Advice on scopes.

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Apr 28, 2012
I know this sounds silly but it just hit me:eek:............
I know very little about scopes, specially for a 3 yr. old.:yfaint:

I was told they would put her under and it would last a total of 2 hours and Miralax will be used for the prep. They are sending me a packed next week with info for the scopes.

She's having both scopes done.

I guess my questions for you all is.....:yrolleyes:

What can I aspect?

What tips can you all give to help make it easier for her?

How do you travel (3 hrs one way) with a child to and from the hospital?

Basically tell me anything you wished you had known a head of time.:ghug:
I've had more scopes then I can count, but I don't have much advise about one on a 3 year old. I would think getting her to drink the prep would be the hardest part of it. The Miralax prep is the easiest one I have ever did. Also I would think she would sleep most of the way home because of the meds given doing the scope. I also think I would put a pullup on her for the ride there & home. Good Luck!
I am surprised they would just use miralax for the prep. Also did they tell you she has to do a special diet for two days prior?
Caitlyn is going on Tuesday for hers. I would recommend bringing things to keep her occupied on the way there. The way home she will probably be sleepy. 2 hours seems like a very long timeline. Unless they are talking about the whole getting ready and waking up after. The actual scope takes about half an hour or so. The doctor usually will come out and talk to you right after to let you know preliminary results. Make sure you bring a jacket or sweater as those waiting rooms are usually freezing. I can't think of anything else at the moment but will keep thinking about it.
They said a total of two hours. I would think like you that includes recovery and such.

No they didn't bring up the special diet. What is that?
That means she would have to start on Christmas day. Oh well, she's not eating much any ways. Just her shakes and she still loves chicken and turkey.
WE did miralax prep plus dulcolax/exlax chews.
you mix the miralax in gatorade ( avoid red, purple, green, blue- yellow and clear work well). The paperwork should tell you how much and when.
clear fluids the day before.
Koolaid makes an invisible version ( cherry and lemonade) stock up on this
plus pedialyte clear juice boxes ( cherry / apple)
Get pudding and yogurt and popcicles for the day after.
avoid anything red/orange in case she vomits you want to know if there is blood.
the hospital may have a link to my emmi which will explain the procedure better for you so ask.
bring a backpack full of food since one adult has to be in the waiting room basically whole time in case they need a decision on something.
Bring a book for you as well.
Most will let you go back to the procedure room where they do the scope so she will be less scared before she is put out- ask
some will give silly juice if she needs it.
They will have her breather flavored air to knock her out before any iv's are put in.
let her know her hand may have a tubey to give her medicine when she wakes up.
also that the doc is just going to take some pictures of her tummy to try and see how to make her feel better.
Here is a book from john's hopkins for kids and surgery.

Only talk about it a day before since she won't remember otherwise.
As for prep set up a dvd player in the bathroom so she does not have to run for it. Be prepared for tears since it may irritate her prolapse. Start early so you are not pressured to get it all in at the last minute. when it is running clear out the other end you should be done.

Create a sticker chart for each glass of prep she drinks with a small prize at the end.
We also did a toy shop the 2 days before and gave the new toy right before he went under as a distraction.
Extra clothes for both of you since she make vomit at anytime.:ghug:
oh and after the scope she may fell like she is going to have a bm that is just gas.
her stomach and throat will be sore but the meds should take away most of it.
ASk what drinks they give after - if she has a favorite cup or drink then you can bring that to the center and the nurses can give it to her.
Bring a stuffed animal or doll-
this will stay with her so she does not feel alone when she wakes up until you get back to the recovery room.
Let the pulmonogist know about her asthma and the scope
they may want to add/change meds the week/day before the scope.
Ok, here another question....:yrolleyes:

How does all that prep work for some one that has a hard time keeping liquid down?

If she can't keep it down does that mean the scopes can't be done?:confused2:
Bring it up with the Gi they may do clean out in patient with an iv and ng tube.
She has to be able to keep it all down.
yes your daughter will be just fine. the prep is the hardest but she will just think she has a bit of a tummy upset with some diarrhea.
the procedure itself under a local sedation wont bother her in the slightest. she wont remember getting it or feel any pain. and after it you dont have any discomfort but maybe a little wind.
best of luck to your daughter :)
Most of the advice above covered our experiences as well. Just wanted to say - both my kids were quite tearful and upset afterwards. However after 10 minutes of cuddles and comfort they were just about back to normal. Andrew was quite gassy afterwards - felt like he needed the toilet but it's just the air they pump in trying to get out :lol:
Since C is so much older I don't think any advice I could give would help. MLP's advice was all spot on! I thought I saw where you had just recently posted she was taking one(or was it two) shakes a day now with no probs. Seeing as those shakes tend to be fairly thick and she is getting those down maybe she won't have any trouble with getting the prep down.

