cold and grey again,but dry.....
I'll have to look at the C & F differences so that I can tell how hot/cold you are. I'm sure we were in F, when I was young53F and rainy, although looks dry for now...
Brrrrr !!!-17C with 5 cms of fresh fluffy snow.
You’re living the life Tony.I'll settle for a nice cup of tea and a toasted cheese and onion sandwich
Sounds like your management drug has lowered your immune system too much. That's why I stopped entyvio and remicade years ago! Sick every infusion cycle with upper respiratory ailments which of course set off a flare. Lasted a year on remicade and 6 months on entyvio, before saying no,no,no! You work with public, right? Your exposure is even greater than mine was in an small office setting. Take care of yourself, you don't want to move from cold into walking pneumonia... which happened to me.I wish I was practicing with them!!! Not very happy, cause this whole winter I've gone from one cold to another!!! Speaking of, guess what I have again! Grrr.
Supposed to be rainy and 50's today, but up to 60's this coming week. Sure can't wait for spring and summer!![]()
Buff, that was an acute, immediate response too! No doubt about what was the cause. Scary.I failed Remicade and was forced to stop after the 3rd infusion due to drug induced Lupus. It affected my heart, peeling skin, hair/beard loss, and one of the worst side effects was that the colostomy bag would not stick to my skin without going further into the detail. It made me scared of biologics. I fared well with managing diet, and stress. Keeping active with all the chores and firewood all help.
Weather is warming up here, but I am not ready for spring, this has been a very good winter, one of the better ones in years, not looking forward to the biting flies and the wild fire threats.
Amazing isn't it. In the sumner we have a lot of low flying helicopters too....they're big beautiful birds!!! Occasionally they fire the big guns.... and that does shakes the windows!Wild and windy again ,but a few dry spells to get out for a quick walk ,
14C ,
Patsy we get the gunfire as well , we have a naval base in the harbour and when they practice it reverberates around the whole area .
I haven't Patsy but will have a look on the web.I have to tell you though,I'm not into girly / romance stuff...can't be doing with it.....I'd tell you what I read and my fave authors but....well,just butCarol...Have you read the Darcie Wilde's 5 book series A Rosalind Thorne Mystery? Just finished book #5. I enjoyed them! If you haven't read, thought I'd recommend.... that us if it's a genre you're into!![]()
Oh I do like your ..."winter is running a high fever"!!! PERFECT! Last time I looked at my thermometer, which was about mid afternoon, at that time it was 78°F. It has been a super N I C E day!We don't have naval base, but Search and Rescue do maneuvers with the Hercules 130, its a sight to watch that big dark turboprop plane cruising low doing high banked turns. But all too often its the real thing with the spotter plane way up high while the water bombers hit the fires. So far they have done a good job, the place is still standing.
Winter is running a high fever; windy, raw, wet, miserable +1C
Did you drink anything with it? Any side dish, salad?I have enough ribs for three meals, and I enjoyed them yesterday.
Nice, just the way it should be.I put the pork ribs into the slow cooker after pulling off membrane, and cut them up into pairs/tripples of ribs. Added jar of garlic cooking sauce, two large chopped up garlic sections, and a quarter teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Cook for 5 hrs. Start on high and then reduce to low heat.
Made baked potato, a tossed salad, or cucumber salad if I am in a flare, along with a glass of red wine.
Easy recipe, easy clean up.
Ohhh, the ribs sound wonderful and spicy too! Yum!We went up to 3C yesterday, wet miserable, but nothing is free eh? We have to pay for the winter we had and the summer to come. I already miss the sunny dry cold days, and summer is still a long ways off. Spring is the weather bill, the property taxes will come, as does income tax, but I'll let the tax preparer wade through the paper work, its worth the fee. It's that time of year again when it comes in from all directions.
I started the slow cooker with ribs, with garlic sauce and a hint of red pepper.
That’s what I thought.200km on a snowmobile, wow
Liked the picture and video Tony.200km on a snowmobile, wow ,
Nice enough day here today 12C and mostly sunny ,
Got out for a walk mear the water ,
Ah now i understand , I thought he was doing 200k all at onceNice pics, I can see that you are well into spring Tony. With the trail systems snowmobilers can go hundreds of kms in a day, with restaurant stops and hotels along the trails in the southern part of the region where he lives. Here in the north one has to take extra fuel and supplies as the stops are few in this remote part of the province.
5 minutes later we had a clear blue sky , but it was that kind of a day , my boss (wife) went in for her first swim of the year in that water , she said it was bracing ,Liked the picture and video Tony.
