A few words for everyone!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 12, 2008
a few words for everyone!

hey guys
i just wanna take a sec and really say thank you. i dont even know if there are words to express this.

i can honestly say that this past 1/2 year has been the hardest and most painful of my whole life in dealing with this. it has also been the lonliest and most depressing time for me, as none of my friends are close to physically, my bf couldnt be close to me emotionally, just not many people around when the road got rough.

but then, there is this place. and i joined here in november before i knew how bad it was all gonna get. i dont even know what compelled me to search for a crohns disease forum that day, but im so glad i did becuase in a couple weeks im pretty certain i would have completely broken apart without this place and you all to lean on. im not making that up, really, my mental state would have been toast.

i guess it really caught me just now when i looked at my surgery thread and just how many people have read it and the sheer number of replies in there! you guys are amazing. and the thoughts and prayers thread from when my surgery took place brings tears to my eyes, i saved it so i can look at it whenever i need to feel loved. whenever i need a hug i can just read that and get about 100 hugs from you all.

i realized that i have come to known all of you not just as "fellow crohnies" i know you as people. i realized that so much of the time when im on here i actually FORGET that we all share IBD! heeelooo its called crhonsforum lol! but really, i just see you guys as dear friends, not friends who have crohns. i dont remember and identify you by what type of disease you had, what meds, what experience, etc. i remember you by your personalities, your senses of humor, how you write, your jokes, things youve said...it goes on and on!
joining this forum has really shown me that this disease does not identify us. in 10years with this i never made an effort to reach other people with cd. i thought "well i dont want to have a friendship with somone JUST because we have the same illness".
well, you all here have proved me wrong. thats not why were friends. thats why i first said hello and posted "my story", but thats not why i kept coming back :)
it was YOU that kept me coming back. not your intestines ;)

anyways, you guys have helped me far more than just giving me advice and suggestions. i ask if my stoma is normal or not and a response means far more to me than whats IN the response, if that makes sense at all.
you have given me reasons to get out of bed somedays, reasons to laugh, reasons to keep going.

and whether we talk often or have only talked once, and if your someone who has given me advice or not, i thank you ALL. the supportive spirit of each and every person is what makes it home.

home is where the heart is? well maybe thats why this place is so home-y. everyones hearts are here. i know mine is.

Your words have "voiced" my thoughts on many occasions about this forum.

Everyone is important as an individual, everyone is more than their IBD or other problems and we see past that.

Its a celebration of our lives and helps us to have a future and progress rather than stagnate and become bogged down in the mire of health problems constantly.

We have the trampoline of thoughts, listening ears and support.

Makes such a huge difference to our quality of life doesnt it?

As you say we have a common bond but its not our sole reason for being here..

HUGE (((((HUGS))))) to you my friend and to all here. You all give life sparkle and depth.
It works both ways. I think the positive attitude and the honesty with which you dealt your recent operation will help a lot of people who are troubled by the prospect of having a stoma.
Good luck and good health to you, and to everyone on here!
aw Kello, you little monkey.. you just made my eyes leak and now my mascara is smudged!!!!

i totally feel the way about this forum that you do.. there are days when i don't feel chatty, and don't post - but every single day i log in and something here either touches my heart, or makes me smile or giggle. this place is therapy.

i am always amazed at how well we can get to know people over the internet, to the point where we consider them real friends, worry about them, care about them, and sometimes tell them things we don't share with people in our real lives.

and i echo Steve's thoughts in that you have given just as much as you have received, Kello. your strength and determination is an inspiration, your humor and lovely personality brings a special addition to this forum.

i don't know if Mike ever realised what a gift he was creating when he made this place - a little comfort zone in cyber space for so many of us!
Well lucky for me I'm still in my pajamas, so I don't have Ding's mascara problem.
Yeah Kello - this place is awesome! I've learned so much here, and even if I am feeling crappy, someone can always make me feel better here. I wish we all lived closer - I would seriously like to hang out with so many of "us". Crohn's family rocks!
kello - you are sunshine! i find it very inspiring that someone so young, who has gone through so much, can still be so positive. it really helps me through my stuff when i read what you have to say... it makes me a little less afraid; it helps me feel a little stronger when i read about what you have had to go through. and you've always got something clever and funny to say. thanks for being here, girl. (thanks everyone else, too!!!)
It is a good and helpful place, for many reasons. I am glad others feel the same way.

Kleenex? Are you all coming down with something?

Oh Kello - that was such a lovely post! I know you don't 'know' me very well yet, but I have followed your surgery journey keenly and have been sending you all my support and best wishes. This may sound corny, but you are actually the person I think of if I am feeling sorry for myself or despairing. I find your attitude through all you have dealt with very inspiring So... Thank you!

I second what girlfriday had to say. I think your kindness and positive additude have been a great inspiration to so many people! Not to mention the great advice you are able to give from all of your experiences.

yeah I agree ive recently found this forum and it has helped a lot and i wasnt searching for it eather i found it doing a research paper ^.^ but im glad i did it really does help
Kello, thanks so much for posting what your life has been like with Crohns! Everyone on here benefits from your upbeat attitude.
My favorite thing about this forum is no matter how "weird" you think your symptom is...someone else has ALWAYS had it. It makes me feel so much more normal then I did before. I mean...kello, who would have thoght that I'd find my crohns twin :)
aw noooo no crying lol!

well, im glad the feelings are mutual and that i can give back a bit of what ive gotten here. :)
xoxo for everybody:D
well said all. this forum is our virtual family. we all feel safe sharing our deepest secrets, fears and happy days.

so, kello, how does it feel to not have to wipe 95709238749 times?
hahah oh fen, it is really nice :)

still not 100%, end up wiping maybe...58495 times for dumb mucous dumps. LOL but still, much better :D
Man how did i miss this thread.... 5 days later and i fist see it... Damn, Well i am glad you have found a good place and made good friends here kello, I know that i have done the same thing. i come here alot(mostly when bored at work.) and i get a lot of laughs some helpful advice and just all around makes my days batter. So i know how you feel. And glad to be here to help make you laugh