A Filipina in England with Crohn's Disease

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Jun 28, 2010
Hello Everyone, I've been here in England for 1 year and 4 months now, living with my English husband. I've just recently been diagnosed of Crohn's disease last June 23, 2010. I could still remember when I first had the flare up. I had a chinese take-away, my favorite! I had diarrhea and vomiting. The next day, I was experiencing sever abdominal pain. It was so serious it hurts when I move, bend, cough or laugh. I thought It was just a food poisoning , so I went to my GP and he said because of the food poisoning my appendix had been affected by the bacteria and he called it Appendic colic. He gave me some antibiotics 2 take and the pain went away. I'm back to normal eating the foods I like. After 2 weeks, I had the flare up again, this time it's more serious, that I couldn't take the pain anymore, I asked my husband to take me to the hospital. I was admitted for 6 days in the hospital, they thought at first it was appendicitis but it wasn't, treated me with antibiotics and codeine to stop the pain. I had an allergic reaction to codeine that I had this Severe itching, like i was burning of itch , I couldn't take it. Anyway, I have undergone through scans and tests but they didn't see anything. The pain has gone and they let me go home, their diagnosis was it was an inflamed bowel. They let me go home, without telling me anything about the disease or what food should I avoid or anything like that.
After 2 weeks, I was back in the hospital again with the same problem. Severe abdominal pain. So I stayed in the hospital for 1 week and 4 days this time. I was on oramorph and paracetamol to stop the pain. I have also undergone colonoscopy and and several xrays and blood tests . It was such a difficultime for me, because the doctors were unsure what it is that I have. Because I am from the Philippines they thought I had tuberculosis and that made it worse coz they won't be able to treat my crohn's if i have tuberculosis. To cut the long story short, after 9 nine days of waiting the doctor has finally told me, that I have Crohn's disease and it's not curable , that I have NO tuberculosis but they have seen something on my lungs so I have to undergo bronchoscopy aswell to be sure. I will have the bronchoscopy procedure tomorrow 29th of June and hope that they find nothing serious with my lungs. I'm now on Pentasa and Elemental diet to take for 2 weeks! NO FOOD! I'm starving!!! All I could think of is FOOD! FOOD! FOOD and the FOODS i will not be able to eat anymore. I hope to learn more from this FORUM! So thankful I found it!
Hi, Petite-Pois, and welcome to the forum! What a lot you've been through recently. Hang in there.
Hi Petite! Welcome to the forum! Crohns is one of the hardest diseases to diagnose and to finally get one, you wished you didnt have it. Chinese food can be disasterous for me, too much fried and greasy foods do me in. Everyone is different tho. So sorry you are on the elemental diet, I am wondering for how long? That is difficult to be on. I have not had to but many have on the forum and can help you out.

Glad you found us, so many people here to help you out and many from the UK.

Hi petite-pois
and welcome fellow Brit

Poor you! it's really hard til you get a dx, hope you get some answers soon!
glad you found us, lots of support here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome, you poor thing, had a right bad time of it lately. At least now you are dx you should start getting answers. This forum has really helped me so sure it will do you too.

Welcome petite-pois! So good to see another Asian on here ;) (Though I am Asian American, but still!).

Sorry to hear all the trouble you've been through. Whenever I hear people's stories with struggling to get a diagnosis I feel lucky they figured out what was wrong with me right away. You just want to know what it is so you can get on with your life and learn how to deal with what it is you have. Hope your bronchial test comes back alright so they can put you on some proper meds!

Glad you found us! There's so much info on here about diet and medication, etc. that you will find helpful once you finish the elemental diet and start taking different meds. Oh, and lots of great people who you will make friends with! :) Welcome again!
Hi Dramin twilight,

Yes I'm really glad I found this site. I was really worried when I was in the hospital, just so many things are going on my mind. I thought what if it's Colon cancer or anything deadly u know? I was so relieved when they finally told me the diagnosis.

My bronchoscopy procedure went fine but it was really the most horrible feeling when they sprayed the anaesthetic in my throat and in my nose. I just couldn't stop coughing at first then everything felt numbed I could hardly breathe, then they sedated me and I couldn't remember anything. I'm still waiting for the result.
Hi Petite and welcome. You'll find a ton of info on here to help you settle into your "new" life. Keep us posted on the broncho results. Glad you're here!!

Hope the results from your bronchoscopy come back quickly and you are given the all clear x

Hi Petite and welcome to the forum. There is a wealth of experience and information here that will certainly help you when your in need.

Btw, im considering starting the Elemental 028 diet. I know its extremely difficult to be on a liquid diet, but how are your faring? Do you think its working in regards to allowing some time for your intestine to take a break and recover, before you get back onto solid foods?


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