Allergic to vancomycin?

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Jan 30, 2011
We just found out that Max(12) has c-diff again.3 days after starting vanc he woke up with a puffy eye,itchy fingers and a rash on his back and stomach.It got better with Benadryl but now I don't know if we should continue treatment.He is also allergic to Flagyl.I don't know if there are any other meds for c-diff?

Let's first mention that C-diff really is not the subject I know the best but I did some research for you. The obvious therapies are indeed Flagyl and Vancomycin but I encountered a few others while searching. Apparently there has been good results with the use of Fidaxomicin and rifaximin. I see you are in the US so those should be available.
There was also Tigecycline and teicoplanin. I have to say I know nothing about these two....

I've also read about the possibility for intracolonic antibiotics (that was relatively to vancomycin). I wonder if it could be better regarding the reaction he has. Maybe it worth being considered.

Also, have you ever consider the possibility of fecal transplantation? I know it can be done but I don't know how about it's efficacy on the overall. I haven't looked it up yet!

I hope this helps a bit!
It's been 4 days and no call back from our doctor. I have called them twice a day and asked what the plan is,but nobody seems to know.What I have been told in the past is that those other meds have not been approved for children. For some reason he is doing really good right now.His stools have never been this formed. But can't help to wonder if the c-diff is going to pop up any day now.Yes,I have thought about fecal transplant and is willing to do that if that is what it comes down to.I've heard of some good results from it.

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