Advice on HPV results/Colposcopy

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Nov 26, 2013
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well.

I have Crohn's disease and take humira every two weeks (which apart from making me tired, works fantastically) however I went for my very first smear (cervical screening) test the other week. I got my test results back today and they have found evidence of HPV infection which means I now need to go for a colposcopy examination. I put my smear test off for a few months because I was worried, and now this has come through, I have to admit....I am very scared :shifty:

I have read that immune suppressing medication, such as humira, can affect these results. I just basically wanted a bit of help/advice/comforting really from anybody that has been through this. I am only a young 25 year old and seem to be going through all the scopy's, haha, endoscopy, colonscopy, and now the colposcopy! I know I can do this, I'm just feeling worried.

Thanks everybody :redface: xxx
Hi Daytripper,

I'm on Humira and have been for 2 years. I was found to have HPV and had to have a colposcopy, I'm with you with all the scopys!! My biopsy showed inflammation & I have to have yearly smears for a while but thankfully nothing sinister :)
Thanks so much for your reply. I am just so worried.....a lot of symptoms for cervical cancer are similar to those of Crohn's disease. The cramping, bloating, anemia etc. which I have always put down to having crohns and now am panicking that it might be signs for cervical cancer. Especially since my specialist has told me I've recently had a drop in my iron levels. I'm not normally a worrier, but this has just really got to me xxx
Hey Daytripper. I've been there before. I'm also 25 years old, and on Humira (just began last week). But since I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2012 I have continuously had abnormal paps (might have been b/c of the Remicade). Because of the abnormal paps, I have had 2 colposcopies. Fortunately they both came back negative, but it did ease my nerves about having Cervical cancer. You are right, the symptoms are very similar to Crohn's! Oh, and I also am HPV positive even though I had the Gardisil vaccine. I knew about the HPV before my Crohn's diagnosis.

Anyway, I would go through with the Coloposcopy and continue to have a pap test every 6 months. That is my game plan for now. It isn't the most pleasant procedure but you'll get through it just fine. Good luck!
Hi Daytripper, I'm in the same boat as you, but I'm on Remicade. I'm currently waiting for my colposcopy, but as everyone has said, it should be fine. Us Crohnies just need to be extra precautious!
This reminds me I am overdue for my exam...I had a colposcopy done a few years ago, wasn't the most pleasant experience but I have been through worse....
Don't be scared but DO stay up to date with your exams. Cervical Cancer is considered to be a treatable mother passed away at 53 from it because she had no insurance and skipped her exams :( Super important as the awful result could have been avoided with proper screening.
I also have HPV and have had two colposcopies. Both turned out to be negative, so try not to worry :) Like the others have said, as long as you keep up on your exams (i still go yearly even though they changed the guidelines to every 3 years i think), you should be just fine.
Thanks so much for your support everybody, I have had my date through for my colposcopy and it's in two weeks time. I just keep telling myself, I've had all this other stuff done to do with my crohns and I've lived to tell the tale, so I can do a colposcopy! I think especially with taking immune suppressant drugs, I keep feeling a little paranoid that my body is not going to be able to fight something terrible off. We definitely do need to be extra precautious.....saying that I think before I had my crohns, I think I very much took things for granted and didn't really take things very seriously, but since being diagnosed with crohns I'm constantly getting check ups and taking much better care of that's the silver lining of it all! I just hope the colposcopy goes okay....
Oh, and also....does anybody have any good tips for beforehand that might help me before going for my colposcopy? One of the best things I've been told to do is just relax during the exam, but that's easier said than done, I know I will take deep breaths and try to calm down but my body just won't listen haha. I wasn't sure if to perhaps take a kalms tablet, or maybe a paracetamol beforehand just to help a little.
I wouldn't,t take any over the counter meds beforehand just in case of interaction with hospital meds,the won,t do anything if you use decode rent or scented soap either.

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