Great pics looks very much like our area.The prom,what we call the bottom prom,is a lovely walk but it's "down the bank" which means it's "up the bank" home and it's getting steeper as the years ( months/weeks) pass.200km on a snowmobile, wow ,
Nice enough day here today 12C and mostly sunny ,
Got out for a walk mear the water ,
They did the 200 kms in one day. Snowmobiles are similar to motorcycles and can go well over 100 kms per hour on good trails and frozen lakes. But for a more leisurely pace and for those of us older rest stops for good home cooking and an overnight stay are more appealing.Ah now i understand , I thought he was doing 200k all at once
The storm has left us, the sun is out, and the dry cold is back for a short stay. I will take advantage of it and get some sun and tan on my face this afternoon. -22C this morning. May go for a snowmobile ride, not 200 kms, but maybe 20, and by then my body will be done and ready for the recliner and TV remote.
Brrrr Bufford, my bro-in-law who recently moved in with us has a hard time with our beautiful sunshine weather at 50° f (about 10°c). He says it's too cold. But he is a wimp, lol. Actually, he's autistic and likes things like he likes them, and recently spent many years in the Las Vegas area with its heat that I could never tolerate. So I would be the wimp there. Or where you live Bufford. I like my Utah weather.The storm has left us, the sun is out, and the dry cold is back for a short stay. I will take advantage of it and get some sun and tan on my face this afternoon. -22C this morning. May go for a snowmobile ride, not 200 kms, but maybe 20, and by then my body will be done and ready for the recliner and TV remote.
Hey Sandy ,nice to see you again ,Brrrr Bufford, my bro-in-law who recently moved in with us has a hard time with our beautiful sunshine weather at 50° f (about 10°c). He says it's too cold. But he is a wimp, lol. Actually, he's autistic and likes things like he likes them, and recently spent many years in the Las Vegas area with its heat that I could never tolerate. So I would be the wimp there. Or where you live Bufford. I like my Utah weather.
Hey Carol hope it goes well with Les ,and don't be afraid or stubbornThanks Buff,we're OK for now.Not perfect but I'm managing...the trouble is we're not used to asking for help,although it has been offered, but for now we (I) can manage. All our old friends have passed over,and our only relative is Scott in Aus. so it's just me.But I'm not a sociable person and can't be doing with folk interfering hahaha....It's 11c but cloudy ans we had a walk round the shops for a few groceries instead of going to the supermarket this week. I just know cat got a share of that chicken....
Hey... I'm here again... back to check on y'all. I've been dealing with spring weather that included high winds for a couple of days blowing stuff around, nice balmy weather calling me to get out and work in the yard... then that makes the sternal hairline fracture hurt again and I get sidelined! Later this week the weather is turning cold for a couple of days, they say.It's a lovely day, warm and sunny.Les id pottering out the back and I've done more than I should have...I've aches in mysterious places hahaha Waiting for engineer to do the annual gas service , between 1 & 4 pm.!!!! can they no be more specific for goodness sake.
I hate waiting in for people but it has to be done...where's Patsy ?
Hope you're much better by now, Buff.Feeling poor this morning, I took a laxative during the night having been constipated yesterday and since then have had several runs to the outhouse; diarrhea and the chills. Put on a big log on the fire and still feel the chills even though the house is hot 28C inside. Not sure if it was the pizza that was slightly under cooked at the center or something else. Its a bit better now, but left me exhausted.
-14C partly cloudy.
I do hope you're feeling MUCH better today.I wanted to post yesterday but ended up with a migraine. At least I'm on the mend.
I agree with Bufford, Carol, don't be stubborn or afraid to ask for help if you need it. Life is too short already.
I self isolate myself somewhat, but have plenty of dysfunctional relatives I could reach out to. (I was one of 9 children, yikes!) I also have a few good friends, but one of my best friends passed away a year or two ago from complications from a brain aneurism a few years ago. Some of my isolating, however, is because I have absolutely no energy to do much as I've had several little strokes, blood clots in my lungs at least three times, a mild "silent" heart attack and I have heart failure. And narcolepsy. Oh, and I've had diverticulitis three times in the last year and a half and hospitalized for pneumonia once. Sorry for the long feel sorry for myself tirade, but with my migraine I was feeling sorry for myself today.
As for the weather, I understand we're having one of our wintry snow/rain mixes, but I haven't even opened the drapes for a couple days. I can't wait to be out in the garden again. And participating in kayak fishing tournaments this summer. (With the help of a motorized kayak. I'm spoiled.)