Afraid Doc will call back and say go to ER

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Mar 13, 2011
I have been diagnosed for almost 2 months since on aasacol the diahreaha has gone away but nassua is horrible. Its to the point I cant keep anything down. I have been ill since last night and called both docs. GI and family and it sounds like they want me to go to er. Im waiting for GI to call back. I am tired of scans and tests, and blood work OMG the blood work, and tb shots and b12 shots and bone scans and you get the point its just alot in a short amount of time. I am afraid they will want to check me in and do more tests and blood work. Sometimes I cause my self to vomit just because my tummy hurts so much. Do I tell them that? Yesterday was the first normal day i had with my family in a long time. We had dinner and went to the park. I was feeling icky before that but after it seemed to get worse and then all day today has been esh. Its to the point but tummy is empty and all that is coming up is water. My tummy also feels like someone is pushing in on it from both sides. I am not a fan of crohns so far. It sucks but I am glad I have this. I guess I just dont know if they will be more serious about getting me in because I have Crohns flare up as opposed to just an average healthy person vomiting? Does that make sense? :confused2: any one have this happen to them after being diagnosed and if so what may i expect?
I am a big advocate of being completely honest with doctors. If you feel that sick that you need to make yourself vomit, then I would tell them.. I know the feeling...
I wonder if they think you might have a bowel obstruction... I dont know.. Im guessing they are taking you a little more seriously now you've been diagnosed.
I hope you feel better. Drink some pedialyte if you can. It will help with dehydration.
good luck and keep us posted

I suspect you will never be a fan of Crohn's. Other than the people I have met on here, I havent liked anything about it..
I concur with Keona's suggestion about Pedialyte, I get dehydrated really easily and Pedialyte has helped me so many times in the past! Sometimes it's a little... I don't know, strong? I guess, and I have to dilute it with water. Maybe it's the sugar, but sometimes I can only handle so much Pedialyte at a time or that makes me sick too.

Are you on any anti-nausea meds? If you go to the ER, at the very least I would think they'd give you IV rehydration and something for the nausea. They could check your bloods too or possibly do a CT scan to see if they can see how inflamed you are. From other threads I've read that are similar to this one, the general advice is usually that if you're vomiting, it's never a good sign, and if you are wondering if you should go to the ER, the answer is yes - go to the ER! You might have an obstruction if you're vomiting, so I would say better safe than sorry.
Ditto what Cat and Keona say. You may be dehydrated and if you are vomiting, you may have an obstruction. Both are very serious!

We all hate tests and getting poked and prodded and scans etc. But, unf, it's a way of life with Crohn's. And if you want to feel better, you need to go thru all of these things. It's the only way to find what's going on inside. And once they find what's going on inside, then you and your docs can come up with a plan of action.

And yes, they will take you more "seriously" since you have Crohn's. That is to say, there are things they will look at and look for that they wouldn't suspect with a person with a normal GI tract.

Good luck -Amy
I would definetely go to the ER. If you cannot hold down food and are feeling that ill something is wrong. It could be something as simple as needing meds changed or altered to what was mentioned above of a blockage.

Back in November during Thanksgiving week and this March I spent a week both times in the hospital. Each time for not being able to hold down food or liquids, extreme pain, dehydration, distention, diahrea, and more but it was necessary that I was in the hospital.
They got me hydrated put me on different meds and I continued with weekly hydration, and iron infusions. I had inflammation in my duodenum, and small intestine. They also said it is most likely a series of mini blockages that worked there way through each time but caused the symptoms. Thank god it was not a blockage that stayed stuck because I had one of those in the past and it was just horrible and I hope to never experience that again.
I currently am still not well but not throwing up. I can hold down food and water. At times I get nauseous but my doctor said if I start not being able to hold anything down I have to go back in. No one likes continually being ill and or being admitted to the hospital, but you cannot ignore this.
If your doctor says to go to the ER GO! You will walk out feeling tired of everything but you will most likely be able to hold down food and water as everyone should be able to do.
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Three good anti-nausea drugs are Zofran, Phenergan, and Compazine. I prefer Zofran, besides coming in a pill, it comes in a liquid, so it is easy to get down. If the nausea is serious, Phenergan comes in a pill, but also comes in suppositories. Now, if you are having nausea WITH vomiting you may have an obstruction (mechanical blockage) or an ileus (functional blockage). This means you need bowel rest (no food, or at least solid foods) and possibly a nasogastric tube to decompress the bowel. The latter usually occurs in hospital. While it is a sucky is better than emergent surgery. SO, if your doctors tell you to go to the ER....GO....get a KUB (abdominal x-ray) or CT scan to see if you are obstructed. Believe is better than vomiting fecal matter (and that does happen). It is also better than perforating.

Dr. S (spouse of a Crohn's sufferer)
Well, Thanks everyone Doc. S most def. got my attention, sometimes ignorance is bliss. No, I thanks evryone for helping to educate me and continue to help me feel not so lost and alone while I begin the journey to living w Crohns. For me knowledge is key. I am trying to do as much w out being obsessed. But I wulod have never thought about blockage I just thought theyd b worried about dehydration. All this other stuff I had no knowledge it could develop into somthing so serious. I would of course follow what doc said. But so far, he callled in phenegren suppository it allowed me 2 keep water down and even have a tiny bowl of cream of wheat. Never thought that would make me happy but it did! I guess the more I learn I do get worrieds and find Crohns is more serious then I had initaly thought but you work with what you have been given and in the end we will all be stronger for it.( So I tell myself) LOL. Thanks All!!

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