Anal spasms/contractions: confused

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Sep 3, 2012
I have had these spasm like contractions that causes a sharp shooting pain right at the end of my anus. There does not seem to be anything that triggers it. The last few days thy have been horrible. If im walking the pain stops me in my tracks. I do have a large hemmy, just got over 5 days no poo, and just found out I have a mild blockage.

Has anyone else dealt with this before? If so what did you do to help it. Should I be concerned about it. I got a colonoscopy coming up on the 20th of this month. I hope these spasms don't cause a problem with the test!

I also have had extreme sharp pains that sometimes bring me to the floor. Starts at the bottom of my bum and shoots right up through me. I haven't been constipated, so I know it is not caused by that. I have crohns and AS. I have also been on Hunmira for over 2 years, nothing else.
I just think that thses pains are due to the disease. They never last long and I get them a couple times a week.
How long have you had these pains since? Did it start before the constipation or after?
I have been having them for several months but they were few and far between. Since the constipation they hit all day long, they even wake me up at night. So annoying.
OH LORD I used to have HORRIBLE rectal spasms several times a day... would wake in the middle of the night with them also. I never had constipation, always diarrhea.

A suppository of any kind will help.. Some people say that massaging the rectum can help, but it never helped me. If they last long enough, a warm sitz bath is supposed to help.

The only thing that helped me was mesalamine suppositories or enemas and hugging a heating pad. I tried sitting on a heating pad and it helped a little.
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I have crohns and AS aswell and am dealing with constant anal pain I'm going to see my GI about it tommorow and see what he says
Well saw the GI today basically my whole backside is inflamed and also had acidity problems basically gave me some sonac which os like zantac also gave me some degas tablets and some steroid suppositories and cream i took the sonac and my backside feels better going to try the cream first to settle it then gonna start the suppositories but basically heaps of inflamation amd acid
Sorry to hear that ozboz. My dr has prescribed steroid suppositories but Medicare don't cover them. I don't make the money to buy directly. I just hope things are better by the 20th. Really afraid to get scoped with already pretending roids and possible fissures.
I have found some more natural remedies and fairly cheap ones for rectal pains I'm going to try them tonight please google epsom salt baths as I have done alot of research on them and are supposed to be a very good anti-inflamitory I bought a pack of epsom salts at the health food store for 5 bucks not sure on the quantity but will last me a while as all you need is 2-4 cups of it all you do is run a warm or hot bath dump2-4 cups of the salts in there and soak for 10 mins I will bedoing this tonight see how I go but please google epsom salt baths for rectal problems might help as I wanna try more natural stuff first
Earnellzwifey. Did you ever figure out any more information on these? Did your colors copy show inflammation caused by these spasms?
I do not have Crohn's but I have had many anal contractions. To relieve them I tighten and loosen my anal sphincter muscle until the sensation is gone. I start doing this the moment I sense it coming on. I do the exercise for around 5 minutes and it is gone. I used to walk it off but I've found this works faster.
I occasionally have this pain.No matter where I am,supermarket,bus stop etc.I cry out loud and go up onto my tip-toes. And get some funny looks,I might add.But then it passes.My GI told me it's call Proctalgia (?)
As it only happens rarely I wasn't given advice.My GI was unconcerned.

Enter Proctalgia Fugax in the search box at the top of the page for more info.
When the spasms came I used to walk them off but I found that doing the anus sphincter squeeze and release over and over eased them quicker.
I used to get these also...mostly after a bowel movement. Pretty much ended up curled in a ball on my bed for an hour what with that and then the resulting bowel pain after.
This happens to me occasionally, and I notice it happens to me more often when I am on my period and particularly when I use tampons. To be honest I don't know if it truly does correlate or if it's just in my head. For me it seems to be related to gas?

You should see if your doctor could prescribe you hyoscyamine. It is a tablet that dissolves under your tongue and is supposed to help with cramps and spasming. I have had some success with it though I haven't had this exact problem in the time I've had the prescription.
I have them too, OMG they hurt! Always end up with diarrhea.

I take a bath with epsom salt, I have no idea if it works. I am guessing it only helps in my head!

feel better soon

This happens to me occasionally, and I notice it happens to me more often when I am on my period and particularly when I use tampons. To be honest I don't know if it truly does correlate or if it's just in my head. For me it seems to be related to gas?

You should see if your doctor could prescribe you hyoscyamine. It is a tablet that dissolves under your tongue and is supposed to help with cramps and spasming. I have had some success with it though I haven't had this exact problem in the time I've had the prescription.
That is what my doctor prescribed when he thought I had IBS as well as Crohns.

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