A 60-day probiotic protocol with Dietzia subsp. C79793-74 prevents development of Johne's disease parameters after in utero and/or neonatal MAP infection.
From: ROBERT CLICK [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:37 PM
To: XXXXX Igor (UA - Kyiv)
Subject: Re: Dietzia subsp. C79793-74 and Crohn’s disease
You did your home-work. List more studies than I cite in my papers. Latest paper is attached. At present we just started a clinical trial in Australia. Is going rather slowly however, Also , we are in the process of converting the liquid storage form to a powder--for obvious long term storage and shipment. I will keep your info and as we progress will see if it possible to get some to you. DO you see any problems getting it into your country?
I believe you are tired of the disease---also there should be NO side affects, although only time will tell about this
Igor - thank you for sharing the email with us. I can't believe you managed to get hold of him When he said "latest paper is attached" - would you mind sharing that? Is the latest paper about the Dietzia trial?
What a surprise - the agricultural industry has had more head way in curing cows, than the medical community has curing IBD!
A member of the crohn's forum has used dietza at borodys clinic and he said its helped him reduce symptoms maybe 60% but eventually went on triple antibiotic therapy and experienced better results. it think it was philn. http://www.crohnsforum.com/member.php?u=304825
Yes I tried Dietzia as well under Prof Borody while I was on anti-MAP. I had a small immediate improvement after the first dose (10 bowel movements/day to 7) but then the improvement stopped. Prof Borody is now doing another trial with Dietzia but you need to stop anti-MAP to participate which I was not willing to do given the possibility of developing resistance. I suspect patients will get a better response if they're not on anti-MAP so my little improvement probably isn't a good indicator