.

george, just a question on that - how do we find out if our water is ph 7+ alkaline? and if it turns out to be lower, what do we do? oh, and sorry for firing more questions lol, how was your crohns diagnosed? and have you have repeated tests since to confirm it has gone?



As I said, a liquid "feast" would most likely be required to begin with. Literally flood the body with the nutrients and alkaline water that it needs. Once the inflammation is gone or reduced enough, solids can be reintroduced.

To find the pH of water you would require a piece of litmus paper/pH testing paper. Probably available at a chemist.

My Crohn's was diagnosed with a colonoscopy and biopsies. Since I had infliximab I have not been back, and will not go back. People have spent too many years on medicines and drugs, it really is time to take your health into your own hands.
George said:

As I said, a liquid "feast" would most likely be required to begin with. Literally flood the body with the nutrients and alkaline water that it needs. Once the inflammation is gone or reduced enough, solids can be reintroduced.

To find the pH of water you would require a piece of litmus paper/pH testing paper. Probably available at a chemist.

My Crohn's was diagnosed with a colonoscopy and biopsies. Since I had infliximab I have not been back, and will not go back. People have spent too many years on medicines and drugs, it really is time to take your health into your own hands.

so it may be that you still have crohns but its in remission. which is an amazing achievement, if this eating plan has brought you such relief. i hope the crohns stays away from now on, for you.
Pondering out loud here....hmmm isn't it possible that just one dose of infliximab put you into remission?

During my research it has repeatedly come up that the GI decides whether it continues or not in relation to response and the guidelines here in the UK specify too that a single dose is possible...

As for foods I am on a very strict regime and have yet again had to resort to my elemental drinks so yes food can play a part but like the others I am very skeptical. Are you telling me that the liquidised "feast" you described didnt contibute to severe diahorrea? That I find hard to believe. Our bodies also need a certain level of acid ie amino acids to keep balance so to go pure alkaline to me sounds dangerous....
I'm quite glad like Jeff said to see you've returned and actually defend your ideas, so thus like I said, I apologize. I'm relieved to see this.

Now as far as what you've clarified, you've filled in some blanks, but questions still remain, some you've acknowledged though you cannot answer, like the DNA element, which is fine I suppose. Well, some of this has solidified into more of a line of thinking than your initial post, which is good, as any theory, no matter how feasible, is best when complete. I'm still skeptical about miracles, but DO have an open mind, so I cannot say that I have proof at hand that it is impossible that acids and alkalines play the roles you suggest, anything is still open for debate with IBD in my view.

I have long wondered if/how long I already had Crohns (Feb 2006 I had a week long flare that went away on its own), when in Sept of 2006 I started the first major flare that ignited a hospital stay and diagnosis. There were several factors that I wonder about. My foods I ate the weekend before the blood starting coming, and I was on Minocycline (spelling?) for acne for 2 months or so prior to the first major flare, which is an antibiotic, I see a correlation, but that does not equal causation. Like the fact that I may take a drink of my water sitting next to me and then may hear my dog bark. Does this mean that my drinking of water makes my dog bark? Obviously not.

Good you acknowledge anitibiotics do not "give" one Crohns, as this is yet to be proven...One wierd thing is that my Cipro and Flagyl ingestion in October 2007 within 3 days caused one of the biggest night and day improvements I've ever seen with this disease, this was the only change and according to your dr.'s theory, should have made me worse not better....

I will review the videos when I get a chance, again, good to see you remain here, and you are taking the criticism admirably and maturely.

One question about your "liquids" out of curiousity...shouldn't V8 juice be acceptable as far as a concoction of nutrients for the liquid aspect?
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Also, to add, beans may be a decent source of protein, but they do not have a complete amino acid profile, meaning they aren't a complete protein with all the aminos. Same with nuts and seeds.

I thought citrus has an acidic makeup also....I see you say an "ash" residue is left in its wake through the system, does this mean it goes from "acidic" to "alkaline" in property via digestion?
Well, I've watched 4 of the 7 parts, and also watched a bodybuilding testimonial and the CBS interview of the Dr. and his wife.....

First I must say he's a HORRIBLE speaker, and then I must say that I mean to say that only to the effect of an observation not to infer that it means he's full of BS...just that he may have been nervous, who knows. He kept stuttering and "mis-speaking" throughout the entire 45 minutes I've seen of him....ALSO, the camera guy in those videos is a hack, and needs to stop shaking the camera (and accidentally kicking it) and zooming in and out to unviewable points.

Anyways I will next say I found his joke actually quite hilarious....

