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Captain Insaneo
Jun 17, 2009
Ok, I'm going to loose this job that I'm at now. I'm the Operations and EHS manager.
I thought, "Great!" I can pursue my true calling and I got accepted into the BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) course and the way everything was going to work was this.
Get laid off on June 30th. Go to BLET from July 5th to Dec 3rd while drawing unemployment.

Now I've been all but offered a job at another company as their EHS manager.
So do I take the EHS position making $X or do I work it out to become a cop and make less than half of $X ?

Do what makes you happy right? Well not exactly when you have kids. You think more about the money and securing a future for your son. I'm really torn.
That's a tough call.

Becoming a cop does provide more long-term job security and better pension benefits I would imagine than an EHS manager.
Pension is a thing of the past unless you work for the police or government.
I know this company only offers 401(k) in that department.
I have a second interview with them next week to see what they can offer. I guess I'll have to balance everything out then.
Farm - you are asking for advice - so I'm going to be straight with you buddy ok?

I think you should take the job that you have been offered. And the main reason is - your health. I *hate* to say that to you because I'm all about doing what makes you happy as I have been sooo lucky in this over the last 20 years. But one of my bestest friends (hubby of hubby and wife best friend team) just went through academy two years ago and it was rough! He made it through with flying colors - but physically you have to be all there. I really worry about your back Farm. He also took a big paycut from what he was doing before (he owns several FedEx routes that he manages - LOTS of stress - which was what he was trying to get away from). He also put himself in the line of fire - which NONE of us were happy about. And........after all that - academy and then the first 6 months of what I would call hazing with a trainer - he figured out that he just didn't like it. As long as I have 'known' you on here - you remind me so much of him in so many ways. He is the class clown and doesn't meet someone he isn't friends with. It just tore him up having to be "mean" to people. It just didn't mesh with his personality. Now - I may be off with you because I haven't met you in person, but.....

So - for me, my main concerns are your back, and the pay that will be less, and the harm you would be putting yourself in with Will depending on you. I know that you *really* want to do the police thing - and it is a valiant thing to want to do - but if you aren't completely miserable being in EHS - I'd say it is best all the way around to take that job and make the most with your earning potential while you can (sock some money away for your retirement!) - and be safe - and take care of your body.

OK - my 2 cents with several dollars thrown behind it. Good luck with your decision!!
Makes me sad to see Carrot like this :(

You've been sick for so long that I just want you to be happy. I know being a cop would make you happy. However, I know you worry about Will.

Police Officer

- You want to really be one and consider this your true calling
- Provides career stability
- You'd get to play w/guns
- Drunk? Pie? The? You got yourself a sheriff! (Points to whoever gets that one)
- Health benefits? Not sure on that one
- Knowing you can/do make a difference
- Respectable career (not saying EHS Manager isn't!)
- Opportunity for advancement

- Like Peaches said, you'd be a target every day
- Getting shot
- High and tight? AAAHHHH!!! NO!!!!!! lol :ylol:
- Getting shot
- I also worry about that back of yours (that's all you need - chasing down a suspect and your back goes out)
- Getting shot
- Half $X of other job
- Getting shot
- Is it too stressful for your Crohn's to handle?
- Getting shot
- Long hours
- Did I mention you might get shot? :confused2:
- I don't know if this is true where you're from, but around here, people despise cops
- Working holidays

EHS Manager

- Double the $$ as ^
- Health benefits

- Is it something you can/want to do still?
- Is it a stable job?
- Is it too stressful for your Crohn's to handle?

This is what I could come up with so far. I hope you can internalize everything and come up with your decision without too much stress. God knows you don't need that right now.
Yeah, the getting shot part. AND.....Ris reminded me of the shift thing. Farm - my buddy had horrible shifts!! He had to work night shift for something like 3 or 4 months, had to work all the vacations - then got shifted to a shift where he worked all weekend. He LOVES his family and hated that he just didn't feel a part of that anymore. When they were awake - he'd have to sleep because of how his shifts were. And being the low man on the totem poll - you tend to get the **** shifts first. IDK - you must have a buddy or two that are cops right? My guy road around with them several times before joining - but he still either didn't get the "full" info - or just ignored it because he was "on his path" at the moment. I'm just saying - go into that with your eyes wide open!
This is so tough.

If you were my husband and you DIDN'T have the crohn's and the back problem, I would say go for it... 7 years ago my hubby gave up a high paid job in the city to become a poorly paid paramedic and it is his true vocation...

BUT, and it's just not bl**dy fair, you don't have the luxury of being able to make a decision purely on the basis of what you think your true calling is... and on top of that you have your kids to consider... and these stupid medical bills you guys all have to contend with...

On the other hand, in terms of job security, being looked after, I imagine the police is better... but the strain on your health???

