We just got home today from the hospital. Garrison's surgery was on the 1st and today was my first chance to get to a computer, so I apologize for the delay. Surgery was surprising, in a good way. Please induldge me in telling my mini heart attack story.
Garrison had been in surgery for an hour, the nurse called, said all was going well and they had about another hour. So I was told to go get something to eat. (That's right, I left the floor:shifty
I had been downstairs long enough to order and my husband calls, "They want us in a meeting room, right now." Me: "Who said that?" dh "Some tall doctor, not ours." Well, you can imagine, I am white as a sheet, start trucking it down the hall, my mom is behind me trying to keep up saying "it's good news, I'm sure." We get up to the 2nd floor and the surgeon walks in the room and starts making small talk, WHAT! I look at him and said, "Is this good news, or bad!" He looks at me like I am crazy and said, "Oh, great news, we didn't have to remove any bowel!" :ywow: and then our surgeon walked in all smiles. Sure wish they would have led with that. LOL
Here's the big news, the surgeon did not see any evidence of Crohn's! It seems Garrison was in such pain because the adhensions from his surgery as an infant had stuck to the bowel wall and as he grew, his intestines were being stretched and twisted. One portion went diagonal across his gut and turned 180 degrees. He compared the matting in the TI area to a rat's nest. So he had to scrape the intestines from the walls as well as itself and straighten it all out. He thinks the bleeding uclers are the result of a build up of bile salts not being able to pass through. So, he wants to start Garrson on questrine as soon as he starts eating better. I am trying not to get my hopes up, still concerned with his anemia and lack of growth, but no Crohn's, wow, what a surprise ending.
Take care,
Garrison had been in surgery for an hour, the nurse called, said all was going well and they had about another hour. So I was told to go get something to eat. (That's right, I left the floor:shifty
Here's the big news, the surgeon did not see any evidence of Crohn's! It seems Garrison was in such pain because the adhensions from his surgery as an infant had stuck to the bowel wall and as he grew, his intestines were being stretched and twisted. One portion went diagonal across his gut and turned 180 degrees. He compared the matting in the TI area to a rat's nest. So he had to scrape the intestines from the walls as well as itself and straighten it all out. He thinks the bleeding uclers are the result of a build up of bile salts not being able to pass through. So, he wants to start Garrson on questrine as soon as he starts eating better. I am trying not to get my hopes up, still concerned with his anemia and lack of growth, but no Crohn's, wow, what a surprise ending.
Take care,