"Japan eats less fat than the US, but has fewer heart attacks...Mexico eats more fat than the US, but has fewer heart attacks...China drinks less red wine than the US, but has fewer heart attacks...Italy drinks more red wine than the US, but has fewer heart attacks...So the conclusion is what? Eat what you want, the problem is living in the US."

That's classic.

Anyways again, his purported allegations that chicken is horrible and that blood builds muscle are hard to swallow, I'm not dismissing it entirely, but am saying it's difficult to digest (no pun intended)...just seems very "out there" and he admits this too....Still skeptical but I intend to watch the last couple parts still, as I am a very scientific individual and have a very open mind. Thus, I suppose I'll be returning here with some more to say.

For now, I wonder though after seeing what I've seen, what is then, the problem with just eating what we want and just ingesting some Sodium Bicarbonate to offset the acidity? He says in essence that sodium bicarbonate is almost like "the magic bullet" so to say, that alkalizes our food, and is needed for optimum health. Then why can't we just consume some baking soda with all our cheeseburgers and be fine? :yrolleyes:
My problem with sodium bicarbonate and actually all alkalines is that if you ingest too much of them then you will destroy the chemical makeup in our intestines and they won't work right. Well I guess ours don't work right anyways but I feel this is just a recipe for disaster. Someones going to be like, "If taking this amount of alkalines is good then more has to be better." The guys going to have his entire intestinal tract taken out and he'll be quite pissed at this doctor and the dude's going to get sued. I've researched Crohn's quite a bit and have found nothing to make this seem true. I"m not saying it's not true or anything like that but I think I would have found at least a few studies about this and I find nothing.

That is a funny joke. Hey Benson I wish you luck in watching it all. I couldn't take the first one with all of the camera movement. My eyes were freaking out.
Well, with what the dr. says there is no such thing as disease, just varying degrees and differing responses of the body to cleanse the acids it needs to rid itself of. This is a (as he puts it) radical statement indeed, as it conflicts with everything else in modern medicine...the guy is probably an outcast in the medical field as he's almost a "the world's round not flat" kind of guy living in the Age of Exploration...only he's yet to prove the "world is round" with his alkaline theory. He makes some bold claims, and as he explains it, it makes sense, so I see why Goerge or anyone would "buy" it...but you have to realize how "against the grain" his claims are. He has a lot to contend with, in that he has to debunk centuries or even millenia of medical "common sense"...a tough battle indeed.

Also, as Crohn's sufferers, we are probably his toughest subjects...his diet consists of nearly entirely a list of raw veggies that we all avoid like the plague. Even in liquid form it's harsh, you can't rid it entirely of fiber, just look at the 8 oz. serving of V8, it has 2 grams of fiber and it's almost as thin as milk. I didn't realize it until watching him, but he seems more of a general dr., not a GI doctor, his concept is used by people with cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, not just IBD....he may have his background in the GI realm, but I was thinking he solely treated IBD/gastro issues.
Good observations. I'm able to eat all the veggies I want and I can see how veggies can help someone. That has actually been something I have wanted to experiment with. It's just the whole alcaline thing that confuses me. I don't want to denature my stomach or intestines if you know what I mean.
George... I'm glad this treatment/dietary change worked for you. However, since your intro was more about it than you and your symptoms/progression, I can't place any stock in it. And, of course, having been un-symptomatic for a decade myself, I wouldn't proclaim myself 'cured' of an historically incurable illness on the basis of a flare-free period of what? Days, weeks, months????

You may be a well intentioned person who has had legitimate 'luck' with this regimen... but w/o documentation, duplication, and some 'identification' I'd have to advise anyone reading your posts to not believe everything they read.

and if you are a fraud... altho you don't exactly fit the classic profile we DO see here from time to time... be thankful I'm now a pacifist.. and can't get my hands on you. Those who are 'frauds' make me want to forget all the things I've promised myself regarding to peace on Earth, goodwill to all. OK?
George said:
I have not described any diet here. I merely outlined the reasoning behind it and gave vague terms of which foods to eat. Seeing as how you said it made your condition worse, I assume you already had Crohn's when you started your new diet. As I said in a previous post, I am well aware that vegetables, especially skinned, may aggravate the condition and make it worse.

Let me rewrite what I've said.

In order to begin the process of healing you need to start by cleansing the intestinal tract by going on a liquid diet for a week, two, maybe three (depending on how severe your condition it).

You must only consume alkaline vegetables, in juiced or soup form, so they can be easily absorbed into the blood. Along with it the alkaline water is the most important thing you can give your body, second only to oxygen. Increasing the alkalinity of water is easy, you can add half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to each litre of water you drink to increase its alkaline potential. Remember also that ideally, 1 litre of water should be consumed for every 18 kilograms of body mass--even more so if you're experiencing diarrohea. But you shouldn't just begin drinking this much if you don't already, work up to it week by week.

