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Oct 21, 2010
I've read conflicting statements online regarding these, so I wanted to ask everyone...

Have you had any procedures regarding being able to identify your adhesions that weren't invasive?
"Most of the time, the adhesions cannot be seen using x-rays or imaging tests.
Hysterosalpingography may help diagnose adhesions inside the uterus or Fallopian tubes.

X-rays of the abdomen, barium contrast studies, and CT scans may help diagnose a blockage of the intestines caused by adhesions.

Endoscopy (a way of looking inside the body using a flexible tube that has a small camera on the end) may help diagnose adhesions:

Hysteroscopy looks inside the uterus

Laparoscopy looks inside the abdomen and pelvis"

So far that's the best info I can find. So there are other methods and I'm sure your doctor may want to try these other tests first but it may simply depend on where it is and what symptoms you're having.
I've been told the only way to know for certain is to go in and look.
However, the reason I just had my surgery to see about the adhesions is because my GI "felt" them when pressing on my abdomen.
He was right...I had a lot tho so I don't know if that made a difference ??
My GI has told me before that I had adhesions. I have no idea how I got them though. Never had any injuries to my gut, and no surgeries. Must just be the Crohn's I guess. He's had issues during my colonoscopy before because of them. Had to turn me around all which ways I guess. I'm having some pain now, and I blame them. Just wasn't sure if there was anything that could confirm without having to have him go in and check.
Adhesions can be evil!!! LOL!!!! They cause pain. My bowel obstruction several years ago was due to an adhesion. it was so painful. I remember beingin the hospital, in pain, all doped up (they tried every pain med they could find) and hearing this poor woman screaming somewhere. Finally I realized it was me.

From what my doctors told me, they can be due to surgeries, but also due to inflammatory bowel diseases. I can't sleep on my tummy any more due to the adhesions. The pain on my left side that is always there, like a dull toothache, is due to adhesions. I don't like adhesions!

Lol - I don't like them either. I think I have a evil one now. Hurts intermittenly, even when I squeeze muscles to pee. Getting checked next week to rule out ingections. Who knows what it is, but I still think its an evil adhesion. :(
Don't forget ladies, a BIG cause of adhesions can be Endometriosis. It causes Crohn like symptoms as well if its on the bowels. Unfortunetly it can only be diagnosed through a laprasopic surgery.

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