And out popped a STONE!?

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wears odd socks
Apr 23, 2007
Hi guys,
just to let you know i'm generally doing well now, feel as though im past the worst! :)
However........last night when i emptied my bag i found a stone! At first I thought it was a mushroom because it was black, but on further inspection it was rock hard! (I even tapped it on the side of the bath!) I pressed it firmly and it broke up in my fingers, in the middle it looked slightly fibrous (reminded me of a chocolate covered raisin, but much harder!)
I KNOW it not something i've eaten, i wouldn't have swallowed something like that because i'm VERY conscious of chewing my food extremely well to avoid possible blockages. So i'm completely confused as to what the hell it was!!
I've been suffering with REALLY bad cramps ever since the surgery and i wonder if its related (because funnily enough since the 'stone' incident i've not had any cramps! - although i've not eaten much today so theres still time!)
So was obviously just wondering if any of you have any ideas of what this could be. Google only comes up with urinary stones!
We thought it may be some kind of blood clot, or calcium build up, really not sure!
Thanks guys hope your all well, ill be able to post much more now as i'm at my dads and internet access is easier. :thumleft:
Do you still have your gallbladder? If so perhaps it is a gallstone. It is not uncommon to pass small stones into the duodenum. Pigment stones tend to be very dark in colour and are made up of calcium salts and bilirubin.

Dusty. :)
Hi Vicky - good to hear from you and glad to know that things are generally going good!

First, please don't tell me you are eating MUSHROOMS so soon after your surgery???? <faints> They are impossible to digest!

Second, did you save the stone? I would call the GI doc to discuss. There's only two kind of stones I know about - kidney stone, which I think only pass thru urine, and gallstones, which I think would pass thru the bowels.

Good luck - keep us posted! That must have really freaked you out!

- Amy
Nyx...where are you???

I sincerely was just one seriously long overdue bit of poo? (hey...that rhymed!) :rof:

I mean, it could've been hiding somewhere in there for yonks and decided hey...what the hell, I might as well come out and scare the shit out of Vicky!! One test...did it stink??

But no it could be gall stones. But heavens your body has been through alot and sounds like it's getting rid of the 'badies'. Lets hope so anyway. But I'd let the Dr know! Two weeks after I had stan...I took a proper poo. Hard as a rock. I about died. Thought I'd be goin outta two holes. But I was also secretly proud. It was my first solid in about 3 years. There was satisfying about it. have solid in a bag. Vicky...we love you!!! :ycool:

Do have a giggle!
I'm here, I'm here!! I have no advice at all Talk to the doctor, can't go wrong with that :) Plus, it really does sound like a gallstone. Have the cramps come back since passing it?
It's a stoma bandit. They're really common in west africa. I saw them on tv. They live in the cecum, until they're old enough to mate with undigested pieces of lettuce or mushrooms or the like. Then, they curl up into a ball, and pass out the bum. You, however, have a stoma, and it was not able to conceal itself cleverly inside a poop.

Well, maybe I'm lying. I don't really have any idea what that could be, but I totally understand the "WTF did that thing just come outta me? What the hell is it?!" feeling...

Sometimes, I get in the bathtub, and the things that float around me... *shudders*
Hey Vicky! So glad you are starting to feel better. Crazy about the rock! Eepp. Did it hurt or did you feel yourself passing it? How are your wounds healing up? Like your bum and tum? Did they staple yours shut or sew? Anyway thinking of you and hope u get better and better all the time :) x
Glad you are doing better. 1st of all Mushrooms - YUCK, LOL. Sounds like a gallstone, time to talk to the dr. Maybe this surgery made you a mason :) Best of luck
Stoma Bandit!!:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

That will henceforth be the official name of any UFO (unidentified floating object) that comes out in my bag!!!

Good luck, Vicky. Let us know what you find out!

- Amy
Stoma Bandit!!:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

That will henceforth be the official name of any UFO (unidentified floating object) that comes out in my bag!!!

Good luck, Vicky. Let us know what you find out!

- Amy

The bastards! Excuse me Bandits!! Fabulous darling...UFO bandits!!!
Update on the stoma bandit.......
There have now been 2! Passed another one last night, exactly the same only slightly smaller. Ive kept it, its now sealed in a small food bag labled 'unknown contents!' LOL! Ive got an appointment to see a stoma nurse tomorrow so i shall take my little bandit along with me, see what she thinks of it! Im pretty convinced it is gall stones after looking on the net. I had a problem with excess bile when i was in hospital, i threw up about 2 litres of green vomit! And my stoma was pumping it out like noones business, so maybe its a follow on from that. Anyhoo, thanks for the advice everyone, as soon as i find out i shall let you know the identity of the mystery bandit!
Vicky, that's sooo scary! And you are being very brave. I hope you dont need a crime scene investigator to determine what/who the culprit is!!!

OMG! Two litres of green bile??? Yep, my guess is gallstones. Good luck! Hope it's not causing you too much discomfort.

- Ames
After a meeting with my surgeon, the stoma bandit is.........cemented food!!!!! NOT Gallstones! My stoma nurse said she was pretty certain it was gallstones (after showing her it!) but my surgeon straight away said it wasnt. Said he checked my gall bladder in surgery and it was fine. He said the cemented food was from before my strictures and it had just been sat there a LONG time, he said he felt quite a few of them, so dont be suprised if i pass a few more, which so far, i havnt. I suppose they wernt really a problem, they didnt hurt or anything, just scared me a bit!
In the mean time, i have been eating like a trooper, think ive put on about a stone already! Yesterday i had my first sunday carvary (no veg tho). Wooooo, it feels so good to not get stomache ache anymore! :D
Hi Vicky- good to heat you've got to the bottom of this, and better news it's not gallstones.
Hope the recovery continues to go well for you,
And x
Hi Vicky,
Well, that is good news. But a bit weird! I'm glad you're doing well! Ok, I had to look it up online - 1 stone = 14 pounds for us here in the US. That's great!
Glad you got some answers! Kinda weird answer, but good nonetheless! Hope your recovery continues bump free :)
So my guess, weird as it was, was close on the 8th of May. :yfaint:
At least you have your answer...hey, you could collect and name the bandits..maybe after infamous robbers?? :ylol:

I sincerely was just one seriously long overdue bit of poo? (hey...that rhymed!)

I mean, it could've been hiding somewhere in there for yonks and decided hey...what the hell, I might as well come out and scare the shit out of Vicky!! One test...did it stink??
