After the reconnect

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Then don't read any more.
Rowan is a t good hospital and they sound like they know what their doing.
They caught Grace's early also and she was bouncing around with in 24 hours IF that.
The fact is most Poeple get it bad because they think it's just a normal bug and carry on. How would they know differently.
If hubby or your baby get the runs have them head in right away.
BTW-None of us got it.
I am just so freaking tired and really don't want to go home and bleach my house the good news is I don't have any carpet so that is good. Sick completely feel like a dirt ball who doesn't clean or something. I know I am not but you can't help but think damn I should have clean the toilet twice a day. So stupid I know.
No, It's nothing you can do.
She could have picked it up any where.
Grace also was never at a hospital or nursing home.
Aww Mary, don't entertain ANY thoughts that you could have done anything to avoid this!!! Is there any way you can round up some family, friends who can help you with the home clean-up? Its so understandable that you're exhausted after all this worry/stress and being in the hospital with Rowan :ghug: :ghug:
:hang: Mary...:hug: Rowan is going to be okay.

I know it all seems so insurmountable right now and I understand the need to find a reason for this. :hug:

I wish we all had a turn off switch for worry but since we don't just know we are here, thinking about you both, wishing for you both and praying for you both.

Dusty. xxx
Mar, don't think for a second there is anything you could have done. And hopefully you have someone who can pitch in and bleach the house/wash your linens while you are inpt.
I forgot dreading each time she went to the toilet...when she was done I had to bleach the toilet, floor, and wash most of her clothes because she usually missed the toilet. My hands were raw and there were bleached spots on the legs of most of my pants. was bliss.
Cleaning the toilet wouldn't have stopped her from getting's an overgrowth of naturally occurring bacteria. Now that she has ACTIVE c diff infection, the spores are what need to be killed with bleach/what can keep the infection from clearing up.
I know it's hard, but stop feeling guilty. If being a good mom was what it took, Rowan would have never heard of UC.
Sending loads of love...and :ghug:
Just say the word and I'll be in the car!:thumright:

:ysmile:Remember your avatar....Keep calm and go........oh maybe that's where you went wrong.jk (not):ack:
What's that...a road trip to Michigan!! I am SO in...these chicks need to meet!! Wait, what's the temp there??? ;)
30's and a possibility of a half foot of snow!

Sound great! I would love a meeting at the hospital. No liqueur aloud.
I don't need liquor (especially not to have fun with you girls)...but we have no snow yet and it was close to 50 today. Call me in the spring. ;)
Just catching up! I am away for a day and so much happens. I hope she is feeling better. I am so glad you caught the residents on the potassium. She will be in my thoughts and prayers. I will keep checking in for updates.
Thanks everyone

Of course i dont have my ipad bc Rowan wanted me to leave it. so I am on this little dinosaur mini notebook that I want to throw against the wall. I might just get rid of some toys rather than clean them. Birthday/Christmas is coming and I don't have the room anyway. I just realized that she is going to miss her Birthday and possibly Christmas... Again! this is so sucky.

The last thing I want to do is bleach my house right now. I am home, my sister Christian (another saint) is keeping Livana until 11:30 tomorrow morning. times a wasting... I wish I had some wine or Booze heck i would settle for a beer even though it is not GF.

The only good thing is i might lose 20 pounds again.:thumleft:
Just say the word and I'll be in the car!:thumright:

:ysmile:Remember your avatar....Keep calm and go........oh maybe that's where you went wrong.jk (not):ack:

Your a dork! ha ha ha I dont blame them... remember I like to carry all that blame around on my own shoulders so I can get skinny. lol joking

Come on over I give you some gowns and stuff we can be a posse or a gang. It is Metro Detroit.
At this point you deserve a drink! I say go get one, relax and save the dinosaur from crashing into the wall ~ get some rest and save the cleaning for another day.
You won't be any good to take care of Rowan if you are mentally and physically exhausted honey. :heart::heart:

Hang in there ~ you can do this !
:( at losing weight from stress...HUGS, mama!!
I didn't bleach all of our toys...?
Just things that came in contact with feces (she regularly soiled her bedding/clothing at that stage)
they told me her monkey (Sparky) she has had forever and sleeps with every night should get thrown away. I was like yeah that is not going to happen. Another Resident...big jerk

Oh Mary ... I am just reading this thread now and am so sorry! You and Rowan are in my thoughts!! I hope the vanco helps quickly.
You called me a dork. :frown:
I'll chalk it up to stress and bad decision making skills.:thumright:

I hope you get some sleep and Grace has the SAME crown only light pink! CUTE:ybiggrin:
GASP!!! Beautiful!!
They don't discard bed linens or gowns from precautions patients at hospitals. They wash them. Residents are getting dumber there. Lol!!
Thanks for sharing the new pic...:heart:
You called me a dork. :frown:
I'll chalk it up to stress and bad decision making skills.:thumright:

I hope you get some sleep and Grace has the SAME crown only light pink! CUTE:ybiggrin:

If it makes you feel better I call Rowan a dork all the time. It is a word of affection around here. Dork!:biggrin:
Oh Mary, what a fab pic...Rowan is such a cutie patootie! :)

I well imagine the resident doesn't have children and obviously knows nothing about infectious linen and laundering! Don't put him/her in charge of the budget! :lol:

Thinking about you guys, :heart:
Dusty. xxx

Product Solutions: EPA-registered to kill C. difficile spores in 5 minutesShow/Hide
Clorox Healthcare™ Bleach Germicidal Wipes and DISPATCH® products are:

Equivalent to the 1:10 bleach dilution recommended by CDC guidelines for disinfecting C. difficile spores
Pre-mixed and ready-to-use
Ready to clean and disinfect in one step*
*on precleaned hard, nonporous surfaces.