The body needs to be given all the nutrients it requires so it can heal itself. Without proper nourishment, healing cannot take place.

Well, that all sounds nifty. And terribly against what makes me feel better.

If it worked for you, great (assuming you had anything to begin with,) but I'm not buying all of this. Thanks anyway.
What I'd really like to witness would be a debate between a well rounded/experienced "conventional" Dr. and Dr. Young. For myself, I don't have the medical background to contend with the theory, obviously. But even someone like my GI dr. who's been in the GI field for some 30 years and is VERY knowledgable, would make a good match to rebut or counter each "fact" or statement...Basically I'd like to see a debate between this Dr. and one who's had equal experience, so as to get both views, as I'm sure that almost every claim (except a few basics) that I've so far seen come out of Dr. Young would be objected to by my GI dr. (proabably).

Gonna watch the other 3 parts when I get home from work tonight...I'm open to any "theories", but will take some with a larger side of salt than others....
Okay, at the end of the 5th part of this series, the benevolent Dr. has shown a slide, ever so carefully designed....look at his list of products he claims produce acid, and look how he added Urine at the bottom....gee how much does the product "urine" cost, I'd like to get me some....:ybatty:


Anyways, I've finished all 7 parts....This guy is whacked is all I can say, he makes some of the most outrageous claims, I don't even know where to start. I will not be able to refute them with my own facts or statistics but George I must say he's Loco with a capital Brittany Spears, saying some of the stuff he says. It goes against so much we all are taught, so I again will refer to my previous posts saying he has a lot to defend against in all the medical science he's dousing with incorrectness....He says things such as:

--there is no such thing as disease, just over-acidity in the human body which is characterized in differing manners, that thus, medical science explains through classified diseases
--Sugar is evil, and really we run entirely off of salt, sugar is a false energy source, and we can get by without it
--blood rebuilds muscle, not protein
--there is a cure for every "disease" in existence we just need to be alkalized enough from the acids
--hormones are a waste product, and not the integral part of functions that we all perceive them as
--LDL cholestorol is actually good for us in larger amounts than thought, as it buffers acids
--pills such as painkillers and antidepressants are bad because they are "acids" too

I can't even remember the rest of all the drivel he was saying, it's so "out there" I can't even put into words what I want to say. You might think, well if you have no background and he does, how can you say he's whacked? Good point. I can say it because everything I've been taught by the rest of humanity says differently than he does. Sure we have disease and bad health and failed medicinal answers, but that doesn't mean that if someone comes out from the shadows and claims a bunch of funky, yet refreshing theories that he is correct either. The fact remains we have a plethora of evidence in conventional medicine, and he is but one man with a book on shelves and a handful of testimonials....one obviously carries more weight than the other at the moment.

I just wish like I said above he was presented a debate where a conventional doctor could "take him on". It's difficult to express, but what I feel about it is although I can't "correct" anything I saw with facts I have myself, I can say "well all the medical science the rest of world knows to be common sense says otherwise". Not to guarantee that he isn't "onto something" with some of his ideas, but that he is coming off like a modern Darwin and has a lot to explain, and more than 65 minutes of a lecture will allow.

We shall see if George returns again...
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The body is not alkaline...in fact it is far from alkaline. Its natural pH hovers right around 7 (7.35-7.45) which is neutral by all measures of the word. When you get into a pH range of 9-10 which is 100-1000 times more basic, then you are really hitting something alkaline you have to worry about. If you think an over abundance of acid is bad for you...an over abundance of base (alkaline) as you call it is equally bad. The body has to remain at homeostasis in order for it to function properly and this value depends on the individual. Trying to adjust the value your body naturally prefers takes it out of a state that it operates in peak condition. The body itself is a highly complicated machine that has evolved over a massive timespan and to think simply adjusting its pH will fix the problem a problem is fairly naive. This isn't to say your diet has given you some benefit as I know I can eat pretty much whatever I want and not affect my disease be it soda, fruits, veggies, or fast food. However, I also know that eating healthier is better for me and the effect you are most likely seeing is that your body is getting nutrients it needs to repair itself.

