Absolutely no appetite

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Jan 15, 2013
Hi, everybody (:)
I've been diagnosed with Crohn's approximately 2 years now. I just had a baby girl in Febuary. I gained a little under 30 pounds during pregnancy.

I'm 5 foot 2 inches am already back to 95 pounds. :( I was barely 90 before pregnancy. before Crohn's I was about 105ish. I have no appetite. I either have no appetite, or when I go to eat, I just.. can't. I get full feeling after a couple bites, lose all desire to eat, and/or sometimes get nauseous. My stomach hasn't been hurting too much though, off and on, but nothing extreme.

I really hate being this skinny and not being able to eat. people constantly ask if I have a eating disorder, and some family members even accused me of being on drugs. I feel awful abut my image and it seriously depresses me. I'm on Pentasa but like I said, as far as pain, I've been okay. Could it be inflammation? Does anyone else experience this? if so, what do you do? is there any medication to help appetite?
I get the same feelings sometimes, and contribute it to inflamation. Most of the time it is around a week for me. I listen to my stomach of whether it is hungry or not. I've learned that forcing it is not the right thing for me. If I force something, and then bring it up later.... I always feel 10x worse than if I would have listened to myself. One time in particular I remember going beyond a week and I felt the same as you (full with only a few bites). Sometimes even the smell of food would make me nauseated. I would recommend reaching that point of where you feel full and letting things settle. An hour or two later try for a little more etc. Sometimes you feel like you have to retrain yourself. Stick to blan foods. The thing I love the most when that happens, is when I finally get a craving. That is my sign that things are looking better, and I go for it. FWIW, I am about 110... and could use a few extra pounds as well. I wish you luck.
It may be that the Pentasa on its own isn't enough for you. Are you experiencing any other symptoms? Can you get a blood test to check for inflammation? If you are experiencing inflammation it could be the cause for your loss of appetite. In comparison: I'm in remission and I don't feel like I even have Crohn's anymore. I just feel normal.
It's really tough I feel your pain. Best I can say is try to force yourself and do smaller portions more often. Maybe hotter or colder foods are more tolerable for you? In my case colder. You can also try high calorie drinks like ensure or boost to get nutrition quickly.
Zinc deficiency? It messes with your appetite and your sense of taste. I gather that zinc is also needed for stomach acid production, and when that falls then you feel full for ages, and don't absorb your food so well. I went though a weird period where my appetite completely vanished, and reckon that was why.

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