Abscess drained, lymph nodes still swollen?

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Nov 7, 2011

I just recently had a perirectal abscess drained... a week and a half ago. My groin lymph nodes are still swollen, but I don't think I have an active infection at the moment? I could be wrong. How long does it take for the swelling to go down typically?

Sorry I can't help you, but could you give some info on the procedure? I believe I have the same thing (abscess) and although I refused to have it removed, It's really causing me alot of pain now so I'm leaning towards it.
Did you have surgery? If so, how long did it take, and how long did it take for you to be able to function properly again?
Hi! Sorry to hear you're struggling with a similar issue. I had a perirectal abscess that I thought was draining enough to resolve itself since I'm on Humira, but my fistula closed, while I still had infection in the abscess so it worsened. Basically I had to do it as an emergency procedure because the abscess worsened SO quickly and unexpectedly. Within 48 hours I went from being able to move around (I'm a high school teacher and a zumba instructor) to not being able to walk because the abscess had gotten so much bigger and more swollen and my groin lymph nodes swelled up so much. Anyway, the procedure involved local anethesia for the area and cutting into the abscess and letting the puss/blood drain out. The majority of it will drain out immediately after the incision is made. Although they numbed the area, it was still pretty painful (especially the numbing needle- OUCH) because the area was so tender and swollen. I was pretty shaken up after the incision was made because I was overwhelmed by the whole situation. I needed someone to drive me home because I was really out of it following the procedure, but by the next morning I was feeling SIGNIFICANTLY better. I was told to do hot soaks every 2 hours and keep heat on the area as much as possible to promote healing. The incision leaked blood and puss for 3-4 days... It has been a week and a half and I'm having very very little light yellow drainage and the whole is starting to close. I didn't need to use any dressings on the wound because it is pretty small considering how much fluid was in the abscess. I can walk around normally again and can sit without having to shift my weight constantly. I'm hoping it doesn't come back, though there's a 50% (approximate) chance that another fistula will form. So far I'm feeling great and I'm so thankful I had it drained.... I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions! Honestly, I'll help as much as I can! This has been my experience with it... Good luck!
Hi sorry to hear your situation I hope you feel better soon, I'm not sure how long the glands stay swollen but they should naturally start to settle as the infection clears which might be a couPle of weeks. Ru still on antibiotics? I'm just recovering from sinusitis (completely different I know) but the glans at my cheek bone were swollen for about 2 weeks and that's a lot less serious than an abscess. I have had an intraabdominal abscess before and all surrounding glands were swollen but I don't know how long for as I wasn't able to feel them. Glad your feeling a bit better

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