Correlation is not causation and I find it highly unlikely that your alkaline theory is what truly is fixing the problem. The body is too complicated for you to cause a big enough shift in your pH from its natural preference to truly have a drastic effect. It is good that you bring this idea to the table because there may be some people who can also benefit from following a diet similar to this. It does take into account a lot of issues, such as gas by avoiding acidic foods while on the diet and it helps a person work into it with blending the vegetables. Take some chemistry, biology, and biochemistry classes though before you make a broad claim about how the body functions, even if some doctor most people have never heard of claims it is true. He is out to sell books and make money at the end of the day and trusting his motivations and knowledge simply based on some videos and internet research are not always the best of choices.
If you denature, change the chemistry of through too much change in pH, your stomach and intestines you will die plain and simple. Sorry to be so blunt but it's true. Once your stomach is denatured then you cannot eat you cannot get nutrients so you will die. No surgery could ever fix that. You can't renature things.
If I haven't raised this question already here, then let me raise it now. This Dr. Young, can anyone tell us whether his discipline is medicine? Is he an MD, a PHD, a DVM, or what? Did he graduate from Harvard, John Hopkins, or from the Fly By Night Correspondence School of Alternative Healing? Did he graduate summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or 'oh, well, his attendance was good, so we'll pass him anyway'? Is he licensed to practice anywhere, somewhere? Does he actually have a practice? Or any patients? Is he a bona fide member in good standing of any medical group?

Has anyone, other than George, heard of this guy before or tried his 'cure'?

Does it really matter? I ran into a guy on the street, carrying a sandwich sign... he told me the mother ship is arriving tomorrow, to take all us with crohns to the planet 'heal-all'... As soon as it docks, our troubles are over.

Sheeesh. Why am I so suspicious N close minded about this? Is it just that after having this disease (which apparently isn't a disease) for a while, I just 'know' when something doesn't smell right? or maybe I'm just cranky from pred... oooh, I forgot, I ain't taking pred. It must be too much acid...
Well, he was supposedly interviewed on CNN I think, I found out when researching him, but then again so are child molestors and serial killers....

I still say he seems like a whack. His stuff's too out there without much ground for proof or any "backing" from any "allies" in the field.
I'd like to tell you all about *MY* miracle cure.

I developed Crohn's disease shortly after eating food. With this 'knowledge' in hand, I decided to stop eating food.

I gain all the energy I need by standing in the sun for two hours a day. Through the marvelous healing powers of solar energy, I am 115% cured.

By my book detailing how all this works (£9.99 from all good book stores).

There is a Wikipedia article about Robert Young here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Young_(author).

Makes for some interesting reading. Especially the 'Critics' section.
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Creepy Lurker, how much to ship to Chicago suburbs?

Via Wikipedia........

"Young also pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of attempted practice of medicine without a medical license and was promised that the charge would be dismissed if he stayed out of trouble for 18 months. Young claimed that he had looked at blood samples from two women and simply gave them nutritional advice."


That's his website... he looks a little... skeevy... but they always say not to judge a book by its cover.

From his website:

"Dr. Young has 5 degrees in science including 3 doctorates which include a Ph.D, D.Sc., and an N.D. Dr. Young is a scientist, health nutritionist, educator, and microbiologist and is the author of 8 books pertaining to nutrition, health, the science of blood and microbiology. Dr. Young is not a medical or naturopathic doctor or practicing as such."

AND apparently he teaches classes... for only $9,995.00--

"Introducing our brand new simple payment options.

Option 1. $3495 initial payment and
$610 per month for 12 months

Option 2. $4995 initial payment and
$459 per month for 12 months

Option 3. $9995 Full payment

For Information on how this program can fund itself -
Email Us or call 760-751-8321."
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HA! You should read the wikipedia article just for fun!
Kev guessed it right with the correspondence school- Dr. Young has one degree from a non-accredited distance learning school. Also, his research has been categorized as quackery by some sources. (No - REALLY??!?)

And didn't I already mention that I was diagnosed after I was married, therefore marraige causes Crohn's? I also bought a house before I was diagnosed, maybe that caused my Crohn's. I'll never go and do THAT again! I wouldn't want to get Crohn's TWICE!

BWS1982 mentioned in a recent post that he likes to listen to a band called Alkaline Trio. I know there's a joke there...
maybe they're too acidic for my ears? HA!
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Alkaline Trio, didn't even make the connection when I pasted it into the post....lol.

They're a band actually from Chicago, near me. Good band. Whacked doctor.

Any doctor that states that all fruit is bad because it has too much sugar is a fool.
katiesue1506 said:
"Introducing our brand new simple payment options.

Option 1. $3495 initial payment and
$610 per month for 12 months

Option 2. $4995 initial payment and
$459 per month for 12 months

Option 3. $9995 Full payment

For Information on how this program can fund itself -
Email Us or call 760-751-8321."

