Am I the only one who is overweight and trying to lose it?

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Oct 21, 2011
It seems that the majority of people with IBD are underweight from malnutrition, but I'm stuck overweight and haven't been able to lose. Since the beginning of this year I have felt really fatigued and weak and haven't been working out as much, but by the same token I don't think I'm eating more because I feel rather sick when I do eat.

Does anyone else have problems losing weight?

ETA: When I was first diagnosed I was 145 lbs and in pretty good shape, but because some of my worst symptoms were timed with ovulation, my doctors put my on the pill and I ballooned to 170 where I have been stuck ever since, even though I'm not on the pill any more.
Oh interesting. I just did a comparison on shakeology vs muscle milk and shakeology seems to win. I need to get back to working out, but my workouts prior to January were lots of boot camp classes and taekwondo. And now doing planks hurts in ways a plank shouldn't hurt!!! I've lost a lot of upper body strength, and I have Spartan races coming up!!!
I was thinking the same thing! I actually have about 80lbs to lose and I really struggle to lose the weight. It took about 7 years before I could get any doctor to listen to me and I know that had a lot to do with my weight. Actually, 3 different doctors told me if I lost weight my symptoms would go away (I was running to the bathroom at least 20 times a day).

I've just started counting my calories while also trying to figure out trigger foods (I'm in a flare now) so I hope that will help. I'm really too tired and the pain is too bad to workout. At the end of the day I just want to feel healthy! :)
It seems that the majority of people with IBD are underweight from malnutrition

They estimate that 90% of overweight people are actually malnourished.

You may be surprised about how much sugar you are eating on a daily basis.

I suggest the following books and film:

1) "I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program" by Sarah Wilson. Is delicious and easy to follow book.


3) "Eat To Live - The Amazing Nutrient Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss" by Dr Joel Fuhrman
I admit, I'm a calorie counter with a sugar addiction, le sigh. Before this most recent "flare" I was exercising 4 days a week upwards of an hour of intense interval workouts. I was more about the fitness, and just keeping track of calories. But then I wasn't well enough to workout for 2 full months. But I'm slowly getting back to it and I've fallen far.
You are totally not the only one!!

I was a very active person before my diagnosis! Then I got very sick, was in and out of the hospital and on a high dose of Prednisone for about 6 months and I gained 50lbs! The low-residue diet I was on for a few months didn't help either. As I got a little bit better and stronger I pushed myself to do a little bit of exercise (walking) and I also started to reintroduce fruits and veggies again in the form of smoothies.

Thankfully, the meds I'm on right now are helping me to feel more normal. After Thanksgiving I took my medical freeze off of my gym membership and started going to classes again. I started with 2 classes a week and increased as I felt better. I currently am down 20lbs and I started the 21 Day Fix this week to help boost my weight loss. I'm doing those workouts everyday and I'm also adding in classes at the gym!

I think if you're able to push yourself a little bit it may help you to get back into a normal workout routine again. I made excuses for a while due to symptoms I was having (fatigue, joint pain, etc), but after I got results back from a bone density scan I knew I had to push myself, because exercise does help with bone strength. I also feel so much better too - more energy, self confidence is boosted and I've also noticed I rarely have pain in my belly anymore - something that was a constant, everyday thing for me for such a long time!

Best of luck to you!! :)
There are loads of tubby crohnies I,m one and feel pretty calm about it.its the least of my clinic is full of tubbie crohnies and a few very ill thin ones,hope they all get better soon
Like Alley, I was put on prednisolone and went from being underweight, to overweight in a matter of months. Fortunately I had a lot of weight to gain, so I haven't got drastically overweight.

Right now, I'm gluten-free, dairy-free and paleo - so I pretty much stick to meat, eggs, vegetables, salad and brown rice. Lost 7 pound in a matter of days!

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