A Question abou feeling sick

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May 29, 2007
Hi, I have had really bad Nausea since Friday, Haven't eaten since Friday afternoon. Don't feel like it. Is this normal? Should i force my self to eat even though I feel like I may throw up? Thanks
If you are into your 4th day of nausea AND not eating, then it's time to see a doctor.

Just my thoughts... If nothing in your life has changed, no new drugs, whatever, it's a sign of something. And you are assuming that it's a part of your disease. That may not be the case at all. In any event, a multiple day fast with nausea isn't something to ignore. Your doc may want to up your meds, run tests, or tell you it IS part/parcel of your disease. at least this way he/she is in the loop, and able to do their job. OK?
Hi Shoeless,

I agree with Kev, you need to get checked out. You havent said about whether you are able to keep down fluids or not either. Whether you can or not you still need a review. It could be side effects of meds you are on, a plain gastric bug or your IBD to name three off the top of my head.

Another thought also is that you may be compounding your nausea because you arent eating. If you dont have the other aspects ruled out you will find it hard to try eating and test that theory too.

Hope you get sorted soon. Let us know how you get on...
Yes I have been able to drink have eaten a few times. since Friday , (threw up a couple times) and getting a bad headache at night. Still feel shakey, No new Meds
but I was off my crohns meds for a couple of months, and have now been back on for almost 2. Fun Fun Fun
Well headaches can just be down to something like dehydration shoeless.. and the shakeyness too along with lack of nutrition.

If you were off your meds it doesnt sound like you are doing too well at the mo.

Hope you get some improvement soon or go and get things checked out!
If you are havin trouble eating try something like ensure. You are most likely getting worse due to the fact you aren't eating and also drink a lot of water and I dont' day liquids for one reason and thats because many of them can cause dehydration. For electrolytes I would take a bottle of gatorade and pour a quarter of it into a half liter bottle mix with water and shake and there you go electrolytes without killing yourself. Best of luck
Before I was diagnosed, I did the same thing, lived on water and gatorade. Lost about 30+ lbs (was 89 lbs when I finally was diagnosed) And had surgery within wks of that. Make sure you stay hydrated, even if you're just drinking and get in to see your GI. Hope u feel better soon.
Crohn's Disease

Hi, I hope it is okay that I am joining your conversation. I think this is a really good forum and I have appreciated what you all have been sharing. I really was in particular touched by Shoeless' entry about not being able to eat for four days. I work for a communications firm, and our client is involved in Crohn's research and awareness. I've been trying to pass along to them what I feel Crohn's patients want most and what they need. So I have been reading the forums and attempting to gain perspective. But I really feel your opinions are more valid than mine. Is there anything you would want me to share with them?
i too feel nausea when the flare gets really bad. Ask your dr. for nausea medication. I take phenegran they wanted to prescribe the marajana for cancer patients but i thought that was a little extreme. Try jello too or popsicles going on a liquid diet to rest bowels for a week or too might help. They said drink pedialight but that made me throw up and then to hospital.
Whew feels better to be amongst the living agian. It was rough for a while there first the nausea, then a cold (i'm on 6mp,it tears down your sysytem) I had no voice for a few weeks. Now just some bleeding left but i'm picking up at least i don't have as much nausea now

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