I like Option 4. For free, I put my head in a vice in the garage and hit myself over the head with a crobar and drink some weed killer to gain all the same insight the doctor has.
I like to think of this place as friendly and inviting... welcoming all. I wouldn't want to that to change... After my initial kneejerk reaction to the 'quote - unquote' Doctor Young 'therapy'... and "George's" amazing recovery via it, I was .... welll, part of me was really torn. That old adage about 'if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is' does have merit to it. On the otherhand, I stumbled upon LDN here on this site, and look at what it's done for me. There are differences... LDN does have science AND real doctors, real schools of medicine, published in respected journals that back up it's authenticity/respectability... still, it was a 'personal' gamble of sorts. "George" MAY be a real person; AND he may indeed have witnessed a 'miraclous' "CURE" of sorts... Hey, look at all the studies of drugs, etc.., where folks (usually in/around 20% +) experience REAL benefits from just a placebo... something that couldn't possibly have helped at all, but did. no one can explain it... So, I hope "George" (if he is real) will stick around, and I hope that our groups little investigation/exposure of this so called 'doctor' doesn't burst George's bubble, and rob him of his 'placebo' cure. And I hope that incidents like this doesn't colour our groups perspective on 'newbies'. I also want to thank/congratulate everyone who joined in, and spread the 'real' story behind the 'young' technique. imagine if someone just took the story of it as truth, then decided that paying for it was probably better than paying for remicade or humira treatments. compared against those, these 'life' altering/saving classes of Dr Young REALLY don't sound that bad. (cost wise only).. And if "George" isn't real, then if "he" leaves, we haven't really lost anyone. OK, thats enuff pontificating from this old fart.
I personally do not believe that diet alone will cure Crohn's. I do not consider myself cured of Crohn's either, even though I have no visible symptoms of the disease. Then again I could be wrong, and never exclude that possibility.

I do think the doctors approach to the disease can help quite a bit, just from what I know about body alkalinity and the environment that bacteria needs to live in.

Bacteria either live in an alkaline or acidic environment. I remember from my research into Bioresonance that Royal Rife observed under the microscope that he could grow some bacteria in an alkaline medium and others in an acidic medium, but he never could grow any bacteria in a neutral medium. This is a person who did thousands of such experiments. If anyone could have done it, he could have. Now if you apply that to your food, and you are trying to eliminate acidic bacteria, at least in your intestinal tract, there certainly could be the effect of eliminating acidic bacteria. It is known that the lowly broccoli sprout is capable of killing H-Pylori bacteria in vitro. If you can even slightly change the bodies pH you can eliminate that bacteria that needs that particular pH to survive. It really is not much different than good soil or poor soil and growing plants. You can encourage growth by the soil properties or discourage it. You simply cannot grow blueberries in alkaline soil no matter how hard you try. Bacteria is the same in that it cannot exist in the wrong environment.

I have found very few theories like this that are completely false. He may be wrong on some conclusions and maybe wrong more often than not, but there is often something to be learned either way. It certainly is one of the safer methods that could be tried without the fear of some side effect. If there is an acidic bacteria behind this, and I suspect there is, then it may improve symptoms if nothing else. I used a more direct and harsh method of clearing out bacteria, but this could work as well with time, and improve health at the same time.

Until someone comes up with proof positive of all the factors in this disease, I think we have to be careful as to what we rule out. There is likely multiple factors and this could be one of them.

I guess I am worried about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I would like to hear the thinking behind the conclusion of this doctor. Then maybe we could have a debate on where the thinking is right or wrong and learn something from it. You never know where help can come from.

Dan, I think there's an underlying but obvious difference between keeping an open mind to real possibilities AND guarding against disguised exploitationists (if there isn't such a word, there should be). You have shared your story, and tons of research, and many of your methods and home remedies here freely. I happen to think of that as a highly valuable resouce and great contribution.

I think my opinion would change if you opted to send away for a mail order diploma AND then started to sell this info, this technigue, this therapy at a price which, from my limited perspective... seems usuary or exploitive. If it really was a cure, or at least a reliable, effective treatment... why 'auction' it off to the highest (higher) bidders. I can't see (perhaps my lack of foresight) a legitimate, bona fide justification for someone, anyone, taking advantage of people with IBD. If this method works, why is profiting for it a 'REAL, ACCEPTABLE' first objective. I can't see any morality in it at all.
Hello, I'm new so please don't shoot!

When I read the post from George, I thought, isn't this just the food combining diet by Dr Hay? Have I missed a point? Is this diet just alkaline only?

I too am suspicious, particularly as it seems an ad. Also there is not one 'fits all' diet to anyone or treatment, otherwise we'd all be cured long ago.

On a personal note, I wouldn't dare even put a veggie to my lips at the moment let alone juice it and let it go through my half a centremetre open bowel at the moment! I wonder what he would suggest for me?
I am not suggesting anyone buy anything. The alkaline acidic body thing is not the domain of just this doctor. There is plenty of information on it from various sources for free.

