Anemia and real low hemoglobin

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Mar 14, 2009
I was sent home from the hospital after having a real bad infection which is now under control.
My hemo globin was 7.2 when they sent me home and ordered 3 iron pills a day.

My question is.. Im finally getting ok sleep, but i woke up ar 5Am feelin a bit lightheaded, slghtly faster heart beat and kind light on breathing for a few seconds at a time..

im guessing this is from the anemia?
yeah my heatrate accelarates when im anemic.
i also have gotten heart palpitations from it before too...that kinda feels like i cant breathe well for a few seconds to me.
I had heart palpitations when my iron was low. This was before I was diagnosed. Teh Doctor at the time treated it as Anxiety. Which of course was totally wrong. After being diagnsoed and going into remission i ahd iron infusions. They helped immensely. I just had it recheckd and it is holding. My iron went from a 3 to a 47. And my hemoglobin is very good.
Does anyone know where onlien we cna check blood levels? I got some numbers from my doctor but i'm not sure what is healthy and what they mean. I'm in Ontario Canada.
I'm havign a blood tests as soon as I go get it done... I will repost my "scores" but I usually hover around 9-10 area... I was at 8 when diagnosed. Anemia SUCKS!
It's funny, because I didn't notice any of the symptoms of anemia until I asked for my blood test results. Then I saw my iron level, and I was like, "Should I be taking an iron supplement or something?" to my doc. And when she told me I should, that's when I started experiencing the light-headedness and such all of a sudden. Pretty funny.
I get a light headed feeling too, along with a very fast heart rate.
Every time I get my BP the nurses always ask if that is normal for me. lol

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