Afidz is expecting....a dog! Help with name!

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Jun 7, 2012
My boyfriend and I have decided to have another fur-baby. Normally we adopt from shelters, but I think we are looking for more of a therapy dog (for me, but also to take to childens hospitals and stuff)
SO that being said. We are getting a mastiff. The blood line our puppy is coming from has national and international champioships in it, as well as some of the best therapy dogs in the country. I am VERY excited to have him.
Most of his male ancestors have greek names, so we want to follow suit, heres what we have so far.

Cronus ( I don't personally like this one, boyfriends pick). He fathered Zeus and Zeus overthrew him. I don't see the meaning.

Atlas- this one is my favorite. God of heavy burdens, carries the weight of heaven and earth on his shoulders. If we are going to make him a therapy dog, this name is very fitting.

Titus- this is actually Roman, not greek. Again. Boyfriends choice. Means title of honor, companion

Zeus- "shine or sky" Ruler of the earth

Apollo- Destroyer, god of light and music

Hercules- strength, guardian

SO this is just what we have so far. Open to suggestions or if you are knowledgeable on greek mythology and want to explain some of the names more
We have PLENTY of time, he isn't set to be born until June 23rd so he wouldn't come home until August
My son the greek god expert I think for one year he only read books about greek gods says Hephaestus, the god of fire/metalworking, he says Apollo is also the god of healing. Telesphorus, demi-god of convalescence. Acheron, because it just sounds cool its a river.
Congratulations on the new fur baby :)
He went and looked it up because he couldn't remember Asclepius was the god of medicine in greece. The rod of Asclepius, the snake-entwined staff, is still a symbol of medicine
A couple of suggestions.. Icarus or titan? I also love the name brutus but not sure if that follows what your looking for?
The more and more my boyfriend and I talk about it, the more and more we lean towards Atlas. We are DEFINITELY going to make him a therapy dog. I can't think of a better suited name. I mean think about it... We bring him into a peds unit in a hospital and tell the children that his name is Atlas because they can share their pain and sadness with him. We've even tossed around the idea of ordering mastiff stuffed animals to give the kids so that when they are sad or hurting all they have to do is hug the stuffed toy and Atlas will be there to bear the pain with them.

OK. yes. I may have thought a little to far into it. The dog isn't even born yet, let alone have a personality that is right for a therapy dog...but it sounds nice doesn't it?

EDIT: If it goes far enough. There might even be coloring books...
I like Atlas and Hercules, though it's really hard to choose a name for a dog until you actually meet him and get to know him.

I am so happy for you!!!
One other thing to consider is how the name will sound when you give the dog commands or use a short form of the name. I knew someone whose dog had a name that sounded a lot like "no". So the dog was getting confused as to wether to come, continue what it was doing or stop what it was doing. They finally changed its name. Also, think about little kids using a shortened form of the name--is it easy for them to pronounce--do the syllables break into smaller parts easily, but still sound like the dogs name?

Keep dreaming afidz--you'll make it all happen.

Now we need a smilie with someone hugging a dog! Imagine one here:
For that reason is why we DON'T want to go with Atlas. The making would more often than not be lost. Not everyone would associate him with the Greek God. But we have used the name in context when we talk about him and it just feels right. If I have to explain who Atlas is, then so be it.
I think I speak for all of us here when I say this: we need to see some puppy pics when he's born! :)

Also - I totally want an Atlas coloring book.
I just saw a story of the women who invented a line of greeting cards all based on her bull dog. Her net worth is like 50 million now.

I know for Grace should would LOVE to hear the meaning behind the name. I think that will be a lot of his charm. I'm so jealous.
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I vote for Apollo :)

APOLLON (or Apollo) was the great Olympian god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague and disease, music, song and poetry, archery, and the protection of the young. He was depicted as a handsome, beardless youth with long hair and various attributes including:--a wreath and branch of laurel; bow and quiver; raven; and lyre.
I know a dog called Zeus. It is a good sharp short name to call the dog by but it does not suit the dog I know, which is a brown merle border collie with one blue and one green eye. He looks more like Pan, or even Apollo, than Zeus!
We had a bullmastiff.
I like your name options.
What about just "Herc" Hercules is a bit too long, and "Herc" is a bit different.
My buddy has a doberman named "Kane" I kinda like that too.
Oh, no! To "hurk" (which is what it would sound like) or "hurl" mean to vomit in Australian slang. :eek2:
If he,s a big dog and gonna be a therapy dog you probably need a name that brings a smile and is friendly,how about chunk!
I don't think "chunk" follows the Greek theme we are looking for :p
His name will either be Apollo or Atlas
So an interesting fact about a pregnant dog, if you don't already know
When a dog loses her litter, she doesn't pass the dead pups, her body breaks them down and reabsorbs them...
So, that is what has happened to our puppy. The entire litter was lost 3 days before they were expected to be born.
However, the breeder had set aside a pup from a previous litter that is now 5 weeks old and since she lost our litter she offered her puppy to us. So in 18 days, we will be bringing home a new dog!
It is a lot sooner than we anticipated, considering that the litter we were expecting from would only be a week old by now. If i hadn't already stated, my other dog just had surgery on his leg because he tore the cartilage. We need him to be healed, and before that wasn't an issue, he had time. But now we don't. The first few weeks of having him are going to be interesting to say the least.
So, now the name has been changed, since "Apollo" died. He is going to be named Menelaus. The warrior from the Trojan war that rescued Helen of Troy
We are keeping our dog a secret, we want to surprise people. I just found out some pretty cool news...
If you have seen the movie "the sandlot" my dog is the great great grandson of Gunner, the dog that plays "the beast" !
How cool is that!

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