Hi GF!
I was dx with crohns when I was 16, in 1972. At the same time I started to get pain in my left hip which affected me for years, but I was much too young for a hip replacement. I got by most of time and lots of exercise helped (but not too much high impact stuff)
Nobody ever made the connection with crohns disease... or the fact that I was taking pred from age 16 to 18... and high doses at the start. Now I'm sure there must be a connection with one or the other.
I still did a lot of active things - like diving and martial arts (that was very good due to the strectching exercises and extensive warming up we did) and it was only in the last few years that it really degenerated... I ended up being housebound for a couple of months and in constant pain, and had a hip replacement about three years ago... hardly had a single twinge since then
I didn't have a regular hip replacement, but what is known as a "Birmingham Hip Resurfacing" which is better for people who are younger and more active (at 50, I still counted as younger and more active). Google it if you want more details.
I'm not intended this post to be alarming... just trying to put the whole story in a nutshell. I was bad, but not THAT bad. I had long periods (years) without many problems at all, apart from restriction of movment... so the lotus postion will be out of the question. Some of my other joints are a bit creaky, but it was only my hip that was a real problem, and the hip resurfacing (if it eventually comes to it) represents a 100% cure. The operation itself was not a problem... I've had worse visits to the dentist!
Other people have had joint problems related to pred, but it's so long ago for me I can't remember... may just clear up on its own
Good luck