A pet peeve of mine

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 5, 2007
People with normal digestive tracts who abuse their bodies with starvation or overeating. One acquaintance lives on 2 slices of toast for a meal. A dozen eggs are a dozen meals. To the other extreme is another acquaintance who considers a couple of chocolate bars and a soda pop to be a snack. A meal is something deep fried. They always come to mind when I am in tears on the toilet in the early hours of the morning.
I know what you mean....lol
I crave the healthy food that everyone seems to balk at....salads, raw veggies,...I'm drooling as I'm typing....lol

I knew a person who said TO MY FACE "Oh, I wish *I* could get Crohn's Disease to lose some weight like *you* did..." Like it was no big deal! *slap!!*

And this was after I had spent 3 weeks in hospital, so she saw how much I was suffering... Geez... I mean, don't make an effort to exercise, or improve your eating habits... She continues to gorge on fast food, sweets, coffee and pop. Seriously! Some people just don't get it, I guess...
I agree 100% with you Creepy.

VERY easy to point the finger at others and not one of us likes it - as we have seen when insensitive comments are made about or to us (as already commented on this thread) without realising the impact.

Might actually be these individuals are fighting their own unseen battle and "we" are judging and jumping to conclusions about them?

I might also point out my cholesterol used to be extremely low and no one could work out why despite my being told to eat a high fat diet at the time and putting on weight. When my crohns was diagnosed it was discovered that I wasnt reabsorbing my bile salts due to where my crohns is and it is involved in maintaining our cholesterol levels.

Just pondering out loud here.. but a rule I live by is each and every single one of us has our own battle to fight each and every day. Why waste energy pointing the finger at others when the other three fingers on the same hand are pointing back at us as individuals? What I mean by this is we all have our own failings and something insignificant we point out on another hides the failings we each have individually.

Hope this is taken in the way its meant i.e my pondering out loud after having read this thread several times and NOT as an insult!
I guess I am blessed in that my appetite has not been affected by our CD. Although I do have to watch what goes in. I have about fifty ways to make baked chicken, pasta and rice, and they are all tasty. My other problem is (aside from CD) I turn to food when I am happy, sad, or what ever. And we all know over eating is not good.
MsSickandTired said:

I knew a person who said TO MY FACE "Oh, I wish *I* could get Crohn's Disease to lose some weight like *you* did..." Like it was no big deal! *slap!!*

And this was after I had spent 3 weeks in hospital, so she saw how much I was suffering... Geez... I mean, don't make an effort to exercise, or improve your eating habits... She continues to gorge on fast food, sweets, coffee and pop. Seriously! Some people just don't get it, I guess...

I've had a couple of people say the same thing to me too! it's frustrating. If they only knew....
Everybody has their own issues and unfortunately some of them can be psychological. I struggled with eating when I was a teenager because of a poor body image. However I've also been on the flipside and been an overeater. Just because our bodies don't function properly, doesn't mean we can judge and hate others because they choose certain paths. I mean if you had ever struggled with an eating disorder, I'm sure you'd see how difficult it can be to overcome all of the negative schemas and thoughts that are always constantly running through your head, telling yourself you aren't good enough.

In my view, eating disorders are much like our disease and those people need just as much help as we do. Eating disorders are just so difficult to overcome and work with. When I'm feeling healthy, I still have horrible thoughts... they always lurk. Just very difficult to overcome.
I was a fat kid for a couple of years, to the extent that I was called "Fatty" or "Fatso"... still wince at that one, then a few years after that I nearly starved to death, don't know if it was anorexia or partly/wholly related to the crohns... but I've always had a weird relationship with food. Eating too much or too little are sides of the same coin... just makes me a bit sad that some people have to spend their entire lives coping with it
me too, Steve. my issue with food did start with the Crohn's - it hurt when i ate, so i stopped eating. no-one was helping me, despite telling our gp for years i was in pain, so i figured it was simple, no food=no pain. once i was diagnosed, and then had subsequent surgery, the control over eating little amounts stayed. even now, years later, i can't face a big loaded plateful of food, it makes me feel like crying! so, i am one of those 'grazers', eat little & often i guess, and i'm happy that way.

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