You are going to have to think long and hgard on this one... I have had a bit of an epiphany recently, not working being poorer than I have ever been, but realising it's not about the money, I have a great family and I have realised there are other more important things than an awesome career and loads of money... but we all have to find our own path to happiness.

I wish you much luck in working out what is best for you x
I witnessed first hand how being a cop in this day and age changes a person...I have several friends who are/ were married to cops as well as a bother in law on the force.....I really hate to generalize people and put them into certain "boxes", but most cops get so use to people lying to them on a day to day basis, that their total outlook on humanity changes. It isn't a job where you serve people, and are seen as a hero. You are a baby sitter of the down and out. It comes to a point in most cops careers, where they are overwhelmed by all the sadness and evil that occur in this world....Cops have a very high suicide, alcohol and divorce rate.

I don't think you would regret pursuing a life long dream, but it really isn't a dream job.....How many "ride alongs" have you been on? Really think long and hard about it....You would be entering one of the most hated professions on the Earth.....Sorry to be Debbie Downer:(
I think everyone here has brough up the most important points to consider already. Especially the stress both mentally and physically on your body. I have close friends that are die hard cops and love it, but, they do say it can be stressfull. And we all know that stress it the enemy of a cronie.
Like Peaches said, you dont really seem to have the mean bone in ya, but being on the force tends to harden you if you let it.

If you do turn down the cop thing now, is it available in the future, or is this a one time thing?
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My friends consist of Supervising State Trooper J. Dodson; State Trooper M. Long; and Retired Dect. D. Cheek.
There is a possibility (slim) that I can leave BLET and go straight into SWAT or SERT. I've applied at both and the Majors told me that everyday in school was a job interview.
My shift would be 4 days on and 4 days off to begin with. Working from 7pm to 7am; granted there are no emergency SWAT's needed.
My cousin Angie is a WS Police Officer and she loves it.
My dad retired from the Army after 30 years and was a WS Police officer.

I do enjoy EHS though too. I turned down an I.T. job already that paid more than the EHS job.
Honestly I'm torn and wish they never offered me the opportunity back into EHS.

(Plus I'm a gun nut!)
Oh, I've been on ride alongs and they are glamorous. When I was an EMT working with the police I saw the true nature of the job. It still didn't turn me away.
Its a hard decision, Farm.
If you take the chance and things with your health doesn't work out where are you than?

If you don't do it you will always regret it.

Yup. You are right. It is one hellva hard decision.

I went into construction because of the pay and health care instead of becoming a motorcycle mechanic which I truely wanted to do, but the health care was spotty.
Hmmm, Farmie, everyone else has already said some really good stuff that I would have said too. One of my concerns with the police thing is the health issue - stress, toilet availability, back troubles. Another, again is that it seems pretty dangerous over there! By my reckoning, that job offer has come along for a reason with this timing. You have so many other wonderful things/interests going on in your life that to me, having a job you don't 'love' isn't such a bad thing if it is better for your health and better for your son.

And you can get some pretty cool Cop games to play instead!!!
Police positions must pay a bit less than they do around here (here are ~$50,000 or more to start) because I consider that a solid job, although I understand you're used to being successful and Will's future is very crucial.

The thing is you have Remi ending soon, and you don't know what your health has in store. The hours for the cop and the back issues you mentioned (you have to pass the physical and up here you have to bench 93% of your weight and run 1.5 miles in less than 13 minutes among other things) seem to be a concern to me and others. With your IBD in the air this year, this summer, no less, I wouldn't think it a wise choice, to be honest.

The other job sounds like it pays amazingly (double? and you seem so carefree and unstressed doing EHS NOW with who you're with, it seems like a great job to me), I'd think you're safer sticking with it.

This is just my own 2 cents going off my own desires to be a cop. Around here, some precincts can even bar you from trying if you're on mood stablizers, see a psych for ANYthing, been to a therapist, have digestive diseases...Hell, it's insulting to see the list of things I looked up that some places can claim makes you ineligible. The police training books say some precincts won't take you AT ALL if you have any digestive diseases or diagnosis'... :mad:

After talking to a long time officer on the force in my city, I decided if I could do one, I'd rather be a firefighter. The officer said if he could go back, he'd do that, and that cops are "always the bad guy" and it's true, a lot of people dislike cops (though a lot, like me, have respect for them until they prove otherwise, just like anyone else)...whereas firefighters are almost always seen as more of "heroes" in the eyes of people. That, and in my city, firefighters get better hours.

I don't know, the pay is awesome for a cop around here (to me) but then again, I have a crappy paying job and 50-60K a year is a nice job to me, but then again, I see where you're coming from. Plus, I'm already hated at the job I work at (um, it's more or less collections, yeah...) so I'm used to being "the bad guy"...that's stress for me already.

