A Potential ’Curative’ Modality for Crohn’s Disease

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Apr 28, 2011
A Potential ’Curative’ Modality for Crohn’s Disease







How can we find this probiotic – Dietzia. (an aerobic, Gram-positive, nonsporing, actinobacteria, and a close relative of MAP)
Ware we can buy it?
Nowhere yet for humans, it's been tested on cows so far only.
Very interesting, although the author for all of these articles is the one and the same Robert E. Click, who apparently holds the patent for Dietzia.
Aye, I didn't want to link it at first because of the competing interests.
From: ROBERT CLICK [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 9:37 PM
To: XXXXX Igor (UA - Kyiv)
Subject: Re: Dietzia subsp. C79793-74 and Crohn’s disease


You did your home-work. List more studies than I cite in my papers. Latest paper is attached. At present we just started a clinical trial in Australia. Is going rather slowly however, Also , we are in the process of converting the liquid storage form to a powder--for obvious long term storage and shipment. I will keep your info and as we progress will see if it possible to get some to you. DO you see any problems getting it into your country?

I believe you are tired of the disease---also there should be NO side affects, although only time will tell about this

Igor - thank you for sharing the email with us. I can't believe you managed to get hold of him:) When he said "latest paper is attached" - would you mind sharing that? Is the latest paper about the Dietzia trial?

What a surprise - the agricultural industry has had more head way in curing cows, than the medical community has curing IBD!

Thank you!!
Hi Wildbill,

Yes I tried Dietzia as well under Prof Borody while I was on anti-MAP. I had a small immediate improvement after the first dose (10 bowel movements/day to 7) but then the improvement stopped. Prof Borody is now doing another trial with Dietzia but you need to stop anti-MAP to participate which I was not willing to do given the possibility of developing resistance. I suspect patients will get a better response if they're not on anti-MAP so my little improvement probably isn't a good indicator

The Dietzia I tried was made by I think a Canadian company???
Here is the patent: http://www.google.com.au/patents/US8231867

The Centre For Digestive Diseases couldn't get any more from them so now make their own.

Thanks mate, Phil.