C had no probs with the colonoscopy prep down, or the barium prep for SBFT down, but he had an awful time with the MRI contrast drink and getting it down. The techs just kept pushing and telling him he had to get it down for the test. He vomited once or twice but was finally able to get enough down for the MRI.

I would contact the doc about the issues keeping liquids down as it sure would be a shame that the scopes were missed due to that.
Yes Clash she can keep the shakes down as long as she drinks slow. However I notice shakes are easier to drink than water for her. I don't know if it's because I always am pushing water on her of if she now thinks it will upset her tummy and cause spitting up.
It seemed like it took us forever to get it all down, we didn't do miralax but some version of go-lightly (now there is a misnomer). I had to call in reinforcements to help in getting him to drink it all.
My mother and mother-in-law came over and played drinking games with him I felt like I was in some weird fraternity house.
I'm not too much help but agree with all mlp says and just keep thing in the bathroom to keep her occupied. If I remember right once he had finished drinking everything, it all came out pretty quickly. The procedure itself he doesn't remember and was out for it. Was weepy (not sure if that is a word but I'm making it one) but was told that was to be expected from anathesia. Just tired afterword.
Yep! Miralax prep here also. Although she is a tough girl it was a complete nightmare getting it all down. She vomitted a few times but she got enough in that the scope was good. After I came on here I was mad that I learned all about the ng tube and that was never an option presented to us as I fought, begged and bargained to get all that stuff in her.

Anyway, a few accidents while she slept. She will be having another scope early next year and I was thinking about the long car ride also. Pullups are a good idea.

Same thing coming out of anesthsia...weepy and cranky and had to pee like a race horse and refused to use the bed pan but she had two iv towers and they didn't want to take her to the bathroom. She finally yelled at them and they took her. I have never seen her like that!

Good luck!
H thought it was pretty cool to drink 7up and have a popsicle for breakfast. I think we put the miralax in the 7up, but it was a little over a year ago and we were a little overwhelmed at the time.
The novelty wore off as he got hungry and wanted real food. He was very frustrated later in the day not being able to eat. Movies kept his mind somewhat occupied.
We were in the room while he was prepped. We let the room when the propofol took effect and went back into the room as he was coming out of the effects.
He was a little loopy on the drive home. Within a couple of hours of the scopes he was starving and wanted burgers, chicken nuggets and fries. He was fine after eating and went to school the next day.
We were lucky enough to get an early morning appointment to lessen the amount of time he could not eat.
Sending good thoughts that all goes well.
Scope time is a good point.
She may luck out . At kiddie hospital the little ones go first thing in the am and bump the older kids since they can't go without food as long.
So at four she should have an early scope.
You may want to drive down the day before checkin the hotel and then prep the next day since she will probably be very early and they like you at the hospital about two hours before the actual scope time.
Well with Christmas before that should work out better.
Plus she is little they can live off a pea a day for a while .
Buy lots of new 5.00 videos that she hasn't seen that also helps pass the time.
The pre op area has a doc/ needle free zone where the kids can play before their procedure and be afraid of any medical procedures .
Good luck
You've been given some great advice.. I just want to add one thing.
I would advise against using the prep cold. It can cause cramping.
I don't know this for sure, but that is what I have been told by some doctors/nurses.
I just wouldn't want to hear that poor Grace has more cramping than necessary, and if that little tip can help...