We have the basic premise of his theory, and with some research from the free sources available we should be able to see if there is anything of use to us.

It is also pretty easy to find out what foods are alkaline in content and which are acidic. Just google alkaline diet and any number of sources come up.

I have no idea who this doctor is, or what his motivation is, but it is the concept I am interested in, not buying anything from him.

I do not even know if the diet can help, but I do know this approach is used by other people for health issues. I have spent less than $200.00 total on my personal research on Lyme disease and Crohn's. That was for specific information that was not readily available for free. Everything else was available from the internet, either from individuals or search engines.

Everyone exploits disease that is able to legally treat it. I know of very few doctors or medications that do not involve a profit motive. When someone does this intentionally, with a treatment that has little or no hope of working it is fraudulent.

I see no difference between pharmaceutical companies putting out dangerous and/ or ineffective medications for ill people and this doctor doing the same. One is an accepted form of fraud and the other is an unaccepted form of fraud. If neither work in a substantial amount of people, it is fraudulent in my mind. I just do not give more leeway to one or the other. They simply do not pass the duck test. If they look like a duck, quack like a duck, odds are they are a duck.

I will give an example of a common fraud that is an accepted fraud. Other than in a few specific kinds of rare cancer, chemotherapy is only effective in less than 2% of people with cancer. You can research this and when all the studies are compiled that is the result. How often is this 2% rate mentioned to a patient? It never is mentioned. Would anyone armed with this information opt for a method of treatment that only has a minute chance of working and will put their family in the poor house.

Statistically you will live longer doing absolutely nothing. If that is not fraud then I do not know the meaning of the word.

You may as well eat a pound of carrots a day and save yourself the money. Even though carrots will probably not cure your cancer either, you will save a ton of money with similar results.

Chemo is promoted because it is profitable, not because it is effective.

So I guess I am always suspicious of the motives of anyone treating anything that is making a living doing it. That is why I prefer my own research and the research of those who do not have an financial interest in the treatment.

I may be wrong and they may be wrong, but it excludes profit or personal gain from twisting the truth. LDN seemed promising for the same reason. It was not an obvious choice for making money. There would have been far more lucrative ways to exploit this illness. The individuals using it had no motivation to lie to me about how well it worked or didn't work.

Don't buy anything, just check out the premise of the theory. It certainly is not a conventional theory, and in the minority. But the truth is not related to popularity. I do not think it will cure Crohn's, but I think it is possible that it could help. There should be enough free information available to try it out if someone chooses to.

I hope that clarifies what I meant by the previous post.

Dan, in the spirit of clarification, I wasn't attacking you or your post. Neither do I place medical doctors on a pedestal; and all other forms of treatment in a dungeon. Changing the body's ph may improve one's health, and folks on here or elsewhere who are inclined to try these are more than welcome to post their results. Same goes for any of the standard medications, or for the not so standard ones, like LDN for example.

What I wouldn't want to see is anyone, either blatantly or surreptiously, of the opinion that it's open season on this site to exploit, possibly even extort, the members of this site who are desperate in their search for a 'cure'. When someone, legitimate or not, member or not, puts forward a technique, formula, method, diet, what have you... and states its a cure...
Wellll, I think ANYONE doing that leaves themselves wide open... for those of us on here would like to see them defend/argue those statements. One of the things MOST of us on here do when it comes to offering advice on an IBD related topic is to reiterate that we aren't doctors or any other form of 'qualified' expert advice... and none of us have gone so far to state we are 'cured'. I personally (and it may just be a failing of mine) don't like to see that term bandied around freely. Especially if the underlying source at its root is a 'doctor' of some sort whose credentials are really questionable.

And that's not a defense of the traditional medical doctors, nor a form of preference. homeopath, naturopath, doctor of whatever... they all have a basis of structure, training, examination, licensing... that gives us potential patients recourse... An uncertified, correspondance school graduate, who does one sue? The US Postal Service. OK, being a whole lot facitious. But my point is... any of the above, with the latter exception, work for a fee. I have no problem with fee based service... but when user fees become more like usuary... AND they appear to have no defendable basis (unlike some of the arguments I've heard that try to explain the costs of drugs like Remicade or Humira for example) then this is sheer, outright exploitation. A person who proffers an outlandishly expensive treatment as a cure based on a single, 'possible', even potentially suspect case, is asking for someone to take them to task. And, no, we don't shoot the messenger. At least, I don't. True, a lot of this method COULD be replicated by doing just one's own research; but there is a lot of subliminal pressure at play here too. Like, if I do it myself, and dont' get it right, then it may not work for me. And a lot of folks have no experience with doing this type of research, the challenge of just finding this site; posting info, asking questions, can be a huge hurdle. There is a legitimate temptation to sign up for this 'doctors' classes, and get the 'cure' that way. Afterall, 'they' saw it here on the Crohn's Forum... and everyone knows the Forum isn't affiliated or paid to post stuff like this. It must be a good technique, a member there used it.
And a doctor is behind it.. learned all that on the Forum. See what I mean?