So in order to be called bleach it has to be bleach .
Not sure if the concentration varies by brand.
I always just buy Clorox - not sure if there is a difference.
But basically 1:10 ratio should be fine per above and CDC
Oh My Gosh! What an angel and a poster child for strength and persaverence. Just like her mama! Well, maybe less the angel part:shifty:

Hugs and prayers coming your way. Please let her be home and healthy for Christmas! When is her birthday?
They think she got an Ileus from the c.diff. I have never heard of this and when I found info on the internet it reads...

(50%-60%).6 Nausea, malaise, anorexia, hypoalbuminemia, and occult colonic bleeding may also be present. Fulminant colitis is characterized by a toxic appearance, fever, diffuse abdominal pain, and distention. These patients may develop toxic megacolon and paralytic ileus, with little or no diarrhea, which ultimately can result in colonic perforation and peritonitis with substantial mortality.2 The incidence of severe disease has increased recently.

But no fever or bleeding.

might be starting IV Flagyl today even though she gets the neuropathy.

I am so scare she will end up in the OR. The outcome doesnt look good it she needs surgery. Online I read people died from surgery while having C.diff
She is so beautiful! I hope she is feeling better! About her monkey don't throw it away. Wash it in hot water and a bleach/water solution. I tried to find the ratio of water to bleach but can't find it. But I did find make sure you wash on hot and that the water goes to 60 degrees Celsius or 130 Fahrenheit. I did find there is a product by a company called chemex that kills cdiff better. The product is called antibak. Google chemex to find it. I tried to post the link but am having trouble with it.
They put her on clears today. DH said she pooped twice since I saw her last and he "thinks it was a lot" he didn't get her pee and poo divided which is harder to do when it is liquid. Her distention has gone down a bit and I am more optimistic today now that I have talked to him.

All this bleach gave me a headache I think my ratio was too high. 4th load in the wash. I have to put time in between loads bc my hot water tank isn't that big. lol

I am not picking up Livana today my sister decided to keep her. She is awesome, though I miss my kid.
I am so glad it sounds like she is starting to improve. Keeping my fingers crossed for continued improvement and a fast recovery. Probably a smart idea to keep Livana with your sister. Give yourself a chance to get a little rest and concentrate on Rowan.
Oh and Go Blue! When State gets a hospital with great world renown doctors you let me know. oh that is right not that cool are they Farmwife?:ack:

:yfaint: I'm not going to argue about the sports teams when you are in such emotional stress. It would be WAY to easy to win and I would feel guilty for taking advantage.:shifty-t:

Also the fact is we might actual see each other face to face some day..... it would be weird to start out with a fist fight.:eek: (I would win):cool2:

How's Rowan?
Been keeping up to date with Rowan for some time now, finally had to post after that beautiful picture of little Row, what a star! :thumleft: :rosette1: :grr1d:

(Oh and go Mary :emot-waycool: for "liberating" those wipes!)
Ack, Mary...I hate to hear this.
I loved the BIG photo. She is a darling :rosette1: with her Christmas drawing...I remember those days well when they did precious artwork.

Cannot really fathom that she has c-diff, WTF.
Have they speculated as to WHY??

SO sorry. The little sick ones kill me.
HUGS, dear.
The pooping and gas are great signs! I am so glad to hear this news. Keeping our fingers crossed and her in our prayers.
Ack, Mary...I hate to hear this.
I loved the BIG photo. She is a darling :rosette1: with her Christmas drawing...I remember those days well when they did precious artwork.

Cannot really fathom that she has c-diff, WTF.
Have they speculated as to WHY??

SO sorry. The little sick ones kill me.
HUGS, dear.

Nope it actually is pretty near to impossible to get c.diff without a colon, very rare thing. Let alone an ileus from it. Also even rarer bc she has not been in a hospital/nursing home and is not on any kind of immunosuppressants or antibiotics. Takes VSL daily so it really is bothering me that she got this with those odds.

I drew the art she colored it. She doesn't like coloring books for some reason makes me work for her all the time. I don't mind.
Mary I was told that one can carry c. diff naturally. Then something can come in (virus or bacteria) that upsets the good bacteria that allows the bad (c diff) to flourish. I was told that c diff in small intestines is WAY harder to treat but......I think and hope since you were on the ball with Rowan she'll recover quickly.
Thanks All!

Farmwife your a DORK!. lol

What upsets me about this statement is you took time to type this!:eek:
Of course your from UofM so mental power isn't your strong suit!:thumleft:
It's ok, start petting your head and say your pretty.:ylol:

love ya!

HOW'S ROWAN doing?