I know it may not mean the final choice to you, but what does Will say, Farm? Just curious, as he's a bright kid, I'd think he'd have good insight, if you ask him (I don't know what's appropriate, I'm not in your shoes)...
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Will thinks it would be "cool" to have dad that's a cop.
Starting out as a cop around here will only get you about $35,000 to $40,000/yr.
farm said:
Ok, I'm going to loose this job that I'm at now. I'm the Operations and EHS manager.
I thought, "Great!" I can pursue my true calling and I got accepted into the BLET (Basic Law Enforcement Training) course and the way everything was going to work was this.
Get laid off on June 30th. Go to BLET from July 5th to Dec 3rd while drawing unemployment.

Now I've been all but offered a job at another company as their EHS manager.
So do I take the EHS position making $X or do I work it out to become a cop and make less than half of $X ?

Do what makes you happy right? Well not exactly when you have kids. You think more about the money and securing a future for your son. I'm really torn.

Farm as much as I think you would make a great cop, can't imagine the oneliners when you pull someone over. My own experience as you know is that I went into a field (working with people with disabilities 21 years of experience) I have never made the money that would give my family the life style i wanted to.

Also, imagine getting called in for a domestic dispute and crapping yourself after you ko'd the wife beater. IMO, go for the money so that you can do what you need to do for cowhorn.
I may not have a choice, that company hasn't called back this week like they said they were going to.......ah well.
Awesome list Ris.

How happy can you be taking the higher paying job? If you think that you will be happy there most of the time, I would say go for that one. If you are going to be miserable there most of the time, I'd say go for the training, but ONLY if you weren't sick. I have to agree with Shantel on this one, as heartbreaking as it might be for you.

I honestly don't think the computer job would be a wrong decision, but the cop *could* be in the end. That's the thing - the unknown. You KNOW the computer job will work out (and being near a bathroom at all times can't hurt) and you know you're good at it. You don't know how the training will go or even if you will end up liking everything about the job. Plus can you see it now? "Hands up, get on the ground... crap - where's a bathroom?" I know they don't have toilets in police cars.

Is there any type of police officer type part time or hobby thing that you could do to satisfy your want for something like that?

Oh - here's another way to look at it. If you didn't lose your current job, would you have ever gone to training? If not, stick with the computer one.

Good luck with your decision.
farm said:
I may not have a choice, that company hasn't called back this week like they said they were going to.......ah well.

Always best to call them to let them know that you're still interested, that is, assuming you still are.
But MBH, don't all doughnut shops have bathrooms???

Thanks Crabby, I did shoot her an e-mail while ago.
Hey Farm, I say do what your heart wants. I did the whole more money thing and look how it turned out for me/ I have no more job, I let 4 years of my life slip by and have nothing but a sick body and mind to show for it. Sure I have more experience in it but is that really what you want? Just more experience. Go for it. If being a cop is what you feel in your heart is your true calling, then I will thank God, we have an officer of the law with a sense of humor!
It's true. You have to do what is in your heart, but be sensible too. I, of course, cannot tell you what is better to do. All I can think of though is what an older gentleman I used to sing in choir with told me. He was a retired cop who had worked over 30 years on the force and he said he'd been shot, stabbed, spit on, cursed at - everything you could possibly have happen to you and said he would never recommend that job to anyone. He said he remembers some dark days.

Now, I'm not saying "don't be a cop," but make sure it would be something you TRULY are passionate about and not something you think you would/could be good at and would be interesting. It's is a very demanding job, which is putting it lightly.

Now I'm not presuming to know you or how much you've though about this, of course. So, forgive me if I am off base. I think it boils down to what's best for you and your family. If you can still provide for your family and have no other desire than to be a police officer, go for it! I know I'm playing devil's advocate. But, those are my thoughts :) Sorry if I wasn't any help. Tough decision!
It's my true desire to help people. I can't be a doctor/nurse or fireman. I just don't have it in me. I've been an EMT or First Responder for as long as I can remember.
I remember thinking "I wish they had never mentioned that other job" and the way things are going, I might get my wish.

My dad was in the military from 1942 to 1972. He set the pace for my 3 other brothers. One was in the Air Force and one was in the Army. The other became a nurse.
I have three nephews in the Army right now.
When I applied to the Army I was turned down because of Crohns. Basically I was offered to go through basic, then become a reserve officer; but because I had to take medication daily and blah blah blah, I wasn't deploy-able.
I was crushed, that was going to be my career.