Oh yeah, and Miralax prep here too ! It works so well for the kids ! The way we did it was to start a few days before the actual scope. It was in the instructions, so hopefully hers will be that way as well. It sorta eases their body into getting ready for the big dump! LOL No pun intended :)

Best of luck !
My middle son had his first scope at 6 weeks old ~ now THAT was hard to try and figure out how to handle ~ oh how I wish I had a place like this to come to for advice way back then! LOL
so glad uve got a date fo scopes lew was 5 when he was scoped we had to give him 8senocot in the morning then a powder with water he wasnt allowed to eat jelly juat clear soup amd very diluted drinks . are u doijg the prep the day before cause 1.30 seems a bit mean that there gona make her wait till 1.30 on the day lewis was done at 9 am so he didnt go all the nxt day with no food in his tummy. why dont u ask if u can have an am appointment amd if u have a 3 hour drive why not stay in a motel so u dont have to make many stop overs to the toilet. hope shes feelij well today .oh and lewis wasnt allowed anytjing with any colouring in 2 dys before the acope espeacially blue and green and red. dont no if this will help any.xx
Hey Farmwife,

I'm so sorry to hear that they are holding her over until 1:30pm or is that so you can drive there and back in the one day?

Of course Matt was a lot older than you little Princess when he was scoped, upper and lower. I think the prep we use here is a little different to what you use there, ours is usually Picoprep. Matt's scope was urgent so he didn't do the usual run up diet to it which normally starts about 3 days out and involves ever increasing elimination of foods until you end up on clear fluids the afternoon prior the scope.

Matt's procedure was 2 hours from the time he saw the anaesthetist until we were called into recovery to speak with the doctor. We were given Matt's confirmed diagnosis at that point. He was up, dressed and ready to go at that point so I imagine with a little one they would allow, or want, you in earlier than that to keep her settled and comforted. I know when we first arrived back there, where we came in of the street we could see him sitting up on the bed eating a sandwich and having a drink, he was still in his gown and had the IV up at that point, so not sure if they will give Grace something where you are going. No doubt when you are sent information it will explain all that.

Matt was pretty tired afterward so if you are driving home Grace will probably sleep. The only issue Matt had following his scope was some abdominal pain that evening. They did warn us of that due to the air that is pumped into the bowel in order to perform the procedure. We were told that if it became severe/unbearable or the pain lasted more than 24 hours he must go the the ER. He was fine by the next morning though.

Good luck hun!

Dusty. xxx
The diet for us was low residue 2 days before and day before was clear liquids. We did the miralax prep in sprite which worked pretty well. Yes, have some cream for her bum as it will get sore from the clean out.

You may want to keep her up LATE the night before so she will sleep on the way. 1:30 is an awful late check in time for a 4 year old. The procedure itself doesn't last very long, but waiting is a b*^%& :ywow:. Take a book, laptop or something to occupy yourself as well as something to keep her busy until she goes back. The trip home should be okay except for gas/accidents. I agree with the $5 movie bit! We rented movies on and watched them on my tablet. I also loaded it with episodes of "Amercas Funniest Home Videos" which really kept Ryan occupied!

I am so glad that you are getting scopes done. Remember how bad you wanted scopes and how badly she needs them when you are doing the prep. "We need these scopes, we need these scopes...." Repeat it over and over in your head. It's a tough time, but it's for a good reason!

Lots of hugs! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys some great ideas.

Here another question.

Did any of your kids scopes get moved up?
Or is it a set thing.

I'll update Grace's thread but...the diarrhea has stayed. She's down 3 lbs in 4 days.
I thought it was because of Thanksgiving but it hasn't let up.
Call your Gi Monday.
They can scope within 48 hours if they need to .
But usually you are very sick and inpatient .
We have scoped in less than a week before but that was after dx and the Gi knew DS very well at that point.
H was scoped a week after the GI appt. They called and said they had a cancellation and called again they had another cancellation for earlier in the morning. Given our experience and what others mention, perhaps you can get on a cancellation list. It is horrible that Grace and you have suffered so long waiting for tests and answers.
I did not realize it at the time but we were very fortunate thru dx. We went to ped Monday morning for annual check up. Referred to childrens hospital GI clinic that day. GI clinic called that afternoon and scheduled him next day due to cancellation. Tuesday saw GI... did bloodtests. Wednesday GI clinic called to schedule scopes for the next week.
H was not given any special diet instructions except for clear liquids the day before the scopes. H was already experiencing D so it did not take too much for him to run clear.
Sarah scopes were moved up due to severe weight loss, she was losing 2 kgs a week. Ring gi and report weightloss.

