Advice- possible Crohns

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Mar 22, 2012
Hi, i was wondering if anyone could give me any advice while i wait to get my results back from my capsule endoscopy.

A few months back i started having diarrhea. I was having it 20-40 times a day and it lasted for four weeks straight!! I would normally wake up an average of 5 times a night needing to use the bathroom (even though i am on medicine for insomnia-so i'm pretty sedated the whole night). I was also experiencing a lot of nausea, stomach pain and low grade fevers with this. I've also been getting a lot of rashes and eye pain/itchiness and peeling skin on my eyelid.
I tested positive for fecal lactoferrin. Negative for giardia, campylobacter, e coli, etc (3 pages worth of tests).

In the past (i'm currently being treated) i have had iron deficiency anemia and a b12 deficiency for unexplained reasons...I'm only 21!

I had a EGD and colonoscopy almost a year ago (looking for gastro bleeding)- Results were: 'granulomatis gastritis' and an internal hemorrhoid.

I had a barium follow through a few weeks ago- which came back negative(?)..although it took over four hours for it to get to what the hospital thought was my terminal ilium (i'm not sure if that's good/bad/normal).

Can someone give me any advice while i'm waiting for my capsule endoscopy results to come back? Does that sound like crohns? A friend told me that it sounds like i have 'typical crohns', so i'm pretty much just freaked out and am looking for opinions. My gastro thoughts about it is that it could be crohns or just a really bad infection that didn't show up in the stool tests?

Thank you!
Some of the symptoms you are having are ones that I have experienced myself with Crohn's. I cannot really tell you if you have it or not, but it does sound like something is wrong! i hope you get your results back quickly and can get on the road to recovery.

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