A HUGE Thank you!!!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 21, 2010
Hi Everybody!

I want to thank you all collectively for the wonderful support, love and care that you have shown me over the past week or so!
This forum is truly inspirational and I know we're cyber buddies, but I have been truly overwhelmed by the support and I'll never forget it!

I'm feeling much better, very fatigued and very achey but I think I'm going to do this, only one more week of Entocort til I stop. I truly believe I'm suffering with withdrawal cos I have no abdo pain or D, so fingers crossed!
If I can get to next Saturday without flaring, I'm hoping I'll be in remission.
If not, I don't know what the answer is, but I'm not going back on any steroids unless I'm at death's door.
Pred saved my life 7 months ago, but both steroids have completely F***** with my psyche, I'm foggy, I'm irritable, I'm narky, I'm not me!
My goal is to get to remission without these steroids, just stay on Pentasa.
I'm off now til September, so I will rest! (boring!)
I will start posting tonight, I can't resist! I will be sat down with my laptop, resting! no bombing it like a bee on acid!
love you all and thank you again!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Lovely to hear from you and for making me smile, knowing you are feeling much better.

Love ya! xx
Yay! So glad you're on the road to recovery. You had us worried there!

Big :hug: and fingers crossed for your remission!

Lots of Love! x
Welcome back princess lol. You are a wonderful asset to this forum and everyone has missed you...even me :wink:

Always take care of number one, because with out that, no one else can help!

One day at a time.:D

Welcome back Joan!

Glad to see you're back and working on your way to being well without steroids!
Keep on getting better! So happy to hear about some improvements this week. :)
So happy, happy, happy that you are feeling better! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!


Missed ya mate, :kiss:
:hug: :hug: :goodluck: :hug: :hug:

Here's wishing you continued recovery!!!!! You've been missed. Take care of yourself and don't over-do. I find my laptop does manage to keep me from getting up off my butt too much. I'm so glad you're feeling well enough to pop in and say hello.
Hurrah! Glad to hear that you are feeling somewhat better Joan. It's good to hear you being positive again! Hope that over the next week you continue to feel better but keep resting well too
Hey Joanie, I can tell you are getting back to normal,l have been laughing about your latest post! Your back, and glad you are better!
So glad you're feeling better!! The fog will lift, and you'll be back to your old self soon enough :) Welcome back!
Hey Joan,
I hope you are in remission as well. I am glad you are now able to rest and take it easy... (a bee on acid?..lol)

My parents and Brothers were British and I went to England every other year for a lot of my childhood..... and I STILL DON'T understand half of what you say :D
Been away for a few days and am so sorry I wasn't around to bid you well-wishes!! But I am SO GLAD to hear you are feeling better.

Your smiling face is loved and needed on this forum! Stay well!

xo xo xo - Amy
What gorgeous people you all are!
I am blessed with such good bowel buddies, I always know that you're there for me, thro thick and thin, even tho you can't understand half of wot I say! ha ha

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