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Jul 7, 2010

Has anyone been addicted to pain meds? And if so what did you do to change it and what was your experience?
No, I have to be hog tied to take them. I dont even like taking paracetamol and refused morphine even as long as possible after surgery. I think your body needs to let you know whats going on, so I just dont like being doped up. Also FEAR of addiction. If you have an addictive personality to begin with, you are more likely to become addicted to pain meds. I hope this isnt the case for you, but if it is, dont mess about and get professional help as soon as possible. With crohns and an addiction to pain meds, its very dangerous.

My brother was on pain killers (morphine) for a loooong time - we saw personality changes in him from it....he ended up quitting cold turkey because the effects were ruining his life and relstionships......he is very careful about what he takes now, as he also has a VERYhigh tolerance for the drug, so it doesn't work very well for him.
They, the unnamed 'they' claim that you can't become addicted if you're in pain. I greatly disagree. I've been through too many different pain meds through the years, but I think I posted on the other thread. I'll go make sure...
I take pain meds when I'm in agony and can't see any other way out of the predicament. I think when you have the ability to think about addiction it's a good sign - meaning that you have some choice in the matter.
They, the unnamed 'they' claim that you can't become addicted if you're in pain. I greatly disagree. I've been through too many different pain meds through the years, but I think I posted on the other thread. I'll go make sure...

I have never heard this before, but it's absolute hogwash! People who are in pain and have a genuine need for painkillers can absolutely also become addicted. That's why painkillers need careful management.

To the OP - Have you ever seen a chronic pain specialist? You can voice your concerns with them and come up with a treatment plan. They want to work with you. They want your pain to be under control but they also don't want you taking dangerous levels of drugs. They will do what they can to wean you to a sensible level but they won't force you to be in pain you can't handle. They will probably also get you on a chronic pain agreement so that you are committing to getting your usage under control. Even if you aren't "addicted" I think these are valuable tools in making sure your pain is optimally managed and you don't become addicted in the future.

Whatever you decide to do, I hope you find some relief soon. I know you have been suffering. My thoughts are with you.

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