After my dad retired from the Army he was a police officer here and retired from there as well. A lot of my friends are State Troopers, cops, and SBI (State Bureau of Investigation.)
I know what it takes to be a cop and I have it in me. I also have the desire to do it.
If it paid more, there would be no question. But after 16 years in this industry and this is my 3rd layoff from a company I had hoped to retire from; I'm thinking more of the benefits. Pension, an actual retirement, decent pay, and more vacation than I'll ever take....eventually. It takes about 5 years to get off the "rookie" list. Everything happens for a reason and until that wonderful job opportunity smacks me in the face, I trudge on with the pony dance and hoops I have to go through for the Department of Justice to become a cop.

Thanks for the advice everyone; like most have said, with this damn disease you kind of plan your career around it. Sometimes you just have to hold your breath and pray it doesn't prevent you from doing what you yearn to do.
Don't be too certain about that pension. Many pension plans are severely underfunded and poorly managed. It may collapse before you reach retirement. You might want to look into how well the pension plan is funded. A 401k may be safer.
Well I know the Winston Salem, PD pension fund is great and safe.
Greensboro is VERY iffy.
The Sheriff's Department (Stokes County) is, well, it's ok, but I know it's safe.

My friend David is a retired Dect. from the Winston Salem PD and my cousin is on the force now.

If I go with this route I plan to use a 401(k) and the Pension to retire on. I don't believe Social Security will be around when I retire.
Farm, when I am faced with a tough decision I usually pray about it. I believe that if this new path is meant to be it will happen....It doesn't necessarily mean it will be an easy rode. Most things in life that are worth doing are not easy....I think I can speak for everyone here when I say I just want you to be happy.
Farm it is a tough desicion but one my our best family friends is a Staff Sergent here in Canada and well he loves it, I know others too but this is the one I know best. Seeing some of your personality through this site has made me believe that the part about personality change seems unlikely. I recognize the risk of being shot but to be honest most make it through their careers without ever being shot, I do also see that the USA guns are a little more prone to being involved :p There are things to consider with your back and with your Crohn's and while yes it is a stressful job if your doing something you love to do then well its easier to do, its easier to get up for, and its easier to feel well while doing it. Also if your on patrol you do have a car to get to a bathroom when needed which is another bonus. I'm not saying you should go do it right now but I'm just trying to flip what others are saying too. I wish you all the best and good luck Farm.
Hey Farm... I don't know if this will do anything other than bore you (and every other member who wastes the time to read it) but here goes...

When I was a young fellow, I entered police academy... and to the surpise of my instructors and myself, passed with flying colors. then it was time to apply for a position... and that's where that career path came to an untimely end. I had sustained a crushed ankle and a shattered kneecap, but both had been treated, and I regained full use. I passed all my physicals, and the physicals required by both departments I'd applied to... BUT, because of these prior injuries, I was required to be examined by a doctor in the employ of the police association... and he vetoed me. There was a fear that my prior injuries may result in my career being shortlived, and yet entitling me to pension/benefits.
I didn't get either job, and there was a catch to that... because whenever I applied to other police forces afterwards, there was typically a catch question.
To whit... Have you ever applied to and been turned down by another dept...

Anyway, I kept trying... finally found a force whose questionaire didn't include that question... ask me no questions, i'll tell you no lies. anyway, i applied, but came in second (the other guys credentials were just a little bit better, that's the way its supposed to work, right?) So, he got the job, rookie officer on a little force in a quiet little town where nothing ever happened. He was put on the night shift, where even more nothing ever happened... Less than a month into his job, someone... mad at the world, drunker than he should have been, took out his hunting rifle, and without rhyme or reason, opened fire on the police cruiser. The bullets tore through the roof, missing the rookie officer by a fraction, but embedding shrapnell from the cruiser roof in the top of his head. minor wounds... Heres the thing... the guy who beat me out of that job, he was 6" shorter than me. If I'd been sitting in that car, on that particular night, well it would have been game over. If you believe ih kharma, well, when one door closes... maybe it closes for a good reason... one you just can't see at the time

My cousin became a police officer.... He'd been on the job for a few years when a drunk driver pinned him to a brick wall... he lost the use of his legs, and then spent the rest of his career in a chair/on crutches.. behind a desk doing police work he HATED... Sometimes when we get the job of our dreams, it still turns into a nightmare.

I worked with a lot of police while working as an investigator... and for the most part they are just ordinary people... but they live extra-ordinary lives. You need to be around them to see the other side of the coin. They live amongst us yet segregated... A neighbour throws a party, do they get invited? Hell no.. If they arrive at a social function, and someone gets out of hand, or drinks too much, or imbibes in a little recreational 'smoking'.. well, is the officer off duty, or on? Everyone holds them to a higher standard, hates them when they drive behind us, puts them down every time they pass a donut shop, but loves them when there is trouble. It's long hours of drudgery, interspersed with moments of sheer terror/adrenalin, it offers one of the highest suicide N divorce rates...

Well, looking back now, personally... I'm soooo glad that door closed for me.

Dunno if that helped or not...

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