As for doctors... or treatments like chemo... If I was diagnosed terminal, I would take the 2%... I respect those who would opt not to. a close friend chose not to ... 'Not' definitely didnt' work. As for eating carrots, I think I will stick with my LDN for now,.. EVEN tho I had to go to a doctor to get a prescription... AND the doctor charged a fee for prescribing it... ;-) Now, having said my piece, I hope Dan and I are still OK with 'our' views on this.
Of course, by no means did I intend to give off the impression I was attacking "George" if he is a real person, as I said I am glad he returned, at least momentarily. I feel still up in the air about the legitimacy of his coming here and all though....

As for the potential for the Alkaline lifestyle...I feel there's real science behind the concepts, as I took chemistry, I messed around with Ph paper in labs etc...but then I also watched for 65 minutes that "doctor" stutter and go on and on about concepts that conflict deeply with everything else I've ever seen/heard from modern medicine/my doctors...how can one not have a "WTF?" reaction? It just seems if his answer was so factual that it'd be more widespread at this stage of human science, does it not?

I saw that he said he simply ate better and rid himself of a disease I have gone through hell with and seen ruin my life, paying thousands of dollars as well in a failed attempt at treatments too. This set me off I guess to "call him out" and seeing as how we just had "Cheryl" I think it sent me into a "standoff" mode where I wanted to root out the real "George" and see if it was really a true patient...or a salesman.

I COMPLETELY agree with the part of what Kev said about seeing it as a potential medium for exploitation, seeing desperate sufferers of IBD grasping for dear life at ANYTHING that will work being exploited and it's sickening just to think of that, as I feel I'm one of them. Kinda like a man selling liquor outside of a church after an AA meeting, it's just disgusting to ponder it.
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OK, to go totally off topic for a moment.. just to lighten the mood, and not to hijack this thread... Let me tell you a little story about back home. In an effort at urban re-development, a piece of prime real estate in an area that had fallen upon hard times was undertaken. to make it a deal where local developers would jump in and cough up the money to make this a reality.. long term leases from two different levels of government were included.. so that the developers knew in advance they would have high paying, guarranteed tenants to be 'keystone' placeholders in the new building... a multi story mall and office tower combo. A real success story for the politicos to bandy about during election time. The big ground floor tenant was a Liquor Store (in our little antequated part of the world, ALL stores licensed to sell same at the time were run by government agency)
The other key tenant was a government run Addiction N Rehabiliatation centre... where people could go, either voluntarily or under court order, and get help dealing with their addictions; alcohol, presc. meds., drugs..

well, in a design short coming that could only occur when beuracrats (sp) insinuate themselves into private enterprise... the only entrance to the latter Rehab centre, located upstairs AFTER normal business hours (and a lot of meetings, therapy sessions, etc., occured outside of normal hours as simply a factor of life... people with addictions worked normal hours, a lot of the 'tenant' businesses.. lawyers, architects, surveyors, etc., kept strictly 9 - 5 hours... apparently no one foresaw this becoming an issue).. so, anyway, the 'general' entrance to the upper floor was inaccessable by anyone other than tenant or employee outside of 9 - 5. Clients of the 'rehab' centre OFTEN were supposed to be; even ordered to attend, some meetings/sessions BEFORE or AFTER those hours. Their only entrance? Well, afterhours, to get to the rehab centre; they had to enter via the Liqour Store, which kept extended hours. Talk about being insensitive. it didn't take long before this 'insensitivity' turned this political vote getter into a joke... a political career ender. so, as a solution, an electronic door opener AND intercom was installed so that the rehab receptionist could buzz in thru an emergency exit ANYONE coming to an early/late session. Unfortunately, the only emergency exit that could be utilized was still adjacent to the liquor store... and if the receptionist was away from her desk, on lunch, whatever... it meant that, in all kinds of weather, poor folks who relied on public transits or shanks mare to get them there, stood waiting outside in plain site/view of the liquor store. You see, mall management & security, not to mention other tenants, didn't want folks with addiction issues... wellll, 'loitering' in their upper or lower lobbies.. 'unattended'. Go figure. I dont' know if this 'laughable/cryable' situation developed happenstance, or if someone, somewhere with a sick sense of humour, slipped one by those beuracrats/politicos who were just trying to do the right thing.. True story

The long term leases for the Liquor Store N Rehab Centre were hardwired into the development agreement; so neither could pull up stakes N move.

