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Mar 20, 2013
I was diagnosed with anemia a few months ago and got pills for it. But recently I've felt really dizzy,weak and other anemia problem so I think it's back again. My family doctor is still on vacation so I was thinking to get some OTC vitamins for it. Does vitamin B12 work for that? At least temporary? If yes, what is the recommended dosage? 1000mcg, 2000mcg? Does anybody has this problem with their crohns? If so does it mean I'm flaring and somewhere in my intestine is bleeding? :(
I was hospitalized with severe anemia on 5/3 & had 6 blood transfusions before I was diagnosed with Crohn's. I have been having a flare up & have been feeling anemic again too. My doc was also on vacation but his office told me to go to a local prompt care clinic to have my hemoglobin level checked if I was worried about it. So maybe there's a clinic in your area that'll do the same? Do you take iron supplements?
B12 is only one reason for anemia, and there are many to examine. Please go get checked - in some cases this can be a serious problem. If you mention being seriously dizzy, it needs to be looked at as you hemoglobin likely is quite low and you may require blood infusions rather than just supplements. If this has happened before for you, you likely are susceptible to either poor absorption of nutrients or may have a regular slow leak or bleed, maybe even occult so it isn't noticeable. Again, follow up is necessary.
Can I ask a related question? My doctor's office just told me last week that my anemia was improving. I just thought I might have felt dizzy. Is that possible if I am improving?

Is your anemia related to an iron or a B12 deficiency?

It is possible that it's being caused by intestinal bleeding. Have you noticed any blood in your bowel movements? If not, you're probably not losing enough blood to feel those effects and it's more likely that you aren't eating properly or absorbing nutrients. I'm not sure of your gender (sorry!) but if you're female, low iron can be caused by your menstrual cycle as well.

Are you feeling symptoms you would associate with a flare? If not, I wouldn't worry too much about that.

I'd suggest seeing a doctor and confirming the cause of these symptoms before supplementing. You wouldn't need to see your regular doctor. You could probably call the office (or your GI's office) and have them set it up for you without seeing the doctor. Alternatively, you could try a walk-in clinic just to get the blood work done. That way you know for certain the cause and they can advise you on what dosage of supplement you need.

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