I rang on Friday report further weighloss, gi couldn't fit her in and told me get her clinic as soon as I could and her boss would see her between appointments. Spoken to gi boss an hour later scope was arranged for Wednesday, listen as he told the secetary to just fit her in.
I had a hard time convincing the doctor to do the scopes. When he finally agreed i got a call on the monday and she was scoped on the thursday. So they can do it earlier if they want. Keep ringing them and hopefully they'll get her in sooner.
For sure keep calling. Report every change in symptoms...they will move that scope up if for nothing other than to make you stop calling.
When caitlyn was diagnosed she was admitted to the hospital and scoped the next day. I think her losing that much weight should prompt them to move it up. Maybe they will admit her and do the prep in the hospital. That is what they did with caitlyn that first time.
Yes, keep calling, for sure with the weight loss she is experiencing. C had scopes set but had a severe bout of pain, I called the GI and they sent him for an MRI that very day, when they got the results that afternoon they moved the colonoscopy up. Then inevitably they moved it up again due to a cancellation.
Yes, I agree as well - keep calling. It helps if you can get hold of a secretary that is nice and helpful or how about that nice nurse that keeps helping you! Ask them to let the GI know that Grace is losing alot of weight and if anything else happens, keep phoning and updating. Hopefully they might get a cancellation!
Keep calling and they will eventually get sick of it and move you up!!!. When lucy had her scopes she was 21/2 so similar enough to grace. We gave her the prep (Picolax) in her juice and then gave her lots of water and took her for a walk because there was nothing happening!!!!. The morning of the scope (we had a 7.30 am appointment and we live about 2.5 hours away) I just picked her out bed in her pjs and put her in the car and she slept - when we got there we put her in the stroller and she slept until about 8.15 which was great - so keep grace asleep as long as you can because if she is asleep she wont be complaining about the lack of food. Lucy got a bit distressed and frightened when we took her into the anaesthetic room (parents are allowed to stay with the kids until they are out) .. so if you think grace is a little upset or stressed maybe get the premed for her. Distraction between arriving at hospital and going to theatre is important so iphone, nintendo ds etc. anything that works. GI came out and spoke to us immeadiately after the procedure. Good luck and Im really glad you finally got a date
just thought of something, when my daughter was little and needed an iv they had her bring her doll and gave the doll an iv so she would not be scared. I recommend bringing. a doll that she can cuddle and they can show her on the doll anything they are going to do first.
Just wanted to add a few things, I think it often has something to do with the Anethesitist and his schedule. Here in Canada you often don't know the time of scopes until the day before. No Ibuprofen before scopes. My GI said not to worry about BMs running clear just so long as they are liquid. It also may take a couple of hours after 1st drink before you see any action. We do Pico salax prep here which is surprisingly easy and doesn't taste too bad. I am thinking Miralax sounds the best though. I am not sure if you have ever seen a child have anaesthetic but try not to get too freaked out when she is having the gas just before scope, as she may try to fight it and the eyes roll back and they thrash around a little. This is completely normal. Amy did this for 1st scope but not for second one. (just made heavy breathing sounds). Also afterwards the 1st BMs are usually black. Again normal. I think quick recovery may have something to do with how good the Anaethesiologist is our first experience Amy looked very pale,vomited and had sore throat,plus super grumpy. Second time she had great colour, no sore throat, no nausea just felt whoozy which was gone within a couple of hours. Did complain constantly of sore tum, but what else is new.
My daughter was 4 when she had her first scope. She was also in the hospital at the time. She wouldn't drink more than a few oz. of her prep, even doing the drinking games. They put a feeding tube down her nose and did the prep that way. It worked pretty well, but they did it too fast at one point and she started throwing the prep up. They slowed the flow down and the rest of it went fine. We recently had another scope and they did the feeding tube again. It worked really well since there was no way she would be able to drink all she needed to.
Thanks for the info Glittergirl. Like the name!

Plus welcome to the forum.:hug:
Please feel free to tells us more about your girl if you wish.
I hope she's doing well.:)
I would recommend the feeding tube. Rowan never had one to put anything in her tummy just to pull stuff out. It was really not a big deal getting the tube in. She hated it but it was over in minutes. In regards to Grace though I would start prepping earlier. I followed the prep to the T. We used miralax and mag citrate with a suppository in the morning and she had a bad prep and didn't get all the way through the colon. You could shake her 10 hours after drinking all of it and hear she wasn't cleaned out. Follow the liquid diet a day earlier, at least this is what I would do if I had to do one again. Being she is so constipated all the time. You want her pooping clear the day of. Remember she is not normal so the prep really is for a normal non constipated person.

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