Only back home...

OK. apologies all around for side tracking this thread. Just wanted folks to know that sometimes people trying to do the right thing can screw it up...
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I think anyone who posts a messaging saying "cure" for something like this is only 99 percent either a fraud or misinformed.

The guy seemed to have no real academic credential and, surprise, you guys have found that he has a product to sell.
I think you guys were great for evaluting his claims in a critical thinking type of manner, while trying to be polite until you could verify the quackery.

This is one reason why I like this site so much.
I have not looked into this to any degree, so I do not know what the doctor is claiming. I know the 19 year old poster is claiming it cured him. Given the age of the poster, I assumed this was his conclusion. Most people do not understand how strict the word cure is, and use it loosely. I rarely hear a doctor of any kind use the word cure with diseases like this. If the doctor is there is only a couple of possibilities. Either it is true, or it is a fraud. Most likely the latter.

I suppose I am only looking at it in a strict logical sense. Not interpreting how others may perceive the claim and method. I assume all treatments are false until some compelling evidence or reliable sources have determined other wise. Doctors have steered me wrong so many times, I do not consider them the best sources of treatment information anymore. When you are a jaded middle aged guy you assume everyone else has been around long enough to avoid being bilked. Of course that is not the case, and I am glad Kev is there to watch out for them.

I have no idea if the body pH can even be altered by diet. I have wondered if the body insists on a certain pH, if it is even a good idea to mess with it. Of course if it is being chemically altered by the food we eat then that is a different matter.

There would have to be a lot of investigation to see if this even potentially has any legs. I am not going to pursue it, since I have no way of testing it without symptoms.

But I do favor treatments that have no or little potential for side effects. Even though there is a good chance it would not work, it cannot really do any harm either unless you go about it in a foolish way. So many Crohn's treatments do not work for people anyway, so not much to lose on that front.

If it can be used without spending a substantial amount of money, I guess I would give it a go. I prefer more cause and effect type treatments, but some prefer a healthy eating method, and this sounds like at the least, it would be healthy.

It is a false treatment in my mind until proven otherwise. I would consider proof in the form of a large amount of users who have improved with no interest in the product/method. Or well established science that indicates that it could work. I do not know if either exists, but if it does not, then it is strictly a gamble that will have low odds of success.

A liqueur store entrance for a rehab facility. I could not have dreamed up such a scenario. Government has the unique ability to do most anything worse than any other individual or entity could manage.

I know you were not attacking my post Kev. I enjoy different perspectives on what ever the subject is. I hope to hear what people think about this or that. Not much can be learned without looking at all sides and angles of things. I am not emotionally attached to my thinking. I do not want to be, as then I cannot change my mind when needed. I have had to change my mind about quite a few things in the last few years.

It is an interesting discussion, and that is what I enjoy the most.

Hey, anyone catch that ABC news item about a lady in Florida, Brooke Zepp? I guess it shows the couterpoint... that's it just as important not to toss about the "QUOTE" No Cure "UNQUOTE" term. Can you imagine? all the cancer docs told her that her cancer was inoperable AND terminal. Who has the last laugh now? Nice to see her walking out of the hospital on her own two feet, cancer free. Of course, mostly due to those 7 surgeons who spent 15 hours performing a never before tried heroic operation. That they were able to remove all her abdominal organs, allow another team to then remove that buried golfball sized tumor on these organs in a 'dish' as they kept her alive sans organs; then to transplant/replant her organs into her again... I guess, where there's a will... and to never say never again.
sounds amazing. makes sense tho, with all the transplants that go on now, that this had a good chance of working. well done to the team, and for that lady for being the first to benefit :)
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So so so so funny! I love it

Creepy Lurker said:
I'd like to tell you all about *MY* miracle cure.

I developed Crohn's disease shortly after eating food. With this 'knowledge' in hand, I decided to stop eating food.

I gain all the energy I need by standing in the sun for two hours a day. Through the marvelous healing powers of solar energy, I am 115% cured.

By my book detailing how all this works (£9.99 from all good book stores).

There is a Wikipedia article about Robert Young here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Young_(author).

Makes for some interesting reading. Especially the 'Critics' section.
Since I am quite critical of our system of medicine in the U.S., mostly on the treatment side, I will give credit when it is due also.

That was one of the most amazing surgeries I have ever seen. The U.S. is second to none in surgical procedures, in my opinion. It is almost unbelievable what they were able to do for that lady.

I live down here in Florida and the medical community has been buzzing about that surgery. It was quite amazing, and I'm feeling rather lucky at the moment that the doctors around here are a bit more revolutionary than I had thought.

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