abscesses please help?!!

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Feb 20, 2013

For the past 6 weeks ive been gettin abscesses around my bottom, i have had blood tests to see if im diabectic but all came back fine apart from my crp which the gp reckons could b a flare up, gp took a water sample friday last week just waiting on results. Yesterday i woke up with another abscess to hich i am in seeing the gp today at 10:10am, what i want to know is this happening because im having a flare up or is this just part of crohns?????:frown: im really getting fed up with them now cos there not in a great place and it can effect how i sit/walk. I would b greatful for any advice.

Thanks xx
Thanks for replying, i am seeing my crohns consultant Thursday morning, i have been given another course of antibiotics and my gp has said if these dont help then surgery maybe the next step... does that sound right??? this is all new to me so i really dont know what action should be taken xx
It does sound like a crohn's problem. Have you had crohn's in this area before? I've only had anal abscesses twice and both times they cleared up with drainage so I can't help with your surgery question. I think they should try drainage first but it depends on how bad they are. There are a lot of people in the forum who should be able to answer your question better than I can.
I hope they get better for you soon and its just a hiccup on the crohn's road.
Hi anna,

i had a feeling this was down to crohns, no not had crohns in this area before, like i said this all started about 6 weeks ago and in that time ive had 3 abscesses which are on my bum cheek but close to my anus, very painful!! i take the antibiotics for a week and they seem to help at the time but a week later and off the antibiotics an abscess is there again, thanks for replying xx
Hi anna,

i had a feeling this was down to crohns, no not had crohns in this area before, like i said this all started about 6 weeks ago and in that time ive had 3 abscesses which are on my bum cheek but close to my anus, very painful!! i take the antibiotics for a week and they seem to help at the time but a week later and off the antibiotics an abscess is there again, thanks for replying xx

Someone up up above suggested sitz baths and I strongly agree with that. My abscess trouble started six months ago and I still do three sitz baths a day to keep it at bay.

Good luck, I know how painful and frustrating these things are!
Hope they can fix this for you. I also strongly suggest the sitz bath. Hopefully your GI can help you get on top of this. I have also suffered with this problem due to crohns so can understand your pain.
Good luck with your GI tomorrow. Surgery is considered when the abscess is reoccurring and causing problems. I had surgery to drain an abscess over a year ago now. They basically open it up to drain it all out, clean it up and then pack it, so it heals from the inside out and you don't end up with a cavity.
It isn't very nice obviously, but you do get used to it and it is manageable. Unfortunately it turned out that I had a fistula with mine so it reoccurred. I had this operated on in Jan and since then it has not been a problem.
It might be a good idea to see if you can have an MRI scan so they can see where the abscess is and if it is connected to any fistulas.
Hi littlemissvalentine,

my consultant has put me on a 2 week course of 2 different antibiotics and is sendin me for an mri scan so just gotta wait for that appointment to come through which should be within the next few weeks and im back seeing my consultant on the 17th of april. Can i ask what a fistula is as i keep seeing that and i haveno idea what it is haha, thanks for replying xx
Here is the link to our wiki page which might explain things better than I can!
It is basically a tract which forms from the intestine/anus, out to the surrounding area. So say it was in your intestine, it could form a link between two parts of the intestine. Or it could go into other organs like the bladder, go out to the skin so you end up with something that kinda looks like a spot or hole which could ooze pus/faecal matter. One which sometimes happens in women is a rectovaginal fistula which is between the rectum and vagina. So with that you can have faecal matter/air coming out of the vagina. They are not nice at all to deal with so I hope you don't have any!
I believe they can also form in other parts of the body as well, say the veins. But with IBD they form in the digestive tract due to damage done by inflammation.
Hope that helps!
Good luck with your appointments!
Wouldn't a hot sitz bath and a big Margarita be nice! Dang, can't drink while taking flagyl!! Guess I just have to settle for the bath:(
Hi Anna,
sure i will keep u updated on everythin :) not sure about the antibiotics tho as im still sore where the abscess is, its gone don but it went don before i seen my consultant but its not got worse so cant complain xx

Hi Mistybear,
id love to have a beer myself but cant because of the antibiotics lol so like u the bath will have to do!! haha xx
still on 2 different antibiotics and feel like crap :( but this is the last week then im finished :) go for my MRI scan tomorrow too then seeing my consultant on the 17th april so not long till i know wots goin on :) xx
well ive had the MRI scan, went ok staying still is a lot harder than i thought lol next step is to see my consultant next week hopefully all is well, only time will tell i guess... even tho im on the 2 antibiotics i think ive got another abscess on my bottom as one area is a little tender :/ ive also noticed my bum has become itchy, is this normal???? xx
results of the mri scan were fine was some inflammation but that was it, waitin for my consultant to fone me back today, only got ANOTHER abscessin the same place :/ its a bit nerving as i dont no wot the next step is gonna b.. xx
consultant rang back, ive gotta go in tomoz for a camera and shes gettin one of her surgical team to look at the abscess to see wot they think, possible seton is wot she said... i feel happy thats sumthin is gettin done and scared in case they suggest surgery :/ xx
just an update... camera results are not too bad sum inflammation which i guessed was gonna b there... surgeon examined the abscess to which he said i av possibly 2 fistulas formin but i dont need the abscesses drainin yet, gotta wait for an appointment now to see a doc about wot they should do about the fistulas... im happy with the results cos now i no wots up and that there gonna sort me out. xx
Hi Nicola,
hang in there. The waiting is the worst part. I just hope that they can sort it out for you. Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you.
Cheers Janette

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