After a fistula surgery....

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Jul 11, 2011
I had a fistula that required a few surgeries about three years ago. Still to this scar area has a good sized lump and is very tender. Anyone else have this? I have had a few colonoscopies since and several exams and nothing was ever mentioned about it. Is it common to still hurt after such a long period of time?
what kind of sugery did you have for the fistula? if it was just opened and drained then its very common to come back. ive had surgery for 2 fistulas and they were actually "dug out" so the wounds were very deep and left open to heal from the inside out....was very painful and took along time to heal but both of them have since went away...well they are nice scars now but the fistulas themselves did not return. i have since had a new one that i thought was a fistula as well my drs thought so too and was treated as one...was put on flagyl and cipro but it did not help much, drs then opened and drained it, did not "dig out" this one and during my last visit my dr has now named it as hidradenitis suppurativa or HS. its rare but common in crohns diseases if that makes sense! i would have it checked out again better safe than sorry. good luck to you!
I would recommend visiting your GI or surgeon. I always like to be sure about these kinds of things, and I'd certainly hate to see you have a potentially bigger problem from procrastination.